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I woke up in the hospital the next morning with Two-Bit right next to me holding my hand like when I had first come in here. “Two-Bit wakeup.” “Hmmm? Oh hey babe, how are you feeling?” I took a second to find out; I couldn’t feel my cut so I said “I’m fine.”  I said.

Kate:  At least I wasn’t out for ages this time. I chuckled

Two-Bit: Kate what’s the last thing you remember?

Kate: odd question but the rumble a guy punched me in the side and I collapsed then you said I love you and I said I love you too.

Two-Bit: Oh shoot Kate!

Two-Bits eyes started to tear up and he buried his head in his hands. I looked at him confused and pulled his hands away.

Kate: What’s wrong sweetie? Why are you crying?

Two-Bit: Kate you have been in a coma for 4 weeks, you lost so much blood, the doctors have had you out purposely to make sure your body would recover properly also you had swelling around your brain and they said you might have some memory loss.

I laid there just absorbing what he told me. 4 weeks? But I felt like I had only slept for a couple of hours.

Kate: 4 weeks? How is that even possible? Have you been here the whole time?

Two-Bit: most of the time I was, Kate promise me you will be more careful there was a point where we nearly lost you…I can’t handle losing you, you’re my everything!! I love you Katerina Charlene Williams.

Kate: I love you too Keith Lucas Matthews.

He lent down and kissed me on the lips, he went to pull away but I put my hands either side of his face and pulled him closer. I missed his kiss it always made me tingle inside and made me feel giddy. I could have kissed him for hours but I heard someone cough and let go of Two, it was Steve and Soda. “Are we interrupting something lovebirds?”  Steve smiled. “yeah now go away, Kate doesn’t want to see your ugly face as soon as she wakes up.” Two-Bit teased. “Are you kidding me? My face is a safe haven compared to yours.” Steve retorted.  “Oh both of you come of it.” I laughed.

Soda: good to see you’re finally awake sleeping beauty! He smiled.

Kate: yeah, yeah not my fault.

Soda: whatever. So how do you feel?

Kate: yeah fine I guess. So how’s Johnnycake? Is he out of hospital yet? – I thought for sure he had to be better by now.

Soda: she doesn’t remember?

Two-Bit: No it doesn’t appear so. Shit!

Steve: fuck man…

They all looked really glum and looked at the ground. I looked at each of their faces.

Kate: Someone want to tell me what’s going on please!

Two grabbed my hand.

Two-Bit: Kate Johnny died just after the rumble, he was real bad Kate. Also Dally…well when he found out he exploded and robbed a grocery store and got caught we tried to go hide him but when we found him he was being shot by the fuzz, and that’s where you collapsed.

Kate: no!- I whispered, I turned my head into my pillow and sobbed loudly.

Two-Bit: I think you guys should come back later.

Steve: yeah we will…cya Kate.

I didn’t respond. I didn’t want Dally to be dead neither Johnny. Johnny was to innocent and had so much ahead of him and Dally was my best mate and he had so much life in him. “Two-Bit lay with me?” I said between sobs. I moved over and he climbed up and wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back, I always loved it when people did that. “Two-Bit when we get out can we go to their graves?” “Of course babe, whatever you want.” I listened to his heart it was steady and peaceful. I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

I dreamt of that Dally and Johnny were about 50 metres in front of me I tried to run to them but I couldn’t I was stuck held back by doctors. I then got a good look at them Dally was clutching his stomach blood was trickling down his body and out of his mouth and Johnny looked burnt like he did when I saw him last. I screamed their names but they both just looked up and put their arms out like they were reaching for me, desperation on their faces. I reached out for them too but they just got farther and farther away. I kept screaming out for them.

Two-Bit:  “Kate! Wake up!! Wake up Kate!” Two bit was shaking me.

Kate: “Oh Two-Bit it was horrible! I don’t want to live without them.”

Two-Bit: “I know Kate, I know, it’s hard for all of us.”

Kate:  “Two, there is something I got to tell you. The day after Johnny killed that Soc and I ran out of the Curtis house. I ran to the park and Dally found me, he took me back to his place and I was all shook up. Dally kissed me.- I paused- but I told him about us and he was sorry. I just had to tell you, I am so sorry Two.

Two: Aw shoot Kate, It’s in the past now but thankyou for telling me.

Kate: you’re not mad?

Two: I almost lost you so I don’t care what you did in the past I have you now and I’m not going to get angry over something stupid like that.

Kate: I am so lucky to have you -I kissed his neck and he made a funny noise so I kissed it again.

Two: Kate stop it tickles- He laughed.

Author's note:

Hey guys i just want to thankyou all for reading. :) i wouldn't bother if it wasn't for you all. 

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