This can't be happening

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Two-Bit had decided to walk me home and was about to kiss me goodbye when we saw a very anxious and worried Soda coming towards us he was still wearing his clothes from last night,  a red and blue plaid button down with blue jeans and boots.  

Two-Bit:  What’s with the look Soda run out of hair gel? He said teasingly

Sodapop: Have you seen Ponyboy?

Kate: No we haven’t. He still hasn’t come home?

Sodapop: He did but then Darry went off at him for falling asleep in the lot and accidently hit him and Ponyboy ran off, we haven’t been able to find him since! Me and Darry are really worried can you please help me find him?

Sodapop looked close to tears he loved Ponyboy so much; I knew this had to be killing him.

Two-Bit: Oh shoot Soda of course we will. We will around the movies and drive ins. Come on Kate.

Sodapop: ok thanks meet back at our place.

Two-Bit and I ran as fast as we could to the nearest drive in The Dingo we searched the place properly and there was no sign of him there we went to the next one which was called Jay’s these were both the Greasers drive-ins while the Socs mainly went to The Way Out and Rusty’s. We searched in every drive-in around town and couldn’t find Pony anywhere.  I was starting to get real worried and I could tell Two-Bit was as well. It was now 9 in the morning and we were going past a newsstand when something caught my eye, a newspaper article.  I froze just standing in front of the paperstand just staring at the article. Two-Bit was still running when he realised I had stopped and came back for me.

Two-Bit: Come on Kate! We got to find Ponyboy!

I was in so much shock I couldn’t speak or move to let Two-Bit know what I was shocked about. He then saw what I saw and his jaw dropped, and we just stood there for a good couple of minutes.  The article read:

In the early hours of this morning a body was found in the park on the East side of town. The body is recognised as the teenage socialite Robert Sheldon or Bob as he was known to his friends. Police have had eyewitnesses come forward this morning and tell of two boys who were involved. Police suspect that Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis are responsible for this brutal killing. The family have asked for some privacy and say that a memorial for Bob will be held on Tuesday. Police ask if you have any information about the two suspects to please come forward.

Under the article were two pictures of Johnny and Ponyboy.

Kate: T-Two-bit. I stammered
Please tell me this ain’t happening!?
I looked at him pleadingly hoping he would tell me this was all just a hoax even though I knew it wasn’t.

Two-Bit: Come on Kate we should get back to the Curtis’s.

He grabbed my hand and we ran back to the Curtis house.  I was so dizzy and out of breath when we got there I had to lean on the gate for a few seconds to get my balance. I had forgotten that I had been running all morning. Two-Bit was already inside when I got my balance and decided to go inside. I didn’t know if the other boys knew yet part of me wished they did I so I didn’t have to tell them but the other part wished they didn’t because I don’t know how they will react. As I reached the door I took a deep breath and went inside Two-Bit was sitting on the couch slouched over and looking at his feet with his elbows resting on his knees. Darry came walking out of the kitchen into the lounge room with a glass of water for Two-Bit and I “thanks” I murmured hardly audible.

Darry: so no luck finding Ponyboy?

Darry sounded so defeated and somewhat guilty. We all knew he didn’t mean to hit Ponyboy but that wasn’t going to stop him from beating himself up about it. Two-bit didn’t move only shook his head and I knew I was going to have to tell Darry.

Kate: Darry, I think you should sit down.

Darry didn’t hesitate and slowly sat down in his old worn out blue faded armchair. He looked up at me expecting me to continue but I didn’t know how to say it. How do you tell someone your kid brother and his best friend is wanted for murder?

Kate: You can’t find Ponyboy because….because um…well. I said slowly.

Darry: No Kate you don’t mean he’s- tears started to well up in Darry’s eyes.

Kate: No Darry no not at all. Ponyboy and Johnny are wanted for the murder of a Soc called Bob Sheldon. We saw it in a newspaper article and well I think they may have runaway Darry. I’m sorry.

 I felt like I could cry and so I couldn’t handle seeing Darry’s reaction so I put down the glass of water which I was still holding and walked out on to the stairs. I had so much racing around my head.  So many questions I needed answers to. Were they really murderers? Where were they? Are they ok? Am I ever going to see them again? I knew they couldn’t have done this not the two most innocent of the bunch and just definitely not Johnny not with those big black eyes of his that just melted your soul.  Suddenly I was running as wind belted against my face and tears came streaming out of my eyes. I wasn’t sure where I was going until I reached the park where it took place. There was police tape around the outside of the park but no one was there so I ducked under the yellow and lack tape and slowly walked towards the huge blood stain on the ground. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it, it seemed so real but yet it didn’t.  I wanted to scream but all I could do was stand motionless staring at the brown patch on the cement. Suddenly I felt two hands on my shoulders I spun around and saw Dally.

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