Father ?

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The next couple of weeks went on the same. Mew was home a lot more and we spent every single second together that we could.

When Bright came over to help me with school, Mew would hover as much as possible which was slightly awkward. Don't get me wrong, I wanted Mew there but I know Bright felt his eyes as well. He didn't joke as much as when Mew was there.

He acted completely professional.
I tried to tell Mew that Bright was seeing Win but it didn't make him feel any better whatsoever. He just told me ,' I can see the way that boy looks at you, he has feelings'. I couldn't argue because I knew it wouldn't go any good. Mew was possessive and that wouldn't change no matter what.

It was a Tuesday morning I didn't have much school work to do since I had a lot of free time to put in extra work yesterday. I decided I was going to surprise Mew at the office with some lunch . In our time together I had learned that he had a certain fondness for Chinese and I was going to order from a restaurant we had visited a few times together.

Matilda was going to drop me off
and pick me up when I needed her.

Sometimes Mew went out for lunch so I was hoping that I caught him on time. It wasn't quite noon yet. He was his own boss he could come and go as he pleased and eat when he wanted that was definitely nice.

I dress in a pair of warm black jeans and black plain shirt and white converse.
It was a short drive to his office building. When I got out of the car I couldn't help but stare for a few moments in awe. It was HUGE. I wondered how many floors there were. Matilda told me that his office was on the 15nth floor.

I had been afraid of heights all of my life up until now it seemed.
Nothing was going to stop me from going in and seeing Mew.

As soon as I entered the spinning front door I was again stopped by the beauty of the inside. Although very simple and professional the place look immaculate. I had never been inside of the building in such high quality- if you were,before.

The place was intimidating ,just like Mew. Of course it would be.

On my way up to the front desk
I overheard a few people talking
by the elevators and I couldn't stop myself from eavesdropping.

"Did you hear about Christine and Mr. Supassit?" The one beautiful redhead whispered to the brunette.

" No, what about them"?

" They're together".
The redhead squealed.

" No way in hell ! Suppasit is better than that desperate woman!"

" Oh,no it's true, I have no doubt. She went into his office early this morning for over an hour and come out looking completely disoriented! They were totally messing around!"

Again the other lady gasped. And then the elevator opened and they were gone.

I bit my lip hard, completely a mess now. How could what that woman said NOT affect me? Why would Christine be in Mew's office for so long? I wish she didn't work here, I wish she would just leave him alone!

Of course all my insecurities started to whisper in my ears.
' you're just a child , gulf!'
'of course you wouldn't be enough for a man like Mew! Heck he's scared to hurt you after what happened in the kitchen'.

" Excuse me mister?" I was snapped out of my overwhelming thoughts as the lady at the front desk called to me. I looked at her wide eyed.
"Is there something that I can help you?"

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