Day before my birthday

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Kate’s POV

Two-Bit and I decided to have a picnic on the pier while the others went and did their own thing. Steve, Dally, Soda and Darry went canoeing while Ponyboy stayed with Johnny and read Gone with the wind to Johnny. I went and got changed into some light blue faded ripped jeans with a baggy off the shoulder black top and my boots. I made sure Two-Bit stayed outside though so no one thought we were doing the deed. I walked up to the kitchen while Two got changed and I packed us a lunch made of peanut butter sandwiches, coke and chocolate cake. I walked down to the pier and met Two-Bit there he had gathered some wild flowers that were purple, my favourite colour, I dropped the basket at our feet and he handed me the flowers and kissed me on the cheek. I grinned from ear to ear and pulled him close kissing him. “Shall we sit?” I gestured to the edge of the pier, “We shall.” He put his hand on the lower of my back and guided me to the edge of the pier he was so romantic. All through lunch I couldn’t help thinking about last night, I kept thinking about last night and how I hadn’t waited until I was married. I felt guilty and ashamed, and then it hit me! Did we use protection? Because I sure as heck don’t remember. Two-Bit stopped in the middle of a story he was telling me that I wasn’t really listening to, he must have seen my face change. “Did we use protection?” I whispered to him. He just threw his head back and roared in laughter, “What’s so funny?” I asked a little frustrated that he wasn’t taking this seriously. After he had calmed down he explained “I was telling you a serious story and then that’s what you blurt out. This is why I love you Kate and yes we did I made sure too.” But then his face got serious and he frowned “Kate, I don’t know about this stuff but if you can’t have kids why does it matter that we use protection or not?” I gave him a funny look “I guess it’s just precaution… I don’t know.” I just looked at my hands while I fidgeted with them.  Two-Bit put his finger under my chin to make my eyes meet with his “Guess what?” he said. “What?” I asked back smiling a little. “It’s your birthday tomorrow!!” he smiled a huge cheesy smile that only he seemed capable of doing it always made me laugh. “You must be turning…what…50?” He teased me. My mouth dropped open and I laughed and smacked him in the arm then went to tickle him but he just grabbed me and I ended up sitting on top of him so how hips were touching. “You’re horrible.” I giggled and leant down to kiss him then decided to kiss his neck which I knew he loved and when he was getting into it, then I stopped kissing him and climbed off to get a drink. “What was that?” he asked I just winked at him and said I got thirsty but I said it with a sassy tone so he knew I did it for him making the joke earlier. He just rolled his eyes and fell back down.

Ponyboy’s POV

I was so glad to have Johnny back in my life he was my best friend that wasn’t related to me.  However he didn’t seem the same he seemed a lot more depressed and somber. “Are you okay Johnny?” “Nah man, it sucks seeing everybody being able to walk and I won’t ever be able to again. I can’t even go to the toilet without needing help, it’s embarrassing man. Dally say he don’t mind but I don’t want people helping me with intimate things like that for the rest of my life. Doc said it will get easier before I died-Johnny did air quotes- Man what if because of this stupid thing I stay a virgin?”. I didn’t know what to say to Johnny so I just stared at my feet. “Johnny I don’t know what to say man, but I want you to know that I will help you whenever I can man but ahh with the whole virgin thing yeah you’re on your own there haha.” Johnny snickered a little but then just looked out at the lake “Pony could you take me swimming?” He looked at me with big imploring eyes the ones I could never say no too so I said yes and went to get changed in my bathers which were just plain black. I walked back out and wheeled Johnny to the edge of the lake I took his shoes off for him and his socks. I was pretty strong so I managed to pick Johnny up and walked into the water but I slipped on some mud, fell on my ass and let go off Johnny. When I sat up I saw Johnny floating face down in the water “Johnny?!” I screeched. Then I saw his arms move and he turned over to face me with a huge smile on his face “man you should of seen your face.” He thought it was hysterical and I wasn’t gonna be a downer so I just laughed. We sat in the water for a while and then I suggested we keep reading so I ran and got the book and sat back down to Johnny in the water. The day turned out to be a good one.

Two-Bits POV

Kate and I sat on the pier the whole afternoon laughing and talking but mostly laughing. We watched us the sun set and the boys came back after canoeing they all looked drenched I guessed they had tipped so I laughed and said “fancy a swim hey boys?” they all just glared at me except for Steve who also thought it was funny and laughed along with me. We decided to have a barbeque for dinner seeing as it was such a nice night out. I helped Darry with the barbeque with a beer in my hand, “Two-Bit? You are going to be good to Kate aren’t you?” I looked at him with disbelief; I almost could have punched him. “Look Darry I don’t know what you think but I love Kate and I would never hurt her.” I sounded angry and Darry just looked down at the sizzling brown meat. “Look man I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it I just don’t want to see Kate hurt, she’s like my younger sister.” “I know man, hey tomorrows her birthday I’m planning on taking her out for dinner but I need to get her present first can you come with? And can you get the other guys to the restaurant as well without Kate knowing?” “Yeah sure man” he smiled and continued on cooking. “Darry? Can you keep a secret?” “Yeah of course man. What is it?” he looked at me seriously. “I’m going to ask Kate to marry me.” I cracked a smile and so did Darry then he just smacked me on the back that was meant to be friendly but that guy is so strong it hurt a little. “Congrats man!” he sounded genuinely happy and excited but kept it on the down low so the rest of the gang wouldn’t know. After I told Darry I went back and sat next to Kate thinking about the rest of our lives together. Darry served dinner and we all scoffed it down it was great! After dinner we all sat up for a bit and played truth or dare. “Truth or dare Two-Bit.” Darry asked. I knew this couldn’t be good if Dally was behind the truth or dare. “Dare” I said. He smirked at me and then said “I dare you to run naked down the pier and into the lake.” Shit! I thought “but its freezing Dally” “hey you chose dare, are you really going to chicken out?” he began to cluck like a chicken so I stripped and ran down the pier and bombed into the water. I heard Kate laugh mostly and then heard everyone else as well. I saw Kate run up with the towel and she was still laughing she held it up and looked away while I got out and wrapped it around me.  After my dare we all decided to go to bed so I grabbed my clothes and ran back to the cabin because I was freezing. “I’m gonna stay out here for a little bit longer and look at the stars.” Darry said. So Kate and I went back to the room. I went to jump in the shower when Kate grabbed my arm and crushed her lips too mine. I was a little surprised at first but then I kissed her back. She ran her hands up and down my abs and chest. “You just want me for my body.” I joked in between kisses. “Maybe” she teased me. Then went back to making out.

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