Donovan's POV

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I went outside as soon as I saw Aleena walk out of her front door carryin two duffle bags. When she saw me she rolled her eyes and dropped her head to da side.

"What?" She said out of strengt to argue.

"I just want to talk to you."

"Make it quick. I'm busy."

"I guess I just need to know...are we still together." I was sure I seemed pitiful in her eyes. I felt desperate, like I was begging. Someting I never wanted to feel again.

"No, we're not together. I don't want to have anything to do with you."


"You asked. I answered."

"You have to give me more time."

"I'm so tired of hearing that. Our time is up. It ended when you got it in your mind to hit me. So from now on don't call me, don't text me, don't come to my door or knock on my window. Stay away from me Donovan."

"So you've given up on me?"

She sighed with grief. "I tried." She got into da car wit' Marcus. As I watched dem drive away I felt like she was leavin and never comin back. I wanted to fall off of the face of the eart.

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