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You woke up to your owl walking around on your bed wanting to be fed. You get up & feed her. You look in the mirror. Yikes. You hop in the shower & start to get ready. Straightening your long black hair. 'Wtf do i even wear'  The school sent up new robes and clothes because your old school didn't have all the options. You had a feeling they did this because your parents. Great. You got a white button up with a grey plaid skirt that was a little too short for the dress code. And when it's a " little" too short it was just above your fingertips. You put on a long slytherin robe and started making your way to your first class. You didnt know where it was so you spent your breakfast trying to find it.

It was potions with professor snape. Great. The meanest teacher and the student who really does not care. What could go wrong you thought to yourself.

Even though u skipped breakfast to find the class, & to avoid the staring, you made it before everyone You sat closest to the window by yourself. There was a lot of interesting stuff in here you thought to yourself as you were looking around. Out the window you saw Hargrid. He was with some sort of animal. All of a sudden students started filing in. Each one taking their turn to look at you. There were some Griffindors & Slytherins and like 2 Hufflepuffs. Even though they all took their time to look at you you just looked at your textbook. You put your bag in the seat next to you so people would take the hint not to sit there.

All of a sudden you hear the familiar voice. You turn around & see the boy from last night. You never got his name. He looked up and saw you looking at him. You turned away. 'Nice he caught me'. You turn back & he was still looking. He was with his friends and sat down next to them, not taking his eyes off of you. He winked & pulled out his books and u just rolled your eyes. All of a sudden the door slams & Snape walks in giving instructions. 'First take out Book 2 & turn to page'- He all of a sudden stopped and you looked up. He was staring at you. 'And who might you be'
'(Y/N) (Y/L/N)'
Everyone in class started whispering about you and who your family was. You didn't know they were that well known. You looked around uncomfortable and saw that the very blonde was still staring at you.
'Silence' Snape yelled, '(Y/L/N)? I see. Any relationship to (your parents names)?'
'Yeah they are my parents.'
'Very interesting'
Well that was weird you thought to yourself. We were in the middle of the lesson when all of a sudden a note got passed to you. You open it:
' wanna go walk around after class? I could show you around the lake since you're new? - the boy in the top right seat'
You look up and see a boy from hufflepuff smiling at you. You didn't know what to say to this stranger so you just look back down. Out of the corner of your eye you see the blonde boy looking at you and the note on your desk. He looked jealous. You look at him & wink and he gets the biggest smirk on his face.

The class was over and you were in no rush to leave since you had a free period. You were putting your books away when the boy from hufflepuff came over. 'Hello i'm Cedric Diggory. Im in hufflepuff'
You laughed and pointed to the hufflepuff patch on his robes, 'Yeah i can kinda tell, but i'm (Y/N)' you pointed to the patch on yours, 'Slytherin.' He laughed. He had a warm presence about him. He was also very nice. 'So you didn't really give me an answer about my note'
' I don't know Cedric' you said with a smile on your face, " but you can walk me back to my room if you want.'
'Okay yeah' he said with a smile on his face. He walked you back to your room so you could hang out in there while you had your free period. Your room was a little farther than everyone else's because it was a one person room. ' So who is your roommate?'
'I don't have one. Perk of coming later in the year. All the shared rooms were full so they put me in here.' You stopped in front of the door. 'You didn't have to waste your free period walking me here I could have found it on my own.' You said laughing. 'Oh no i didn't have a free period. I'm supposed to be in Dark Arts right now.' You tried to control it, but you bursted out laughing. ' Cedric! You're joking. Go run to class right now.'
'Only if u agree to that walk.'
' I don't know'
'Fine then i'm just going to stand here & then when they ask me why i wasn't there i'm going to say it's all your fault.'
You looked at him and smiled, 'Fine i will. Now go!'
He had the goofiest grin on his face and started running to class.

You unlocked your door and threw your heavy bag on the ground. You thought maybe you could sneak in a nap before your next class. You took off your shoes and robe and laid on the bed. 'You know just because you have a room to yourself doesn't mean you can leave your bathroom looking like um that'
You shot up and saw the blonde boy leaning on the doorframe of your bathroom. 'What the hell are you doing in here! How'-
'Before you ask how it wasn't hard to just unlock the door? Plus i was bored so i came to check out what my (Y/N) was up to on her first day' You we're shocked. Who does this guy think he is? 'I'm not your anything and I can do whatever i want in MY room'
'Also if you keep leaving your green underwear around it's going to become my new favorite color' You blushed & turned away picking up your dirty clothes & putting them in your bin. 'Happy?' you asked. 'Very. Also why haven't you asked my name yet? You probably asked around about me right? I mean how could you not after last night & how i saved you.'
' I didn't ask anyone bc it didn't leave as big of an impact on me as you think it did'
He walked closer to you & put his hand on your cheek. 'The thing is (Y/N)' he said getting close to your ear so he could whisper, ' I don't like it when you lie to me because i know you've been thinking about me because of the way i can't get you out of my mind' He looked at you with your foreheads almost touching. He leaned in but leaned back when he saw you leaning in. You looked at him with confusion. Why did he pull away? ' That was for last night. Shouldn't have been a tease like that' he walked over & kissed your forehead, ' but the name is Draco, love' He looked at his watch, 'Shit i have class' he grabbed his bag from the bathroom & went to the door. Halfway out he said with a smile and a hint of jealousy, '(Y/N) i really hope you weren't being serious about going to go with Cedric, because i don't like sharing what's mine' Right before he was about to walk out you yell, 'Draco' & run up, grabbing him by his tie & kissing him. You pulled away and saw him smiling. ' If your ever bored again, come back. and by the way i'm not yours...not yet anyways.'
'That's where your wrong (Y/N). Because i'm making it known today that I've got my eyes on you & that if anyone who has a brain should know not to try to take you away.'He winked and left. You sat on your bed smiling.

But now what do you do about Cedric?

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