You're Mine

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🔞 smut  ‼️‼️ ‼️

I sat there on Mew's bed,like a fucking statue.
Except for the fact that I was twiddling my thumbs . I felt like if I stopped moving them I would literally go insane.

It was the only thing I could do to do not let my worries completely destroy my mental health. What had I done !?

Stupid! Stupid ! STUPID !

I let Bright comfort me and it totally misled him. Yes, I had always like him but not enough to want be with him and ruin everything that Mew and I had.

I just wanted Bright to be a friend. Mew was right all along,
He somehow knew Bright would pull something eventually. This is why he was always worried about me in the house alone with him.

Being in love with someone was different than having a stupid little crush.

I had never this dumb before . I should have said no to a party...
But if I did would I have ever been slapped on the face by reality?

Bright , couldn't just be my friend. He couldn't be my friend at all and he could and would never be my tutor ever again.

Whatever Mew had to say or would do, I deserved. Being drunk was not an excuse . I should have never let Bright kiss
me at all . Let alone get as close as he did.
Knowing that we were both under the effect of alcohol made me more guilty.

At the moment I had no idea how much time had passed since Mew slammed the door. I couldn't hear music from downstairs anymore though.

In that moment the door handle began to turn and I gasped,my head jerking up to watch Mew walk into the room.

He had removed his suit jacket and tie and his hands were placed,crossed, across his waist.

Our eyes met and I bit my lip, a little too hard at that,tasting blood.

Mew had shut and locked the door as soon as he walked in. I was suddenly more nervous than I was a minute ago.

" Was it your idea to have a party?!" He voice was husky and hearing it immediately made every single hair on my body stand up right.

"N-no...but that doesn't mean I'm n-not guilty"... I spoke softly,my voice quaking.

" You're a smart boy ,baby ". I watched him roll up his sleeves and move closer to me. Only a few teasing steps." I'm just going to say this now and get out of the way. " If you ever have boys over when I'm not home again,you will get worse that what I've going to give you right now. I don't have to ask who made the move first either, i know it was Bright. Do you want to know how?"

Oh God, oh God,

I nodded, biting my tongue now.

" I have cameras in every room of the house but yours ,baby boy"

He knew I was having a party since the moment people started arriving. Is that why he came back!?FUCK! of course ,it was !

" Why did you two come up to my room?"

I-I had to make sure that noone was having sex... In it".

He chuckled ,making me jump. "And I'm guessing Bright was being a big helper by scorting you and trying to make you feel better".

Again I nodded." I-I didn't really want him too. Mew you were right...he likes me as more than a friend. He can't come back anymore".

"That's obvious Gulf. I told you I didn't trust him. I understand that you are still a teenager and you're going to make mistakes, hell I still make mistakes. But when it comes to your physical safety it's not worth the rest. And you have to understand that I would KILL anyone who touches you wrong or tried to harm you in any way. I wouldn't be able to control myself."

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