You Are Not a Monster

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A/N- smut ? LOL

The coldness of the wall spread goosebumps all over you. The hall way was dim but you could see who it was. The boy who left you, the boy who was too much of a coward to tell you he was going to leave. You gathered yourself in his grip to not show any emotion. You looked up to meet his eyes, which were piercing into yours. You could feel all the emotions run back to you. All the love, all the happiness, all the memories. You could feel the tears forming, but you pushed them back. You quickly got out of his grasp, too fast to where he didn't know what was going on. You slipped the knife you kept shoe into your hand and pushed him on the wall, putting the knife under his throat. You could feel your anger fuming. You had gotten used to the new feeling of your pupils moving into the new skinny shape when ever you got too mad about something. You wanted him to react, to show fear, to the thing you've become. The past month you've convinced yourself that you were a monster, a person that people could not truly love. You told yourself you were a weapon. A tool for Voldemort to use whenever he needed. That was your purpose, why you were born. To serve, not to receive love.  You started breathing heavy getting more mad at his reaction, or the one he didn't have. He just stood there, staring at you, with sympathy in his eyes. You stepped back and threw the knife into the wall next to him. Careful enough to not hit him, but close enough to try and get a reaction. Still nothing but a sympathetic look. You took another step back, leaving space in between you two in the hall.

You stood there staring at each other for a good five minutes. You turned around and screamed. You turned back to face Draco, but still the same look on his face. 'Say something you coward!' you yelled. He still just stood there, looking at you the same. 'Show some emotion! Get mad! Get upset! Fuck Draco I just threw a KNIFE AT YOU! I just held a knife to your throat and you just stand there?! Look at me, look at my eyes! Show fear to the MONSTER i've become!' you yelled out of breath panting. He still looked at you the same. He took a step closer to you, causing you to take one back. 'You are not a monster,' he said in a calming voice. You shot him a look full of anger, but as hard as you tried to contain your sadness, it showed as well. 'That's why you left,' you said in a whisper, 'because i'm a monster.' He looked at you, but his look changed. Turning from sympathy to sadness. 'I had to,' he said taking a step closer, ' Voldemort said I had to for a month, to see what you would do.' A gasp was the only thing that made out of your mouth. You couldn't breath. Tears filled your eyes. Why would he do that to me? Why would he say he would protect Draco for me if I followed him, and then make him leave? Draco took advantage of you being distracted by your thoughts and pulled you into a hug. You quickly tried to get away, but he wouldn't let you. You fought against him, until you didn't have the energy to anymore. You started crying and he pulled you closer. You leaned closer to him, still crying. 'I'm so sorry (y/n). He said he would kill me if I didn't, and I couldn't leave you permanently,' he said in a whisper. You looked up at him. 'Why should I believe you?'' you said full of doubt. You didn't know what to believe anymore. 'Read my thoughts, you'll see for yourself.' he said backing away allowing you to do it. You hesitantly placed your hands on his head, leading your way through his mind.

You jumped back after you saw the conversation between the two. 'I never stopped loving you, I always have and I always will,' he said with full sorrow in his eyes. You ran up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist fully taking you in. You pulled back and kissed him with all the emotion you had. He returned it with the same amount of passion. He pushed you against the wall and ran his fingers throughout your hair. You put your hands behind his head pulling him as close as he possibly could be. 'I've missed you so much,' he said as he pulled away. 'So have I,' you replied in a whisper. He grabbed your hand and lead you to your room.

Both of you walked into your room and that's when more heartache struck Draco. He looked around and saw that every spot he left his stuff was completely empty, not being taken place by anything. His spot on the bed was perfectly made and your spot was the only one messed up. He knew that was on purpose because when you slept together, you'd always be close. He looked in the closet and the placed he hung up his stuff were completely empty, while your clothes were still smushed together like the space didn't exist. He saw in the bathroom all your stuff was still pushed in the corner leaving the other space for his stuff. He saw the locket he gave you on your nightstand open to the picture of you two, just sitting there next to the lamp. He looked to the dresser and saw the picture of you two in the snow turned away from the bed. He walked up to it and saw the dried tears staining the glass. He took his sleeve and wiped it clean, placing it to face the right way. He turned towards you and saw you looking down, fully aware he noticed the room.

You looked up and felt embarrassed about how you didn't change anything. You physically could not bring yourself to do it. It was the only thing of Draco's presence you got to keep, even if none of his stuff was there. He met your eyes and rushed over to you pulling you into another passionate kiss. He picked you up while still kissing you and placed you on the bed. He continued kissing you as he unbuttoned his shirt. You broke away to slip out of your dress. You climbed onto his lap and started kissing his neck, leaving hickeys going all the way down. He unhooked your bra and threw it on the ground. You lead your hands down and started unbuckling his pants. He let out a deep exhale as you took him in your hands, slowly moving up and down. He started kissing you even more and flipped you to lay on your back. He kissed your neck, returning the hickeys, and started kissing down your stomach. He got to the waist band of your underwear and slowly took them off with his teeth, teasing you. 'Draco,' you said out of breath. He came back up and kissed you even harder. He slowly put himself in taking in every moment. The whole experience felt like a blur, mixed with passion and emotion between the two of you. 'I love you (y/n), forever,' he said as you laid your head on his chest. 'I love you too Draco, always,' you said in a whisper before falling asleep.

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