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Snape walked in and hit Ron in the back of the head because he was talking to you. 'Alright class. We are going to be making Amortentia. Would anyone like to tell me what is it?' Your hand shot up because you've always been good at potions. 'Yes Miss, (y/L/n)?'
'It's the most powerful love potion in existence. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. It also gives off the smell of what or who you love the most.'
'Very well. 5 points to Slytherin.' Ron turned at you and whispered, 'How did you know that?' You whispered back, 'I'm good at a lot of things.' He laughed and you both looked forward again as Snape continued, 'I will not have you all whispering about what you smell to your little friends so you shall write what you smell on a piece of paper and shall turn it in to me and I shall read them aloud to the class to compare what the affects are.' Everyone got to work and you did most of it because Ron didn't really know what he was doing. You finished and Snape walked over. 'Very good Miss. (y/l/n).'
'I am here too Professor,' Ron said.
'Yes but I know for a fact you did not make it, only watched.'
Ron got embarrassed and looked away. 'Okay smell it,' You said to Ron excited. He leaned over and smelled it and then wrote on the piece of paper. You did the same. Snape walked around and collected them all. 'All right now, first we have'- Snape read off different types of smells, but something caught everyone off guard. '-Raspberries, Fresh mint, rain, and new books.' It was said 4 different times.
You turned and faced the other way to double check that was EXACTLY WHAT YOU SMELT LIKE! Everyone looked around and giggled but Harry Ron and the twins were all looking at each other. You blushed and then everyone was snapped back to focus when Snape said, 'We are one short, who did not hand there's in?' No one answered. 'Fine then. I want a 4 page paper on the potion due tomorrow start of class.' Everyone groaned and Ron turned to you seeming weird. 'Hey can I do something?'
'Sure i guess,' You said with a laugh. He grabbed you and pulled you into a hug. You sat there not knowing what was going on. 'Okay Ron I cant breathe.' He let go. 'Sorry,' he said blushing. Class was dismissed and you walked out knowing exactly what he was doing. You were walking ahead of the boys but you could hear what they were saying.

'Which one of you was it?' Ron said in a demanding tone.
'Ron I think you know who it ALL was,' Harry said annoyed.
'I know for it's a fact it's her scent! Why did you all have to smell the same thing as me!' Ron said returning the annoyance.
'Relax Ronny,' Fred said, 'Someone said they smelt one of us, so now we got to just figure out what she smelt. Then everything will be all good.'
Walking you could feel them all looking at you.

You made it to the Great Hall and saw Draco. You ran over to him and gave him a huge hug. 'I missed you.' you said looking up at him. 'I missed you more,' he said kissing your forehead. When he was hugging you he felt something in your pocket. He pulled out your small slip of paper you didn't give to Snape. 'What is this?'
'Draco no give it back!' He held it in the air and you were trying to grab it. He opened it and read,
Peppermint, apples, rain, and firewood
'What did you do in potions today love?'  He smiled  because he knew that's how you described how he smelt like. 'Stupid love potion,' you said under your breathe and grabbed the paper back.
'Awe did someone get reminded of me in class?' He said pulling you closer to him.
'Shut up,' you said blushing really hard. He grabbed your chin and kissed you. 'Do you wanna know what I smelt this morning in mine?'
'What?' you said nervously, hoping not to hear something you didn't want to hear.
'Raspberries, fresh mint, rain and new books.' You blushed and kissed him. You laughed too and said, 'Yeah you and 4 other people in my class.' You kept laughing and looked at Draco who was not.
'Draco please it's not a big deal. Just Snape read them out loud and 4 other people put that on their paper. But it doesn't matter, because I didn't smell anything but you.' He looked at you and relaxed. He pulled you closer to him and said, 'Yeah but I don't like the idea of people wanting to be with you.'
'I know Draco, but someone put your smell as there's too, but I didn't freak out.'
'Yeah that's good because we wouldn't want another last year situation happening again,' he said laughing. You hit in the arm saying, 'That was completely different,' You stood up and grabbed his hand, 'Cmon we have to go to the Goblet.'
'Why would we need to do that?'
'Fred and George wanted me to go there during lunch.' He stopped walking. 'Why would they want you to do that?'
'I don't know they said they did. And they are funny so it's probably going to end in something funny. Cmon it'll be fuuuunnn.' He just stood there. You let go of his hand. 'Or I could just go by myself.' You turned and started to walk away. He caught up to you and put his arm around you, 'Fine i guess we'll go see what they wanted to show you so bad.' You smiled and kissed him. 'Oh you know what?'
'What,' He asked kissing your cheek over and over again.
'Since i'm going to be in my room tonight, we can finish that conversation we we're having in the hospital wing,' after you said that you kissed his neck causing him to blush.
'Oh yeah we definitely will.'

You and Draco made your way to the room it was in and stood against the wall. The twins weren't even there so you just were talking to Draco. All of a sudden Cedric bursted in with his friends making his way to put his name in. He turned to leave and looked at you and smiled. Draco wrapped his arm around you causing Cedric to look away. 'Oh no Draco you hurt his feelings,' you said giggling.
'Oh no I feel so bad,' he smiled and kissed your forehead. The twins came running in with a heard of kids cheering. They were holding a potion saying it was going to make them cross the age line around the Goblet. All of a sudden you both heard Hermione saying how it wasn't going to work, causing you and Draco to roll your eyes at the same time. You both started laughing. They took it and hopped into the circle, making more people cheer. They put their names in and then they got blasted by fire coming out and then they suddenly started aging quickly, causing them to fight. You laughed and so did Draco. 'Cmon lets ditch the rest of classes. I'll just say my hand is hurting and you had to take care of me.' Draco nodded and lead you to your room. You were about to walk out and Victor Krum was in front of you, not saying anything. 'Oh uh excuse me,' you said trying to get by to Draco. You walked past and he grabbed your arm making Draco step closer to you. 'I want to apologize for my classmates, they shouldn't have done that, especially to a great girl like yourself.'
'Oh um thank you.' You said taking your arm back and Draco lead you out, but made sure to keep eye contact with Victor until you were out of sight. 'I really don't like that guy.' Draco said annoyed.
'Yeah well you know who I love?' Draco looked at you waiting for a response. 'You.' you went on your tippy toes and kissed him. 'Now hurry up let's go to the room, I have an idea on what we can do,' you said winking. Draco practically ran to the room pulling you along. You both made your way to your room and you sat down on the bed. He locked the door and walked towards you unbuttoning his shirt.

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