what work?

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Everytime I got Mew all to myself, the time passed to quickly.
I mean everytime I woke up, I didn't remember falling asleep in the first place.

If people could see us behind closed doors they'd most likely say that we fucked too much. If that was even a thing...to me that wasn't possible not when sex was as good as it was with Mew.

I had no doubts about him ever wearing out. The only concern I have about the age gap between the two of us was losing him. It was one of my mission to make sure that Mew kept himself healthy. He took care of me and I was going to take care of him just the same.

"Mmmmnnn baby boy, you're going to kill me"...

He watched me adjust my snug shirt around my chest . I was going to have get some shirt in a large size. Mew didn't like me wearing V-neck shirts or button shirts that show off some cleavage and I had to do my best to keep the buttons in place.

" You're right .I need to change".

"Baby, this is fourth time ". He groaned ,taking a set on the bed and running his hand down over his face.

" I will NOT be able to keep these contain all day . Unless that doesn't bother you?"

He let out a growl and shook his head." Change . I'll meet you downstairs. Will go shopping when we get out later."

He kissed my forehead before leaving the room and I went back
to dig in my closet.

Ten minutes later and I finally dressed on.

As soon as he heard me walked down the stairs he was out of the kitchen,his jaw almost hitting the floor.

He scanned me for a moment and I enjoyed watching him swallow hard. "You were hot as usual ,baby ".

He slapped my ass hard ,making me yelp. He chuckled as my face turn red . " We need to leave ...now ".

And we did . At that moment. We were grabbing breakfast from Starbucks. I was the reason we didn't have a homemade breakfast but I swore to get this whole extremely bright and early thing down. Going to get more proper work attire would help big time. I wouldn't have to keep changing. I could get an outfit the  night before.

People already saw me as too young for Mew , I didn't want to
show up at his office dressed up
inappropriately for the  work place.

I didn't mean it to Mew but I was worried about how the women at his office would treat me. From what I've seen and heard about them so far - they were stuck up ,rude bitches.

Most of them had to know that Robby was my dad as well. Would they think that I was getting it easy because of Mew and my father?or maybe think that I was getting paid higher than them... would they spread rumors?

Did it really matter? The media had already done enough of that for everyone to have their own thoughts and opinions about me.

" Your dad is excited to see you".
Mew said as we pulled away from Starbucks. He could sense that I was nervous and he was trying to make me feel better.I wasn't quite sure if he could though. I mean I was still happy
that my dad was excited to me see me and work with me.

As stated before ,I  enjoyed when Mew protected me but he just couldn't fight all of my battles.
This was one I definitely didn't
want him to fight either because it made make me look worse.

I also wanted all of his employees
to feel like they were being treated equally. I wanted him to always be respected.

" I'm excited to see him too. Is he the one mentoring me?" I still was in the dark about who would be teaching me and to be honest I was kind of hoping it would be my father . I knew he would be fair with me.

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