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I was nervous.
Today wasn't like any other usual day I've had with or without Mew.

It was the day before we were going to get the DNA test done ,
Sunday and Mew had more than
just a few friends over. He was also drinking way more that I Had ever seen him drink before.

He was laughing as he sat around the poker table in the basement and or as he called it,his man cave.

He took a little while to even bring me down here after I first
moved in. It was equipped with a full bar, kitchen and tons of games . I was currently leaned up
against the pool side, my eyes never leaving Mew.


He was sitting way to close for my liking to a beautiful blonde woman . I narrowed my eyes as I gnawed on my lip.


I was suddenly face to face with a very tall ,very handsome man and it unnerved me even more.
I recognized him from the last time Mew had a poker night ....the night Mew took my virginity . I blushed at the thought and the guy in front of me grinned brightly.

He most likely thought I was blushing because of him.
Whoooops... "Yes?"

" Are you ok love? I've been trying to catch your attention
but it took awhile".

"I'm ok...just thinking".

"That's good to know,how are you this evening? Enjoying yourself ? You seem lonely."

I shook my head rapidly. "N-no. Just kind of a room full of adults."

"Aren't you and adult yet?" Oh, God ...was he flirting? This was the last thing I needed now.

" do you know Mew?"

He leaned up against the pool table beside me and ran a hand through his hair. It was so black it made his bright green eyes really stand out. And I couldn't help but be drawn in by them.

" I work with him,as most of the people here , do... I've actually
known Mew since I was twenty one. He gave me a chance with no decent work history and now I've been in his company for ten years this year".

He was 31 but looked to be in his mid twenties. I chuckled in my head to myself, 'not my type too young'.

" That's cool. What's your name?
I remember your face."

He chuckled.
"Robert. I was scolded by Matilda for 'hitting on you' . I'm sorry for
that by the way. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. Having a few drinks with me was no excuse".

"It's ok. You didn't offended me". In fact he was the reason Mew finally made the move to be physical with me for the first time. I was actually grateful.

"So how do you like being the son of the great Mew Suppasit?" What a loaded question. He had no idea and would never .

"It's ... interesting. He works a lot. I do homeschooling so Matilda is
pretty much my only company
most of the time."

Ever since the whole party fiasco and incident with Bright ,I haven't seen much of my 'friends'. Mew's trust in people around me , especially males had been at an all time low.

Some of my girl friends have been over to study but that's about it. And Everytime Mew has been at the house, expecting guys to show up for some reason, along with whomever was coming.

I was still at Mew who seemed oblivious to me standing here talking to Robert ,whom was actually Making me feel much better having someone to talk to.

However it didn't worry me any less when I noticed that the beautiful blonde that was once way too close to him to begin with,was now sitting on his lap.

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