Last day of camp

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Kate’s POV

Camp had gone so fast and it was the last day of camp before we left tomorrow, only one thought was really on everyone’s mind though…what about Johnny and Dally? What was going to happen when we left? I mean they couldn’t come with us it would be too risky for anyone to see them. We all avoided that conversation but I knew we had to have it because we were leaving tomorrow. We were all sitting around the campfire when I spoke up.

Kate: Alright we have all been avoiding it…but what’s going to happen with Dally and Johnny when we leave tomorrow?

Dally: Well we can’t go back with you…that would be stupid.

Kate: I know that but I’m sure I speak for everyone when I see if you’re alive we want you to still be in the gang and around us.

Johnny: Kate, they think we are dead I don’t think there is much we can do.

Two-Bit: Yeah but guys we’re going to miss you and we will want you there at the wedding.

Dally: It’s not going to happen and you know that Two-Bit.

Two-Bit: you’re not even going to come to our wedding? That isn’t fair!!-Two was getting really angry like I had never seen him before.-

Dally: No we’re not!! As far as I am concerned you can take your wedding and shove it!

Kate: Dally come on you don’t mean that.

Dally: Oh don’t I?

Sodapop: Guys come on calm down.

Dally: Shut it Sodapop this don’t concern you.

Two-Bit: What is your problem?

Dally: you are my problem! You tell me off because I won’t come back to Tulsa, back to the gang because we can’t risk being seen when in reality Two-Bit you’re leaving the group for a girl.

Two-Bit: first of all I am not leaving the group and second of all she is not a girl she is the girl I love.

Dally: Yeah the girl I loved first!!!

Everything suddenly went quiet and my heart skipped a beat and my breathing all of a sudden got shallow, what did he just say? Dally didn’t just say that, he couldn’t have! I just imagined it.  But I don’t think I did because in a matter of seconds later Two-Bit stood up and punched Dally right in the face. Suddenly the two were in a punch on and tears were welling up in my eyes, I wanted them to stop and I wanted Dally to be joking but I knew he wasn’t. Darry and Steve split the two of them up holding each one back telling them to calm down. Suddenly all eyes were on me I didn’t want to make a scene bigger than the one that was in front of me. I slowly stood up and walked away, I needed to clear my head and think about things. I walked along the road the was outside of camp, tears no longer in my eyes I was calm but at the same time stressed, annoyed and upset with the underlying emotion of nervous that had been there ever since the proposal.  I thought about the few days before Dally faked his death, about our moments we shared together and the emotions I felt during the time period. I had felt feelings for Dally in those days, feeling for him I had never taken notice of before but had always been there out of noticeable grasp. My feelings for Two-Bit were always a lot stronger, Two-Bit made me feel safe, loved, and in love. Dally just gave me that sense of danger that made me feel alive, what Dally made me feel was not love it was lust, a lust for danger. I realised I never liked Dally, I liked the metaphor he is, Dally represented the danger I craved in my life. Once I realised this it felt like big weight had been lifted from my chest and the nervousness I felt had been erased. I love Two-Bit Matthews and that’s all there is to it, I don’t want or need anyone else in my life.  Although I had sorted through everything, I was enjoying my walk so I decided to just keep walking because tomorrow I had to return to reality where there was the social division of Socs and Greasers. Everything seemed so beautiful, the way the birds chirped and the crickets sang their song of nature. I had always enjoyed nature and the outdoors, I liked how there was never anything fake about it, it was always just pure.

It was starting to get dark I decided to walk back to camp hopefully the boys weren’t worrying about me, I hated it when they did because there was no need to, of course when I got jumped by socs it came in handy. I wandered up to the bonfire pit and saw the guys sitting there not speaking Dally and Johnny had left and Two-Bit was standing on the pier. I walked past the guys and smiled and continued towards the pier. You could clearly hear my footsteps on the pier, thanks to my boots, and yet Two-Bit didn’t turn around or even flinch, it was as if he was expecting me or ignoring whoever he thought was coming towards him. Once I reached him I didn’t say anything at first I just wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his back then I whispered into his back “You and me, we are something special. Nothing can break us apart, I don’t love Dally! I love you, you are my world and I’m going to marry you!” “When Dally said that, I got so jealous because the thought of life without you always makes me so mad and upset that thinking of life without you and watching you with somebody else just made me mad, so I hit him.” I walked around to face him and went to kiss him then stopped myself. His face contorted in to surprise and confusion. “What’s the matter?” He asked frowning at me and looking me straight in the eyes. “Two-Bit I’m not going to kiss you right now because we have the rest of our lives to kiss and I don’t plan on leaving you anytime soon so I’m not going to kiss you right now because that would show us that we don’t trust us enough to stay together. So we have to kiss each other as often as we can.” His frown moulded into his cheeky smile, “Yeah but I love kissing you because I love you.” And before I could say anything he took me in his arms dipped me and crushed his lips to mine. We heard cheers and whistles coming from the bonfire we looked over and saw the guys all standing and clapping and cheering. I turned to Two-Bit and said “You know you just ruined my point I was making” I laughed and jokingly slapped him on his arm. “Get used to it princess because we will be spending the rest of our lives together and this won’t be the first time.” He smirked at me and I just laughed.  

We walked back to the gang and we all watched the sunset and decided what to have for dinner. We eventually agreed on something simple like marshmallows and smores, because that was all we had left.  I went and looked for marshmallow roasting sticks with Ponyboy while Two-Bit and Soda went to find wood for the bonfire and the other guys stayed back and made the fire with what little kindling we had. Once the fire was started I handed out the roasting sticks and got a marshmallow for my one along with two biscuits and some chocolate. We all told jokes and laughed until we ran out of marshmallows which took a while because Darry had over stocked on the marshmallows, thankfully. Once we ran out we all went back to our cabins to sleep, I fell asleep in Two-Bit’s arms and to the sound of his steady heartbeat that now seemed to act as my lullaby. 

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