Closing a chapter

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A strong awareness floods my veins - we're in danger . It doesn't
matter if we're locked in our suit together and Mew's pushed the bed and a few tables against the front door. And then the two large couches. I watch him growl as he tilts the one on end and and slams it into the door over the bed frame.

To be completely honest with you, I never saw this situation getting to this point. Alex Richards is in the hotel with us . Somewhere ...lurking ...and I keep feeling eyes on me like the paranoid person that I am. Obviously there's no way,we are on the thirtieth floor. There's only one door. My dad and the guys will find him before he can get anywhere near me,near us ...

"Everything is going to be fine,
Baby. No one's going to hurt you". Mew pulled me up against
his sweaty body and placed a kiss
on the side of my head.

I let out a sigh of relief after hearing his words but the uneasiness didn't dissipate completely.

Why would Alex try to get to me here ?it made no sense, Security was and did I mention- the thirtieth floor?

My phone begins to ring and Mew quickly took his arm from me to grab it.

" Robby". He lead me to a chair
and I sat down as Mew walked from the room.

With the flashlight we had found in the kitchenette drawer, I slowly examine my surroundings. And that's when I noticed it - the curtain on the balcony blowing in the breeze.

We never opened that door. I hadn't even noticed it when we came in.

I honestly thought the front door was the only door.
Fuck .

And just like you would expect, right as I was about to yell for Mew - a hand came down over my mouth.

" Fuck , you smell so good". I knew it was him the moment those husky words left his lips.

Shit, shit , shit !

Mew , please come back ! Please!
Now, like right now , right now!

" Do you know how long I've been wanting you? What makes
Mew so special that he gets to be
the one to have you? I knew that I wanted to have you all to myself the first time I saw you in
the tabloids - and when you started working at Suppasit industries and then I was assigned to mentor you- it was like all my fantasies were coming true. You were placed right into my hands".

He wrapped his other arm around my middle and began to
pull me backwards. I begun to struggle in his grip until I felt the tip of something hard and cold dig into my side. I immediately grew still." Good boy . I don't want to have to hurt you, hurting you would kill me."

As soon as we were on the balcony I begun to grow more frantic. How in the hell had he gotten in here and how was he planning to get us out !?

And then I heard a gun click and it wasn't his." Let him go now I won't blow your fucking brains all over the place." I didn't recognize the voice .

I couldn't turn to try and see but the voice was behind Alex and I.
And then Mew walked into the room, right towards us with my dad and three other guys .

I couldn't help but think that they knew Alex was planning on getting in from the balcony. I looked to the side to see something coming down from the top of the roof. It was one of those things workers used to clean the windows on really tall buildings. A portable davit, I think it was called. Oh my God,
The guys must have seen it while surveying the building.

" I'm only going to see this once, if you don't let him go right this very moment, your life is over , Richards."

Alex laughed menacingly and then placed a disgusting kiss to my temple. Mew growled loudly,
moving forward until the gun held to my side was cocked. The noise made Mew stopped immediately and then he put both of his hands up in the air.

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