Aleena's POV

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"You know Donovan likes you right?" My new friend May asked me.

She was a well-tanned white girl with bronze hair and blue eyes.

"I know."

"Then why don't you go out with him?"

Brittany came up and began walking with us. I had known her sense the

seventh grade.

"Are we talking about Donovan? I believe we are." Brittany smiled.

"No we're not."

"Well sense you brought it up-"

"I didn't."

"- He's cute."

"Not just cute but foyn. You'd better grab him before one of these

white girls do. And he has blue eyes." May said.

Brittany and I looked at May and laughed. "I think you've been around

black people a little too long." Brittany said.

"Me and Brittany just think the two of you would make such a cute

couple." We stopped at May's locker.

"That's not something I want right now."

"Gees Aleena, you might as well be a lesbian."

Brittany huffed and leaned against the lockers. "Girl please,

I've been down that road and there was a big fat sign that said

ROAD CLOSED. She redirected me so fast. Trust and believe

me she is strictly dickly."

I rolled my eyes. "I wish you would stop telling people


"Sorry. I thought she should know."

May frowned. "Brittany, you're a lesbian?"

"No, I'm bi. There is a difference."

"She tried and I wasn't having it." I added. We started

walking again down the hall.

Brittany bumped me. "So...?"

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