The funeral

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It was a week later and the Doctor told me I could go home so naturally Two-Bit drove me home and nursed me back to health, I was so lucky to have him he was so sweet.  The pain of losing Dally and Johnny wasn’t as strong and I was starting got feel better but I knew I needed to closure. Two-Bit and I were sitting in front of the TV watching mickey mouse, eating chocolate cake and drinking beer. “Two can we go to the cemetery today?” I asked quietly. He just looked at me “sure”. So I got up and went to the bedroom out of my light purple pyjamas and into a baggy black shirt and blue jeans and for the first time in a month my black leather jacket. I fixed my hair into a pony tail and put on little makeup. I walked out to the lounge room, two looked up and his jaw dropped. “Wow, you look gorgeous.” He said just staring at me. “Seriously?” I laughed. He jumped up and put his hands on my hips and swung me around. “Haha put me down Two-Bit.” I protested. He did and kissed me on the forehead. “Let’s go.”

~30 minutes later~

We pulled up outside the cemetery and I stared down at my hands and took a deep breath. “You ready” Two asked. “Yeah I guess so.” I said quietly. We got out of the truck and slowly walked towards the graves. Two-Bit grabbed my hand and I intertwined out fingers and gripped it tight. First up was Johnny’s I was looking down the whole time we were walking there. I looked up I saw the gang around a gravestone looking at me. “W-what are you a-all doing here?” I was just so shocked. “We couldn’t let you go through this alone. We got to have a funeral for Johnny and Dallas you didn’t.” Darry said. “I can’t believe you guys, thankyou.” I smiled at them and rested my head on Two-Bit’s shoulder. He put his arm around my waist and walked me towards the gravestone. Dally’s was right next to Johnny’s. Johnny’s read:

 Here lies Johnny Cade,
 a loving brother and beautiful soul,
rest in peace Johnnycake.
March 1st, 1949 - November 3rd, 1965

Dally’s read:

Here lies Dallas Winston,
A brother and best friend,
He will forever be our hearts and we shall never forget him.
August 9th 1948 - November 3rd, 1965.

“We will all say something about them and then have a drink to them.” Soda said. “That sounds really nice.” I stated. Darry went first then Steve then Ponyboy, Soda and Two-Bit and finally me.  “Um, I don’t really know what to say….The last time I saw Johnny was the day of the incident. I walked in and sat next to him he woke up and we had a short conversation, Johnny told me he loved me as a sister then he asked me to sing to him so I sang his lullaby and he fell straight to sleep but I got to say the best memory of Johnny I have is when I cooked him bacon and he stared at it like it was the best thing in his life. I will never forget his face when he realised all that bacon was for himself.-my voice was shaky and tears started falling down my face.-That’s how I will always remember Johnny…happy.- I took a deep breath and turned to face Dally’s grave.- Dally well what can I say, you could be an absolute ass at times-they all laughed “ain’t that the truth” Two-Bit chimed in- but you could also be real sweet and nice if you tried hard enough. We always got along well, I think really you were just misunderstood. You had a hard childhood which in turn made you a hard person. You were both tough and tuff and Johnny’s hero…we never could understand why. You were good to the boys when they were in trouble you protected them like a big brother and I will never forget you Dallas Winston I will cherish our memories forever.”

“Nicely said Kate” Darry said.  “Thankyou” I smiled. “Right now where is the alcohol?” Steve bellowed. “Right here.” Darry said holding up a blue cooler, he handed a beer can to each of us. “Here’s to the gentlemen.” We all cheered holding our beers up to the sky. We all sat around talking I saw Pony alone against the tree which was a few meters away from the graves, I walked over to him. “Hey Ponyboy long time no see.”  I smiled walking up to him. “Oh…hi Kate” It seemed as if I had interrupted a deep though. “How you going kid?” I asked punching him softly in the shoulder. “I’m ok I guess…I just miss Johnny, he was my best friend, I told him everything.” A single tear ran down his cheek but he wiped it away quickly. “I know I miss them both. Pony listen I am sorry I wasn’t there for you when you came back.” I meant it I had paid no attention to him after all he was only 14 he needed every piece of support he could get. “Shoot Kate no need to apologise, you were in bad shape I understand, you couldn’t help it.” He smiled at me. “I want you to know Ponyboy if you ever need to talk about anything, anything at all you can talk to me. I promise I won’t judge you and I am a pretty good listener.” I put my hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye. “Thanks Kate I might just take you up on that.” He laughed a bit. “Well I will be waiting.” I laughed as well. “How’s the wound?” he asked looking at my side. “Oh its fine healing up real nice, can’t even fell it no more.” “That’s good then.” He sounded happier now. “Come on lets go back to the group they might get suspicious.” I winked and he laughed. I slung my arm over his shoulder and we walked back to the group. “Where’d you to come from?” Two-Bit asked cocking an eyebrow, I loved how he did that I never have been able to. I pulled Ponyboy closer to me “Two-Bit I’m sorry but me and Ponyboy eloped and are running away to Mexico together.” I teased him. “ I knew it!-he stood up and walked over to me and picked me up bridal style- You are mine Miss Williams not Ponyboy’s mine you hear?” I giggled. “Well fine I guess you will do, sorry Pony” I said dramatically. Then he kissed me and I laughed again. “Alright you to settle down you’re making me sick.” Steve said mockingly.  Two-Bit let me down and the whole gang laughed and talked for the rest of the night.

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