A Taste

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"mild smut ahead‼️‼️‼️🔞


Mew lead me up to his bedroom
while my heart was beating erratically in my chest.

He had me sit down on his bed while he grabbed me a large T-SHIRT of his to sleep in.

"Get comfortable love,I'm going to take a quick shower. It was a long flight" . He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before I watched him walk into his bathroom and crack the door.

It took everything I had inside
not to peak...did he want me to follow? Even if he did I didn't have the courage to do it. I had only been fantasizing about what he looked like nude since I met him.

I knew it was going to happen sooner or later I just didn't know when.

When I knew he wasn't watching
I changed into his shirt. Only leaving my boxers on underneath.

As I laid down on the bed I quietly groaned at how good it felt. He slept in crimson satin sheets that smelled like him. I was assaulted with the strong scent and I groaned again,inhaling deeply.

Oh God ,I could really get used to this.

I had never felt more comfortable in my life except for when I was in his arms . And now I was going to be in his bed. In his arms.

How in the hell did I get so lucky.
Before him my life was so normally bland . Only lucky women got to live lives like this.
With a man like Mew.

I wasn't even a woman yet he wanted me...

Closing my eyes enjoying the complete bliss I was in, I listened to the water run as he showered . My imagination ran wild with thoughts of what was to come...
Of him touching my body... At that moment there was nothing
I wanted more in my life. Although it terrified me.

When he said quick shower he meant it. In a matter of minutes he was walking out with a towel
wrapped lowly around his waist.

As soon as I opened my eyes, they met with his and I couldn't help but gape .

Strands of his dark hair were hanging down his forehead. I
Couldn't stop my eyes from skimming down his body. I felt all the air leave my lungs.

More dark hair trailed from his belly button,down under the dark red towel . Hmn... Damn how I fucking love 'happy trails!
They were so hot and his was beyond perfect on his perfect, rock hard abdomen. His chest was just perfectly sculpted and I swallowed hard upon hearing him chuckle.

I quickly looked down at my hands. " You have nothing to be ashamed of baby,you can look whenever you want,all you want to. I'm all yours."

I still couldn't look up until I felt
his warm hand under my chin and our eyes met again. "It's ok
Baby,it's ok" he placed his soft
Lips on mine and I moaned.

In a quick intimate moment he pulled away." Are you ok with me? Just sleeping in briefs sweetheart."

I nodded. "Y-yes" . Again my voice was a whisper.

He smiled at me before he walked over to one of his dressers. And opened a drawer.
Again I was dropping my eyes to my hands.

Everything inside of me was screaming at me to look at but I just couldn't. God I was such a p***y!

I was still extremely immature in that way. I knew Mew would play a huge role in helping me grow up. It wasn't my fault I was so young. Even though that I knew there were many boys my age and younger who had gone way farther than me. A boy I used to be very close with in 8th grade
had slept with almost all of the guys in our class. He was very content in his own skin. Although I like myself just the way I was , I wish I was different in that way.
More comfortable in my own skin.

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