Aleena and Donovan

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Aleena & Donovan

At first she noticed her ring was missing when she was washing her face and didn’t have the feeling of the hard metal rubbing against her cheek that she had grown accustomed to. She went into panic mode searching every inch of the house trying to figure out where it had slipped off. She wanted to have it on when she went to visit Antonio in just a few days.

She went next door.

“Hey.” Donovan smiled answering the door.

She greeted him with a kiss and stepped inside. “Baby have

you seen my ring?” she asked searching for it in his room.

He frowned. “And here I was tinkin you were here to see me.”

“Sorry Donovan but I need it.” She looked under the bed.

“Why do you care about him so much?”

“Don’t start. Please don’t. It’s too early in the morning.”

“It’s just a question.”

“I told you we’re close.”

“Have you ever dated him?”

“No. Toni was in my life way before I met you so if something was going to happen between us it probably would have happened by now.”

He sat on the bed and watched her search for the ring so diligently.

She paused looking back at him. “Are you going to help me?”

“Can I ask you someting?”

“You’re going to anyway.”

“Why do you need dat ring so bad?”

“I want to have it on when I go visit Toni next week.”

“You’re going to see him?”


“For how long?”

“Two weeks.”

“I’m guessing I can’t come.”

“Can I be allowed to do something by myself for a change?”

“So you gon be alone with him for two weeks?”

“He’s not the only guy in the world Donovan. If I were going to cheat I could do that with anybody.”

“Why can’t he come down here? He has a car. Is he scared I’ll catch you two togeda?”

“Catch us? Get a grip Donovan. I wanted to go there because I’m here all the time.”

“Tell me you’re not plannin on sleepin wit him while you’re dere.”

Aleena spotted the gold ring under the computer desk. Watching her put it back on her finger Donovan wanted to snatch it back off. She turned to him.

“What did you say?”

“Are you plannin’ on sleepin’ wit’ him Leena?”

“I’m not planning on anything.”

He stood and looked at her with anger in his eyes. His face tightened and he began flexing his fists. She looked at him like he was stupid.

“You wanna hit me now?”

He shook his head and stepped back trying to calm himself. “If you fuckin him Leena just tell me.”

“I’m not fuckin him Donovan.”

He nodded. “So you make love to him? Do make love to him the same way you do with me?”

“Something is wrong with you.” She shook her head and walked out of the house.

He followed her. “Leena.” He grabbed her arm.

She spun around snatching away. “I don’t have time for this.”

“You don’t have time for me but you have time for dat oda nigga?”

She started walking away again.

“How do you expect me to act Leena? You’re always with some dude.”

“If you’re so convinced that I’m cheating on you then leave me alone.”

“I don’t wanna leave you.”

She turned to him. “Maybe you should get some real help.”

“Maybe if you stopped actin like a hoe I’d be fine.”

Leena stood there shocked that Donovan would speak to her like that.

“Leena I didn’t mean that.” He said reaching for her. She jerked back holding her hands up.

“Don’t you touch me.”

This time she walked away and he didn’t follow her.

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