The boys are back!!

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I walked to the Curtis house every step I took my side burned in pain but I just had to ignore it as it wasn’t as bad as before thanks to the aspirin. I finally go to the old, run down house and saw Soda and Darry race outside. “SODA! DARRY!” “Come on Kate Ponyboy is back!” Darry yelled. I climbed in the back of the truck and just enjoyed not being on my feet for a bit. “You ok Kate you don’t look so flash.” Soda asked. “Yeah mate I’m fine just a little tired but I’m excited for Pony to be back!!” I flashed him a reassuring smile so he wouldn’t ask again. We rode in silence for the rest of the ride. We eventually arrived at the hospital and my heart sunk and my stomach churned, why were we at the hospital? “Darry why are we at the hospital.” I asked

Darry: There was a fire where Johnny and Ponyboy were staying and some kids were trapped inside. The boys rescued them but Johnny got hit with a burning beam and dally went to rescue him and they all ended up in hospital that’s all we know.

Kate: Dally’s in there?

Soda: I guess, come on Kate!

Kate: um actually I am gonna let you guys have some family time I’m going to visit Dally.

Darry: good idea Kate thanks.

They ran inside and I walked slowly up to reception to ask where Dallas was. I walked up to Dally’s room and slowly opened the door. I saw him just lying there I had no idea how bad he was.

Kate: Dally? Can I come in?

Dally looked up to see who it was.

Dally: yeah sure take a seat.

Kate: Thanks.

Dally: so how’s the cut?

Kate:  fine I guess. How about you?

Dally: my arms pretty fucked up Doc says I should get full use of it again in a few weeks.

Kate:  that’s good then.

 I slightly smiled and looked at his arm it was all bandaged up. I looked into his eyes and we just looked at each other for a moment. Dally had this thing about him that just drew you to him, made you want to kiss him especially when you just stare into his eyes.

Dally: How’s Johnny?

Kate: He’s still in surgery I asked the nurse before.

Dally just stared at the ceiling and didn’t move.

Dally: Kate the Doc won’t let me out in time to be in the rumble.

Kate: Dally we both got to be in that rumble you know it!! And since when do you listen to the doctor?? Since when do you follow the rules?? You are Dallas Winston rebel without a cause, my rebel…-I grabbed his hand and he just stared at me I don’t know what I was doing, I am with two-Bit but part of me just thought that I could have lost him today and I needed to hold on to him and not let him go- Dallas please we both need to be there, we need to fight.

Dally: Kate-he squeezed my hand – I will be there, by your side.

I smiled at him but not a happy smile sort of a side smile.

Kate: When I get there I’m going to do something, don’t try to stop me ok? And don’t ask me what it is because I can’t tell you.

Dally: ok Kate ok.

I went to leave but he gripped my hand tighter “stay? Please?” I saw a pleading look in Dally’s eyes one I had never seen before so I agreed to stay. I sat back down and rested my head on my arm. “Dally if you had asked me to go out with you sooner before Two-Bit I would have said yes. Although I have always liked Two, you have always had a hold on me in some way. But I am with two now and I can’t leave him…I’m sorry.” I swear I heard him say fuck although it was extremely quiet so I can’t be sure. We sat there in silence and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

 I dreamt that I was in the park and I tried to move but couldn’t I was stuck in the one spot, my feet stuck to the cement. The cement wasn’t its typical grey though it was covered in blood I wanted to scream but nothing came out of my mouth.  I looked up and saw the dark haired Soc coming towards me with a cruel sadistic smile spreading across his face. He had his blade in his hand and made jabbing movement towards me. He got so close that I finally got the courage to punch him right in the nose and he disappeared.

I woke up and it was dark outside I looked at the clock and it was 11 pm. I looked up at Dally and he was sound asleep. Dally didn’t look like himself when he was asleep he looked a lot younger and happier. I let go of his hand and pried his hand off mine, I slowly stood up and tiptoed to the door. I walked to the water cooler in the hallway and got some water, my throat was so dry. As I was drinking the water I realised how quiet it was there was basically no sound, it was nice.  I wandered if Johnny was out of surgery yet, I wandered up to the desk on and asked the nurse if he was out she said yes and he was just down the hall on the left I thanked her and went on my way, I liked this nurse she was the one that helped me get changed. 

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