Mad Eye Moody

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Draco wrapped his arm around you and lead you back to the school. 'Draco where are your books?' You said realizing he wasn't carrying his bag like he usually does. 'Oh um let's go get those from Transfigurations.'
You laughed and looked at Draco just taking him in. Leaning your head closer to him as you both walked.

You both made your way to get his things since it was lunch at the time, it was almost over. 'Alright i'll see you in Dart Arts okay?' You nodded and he gave you a hug, 'And if you see Potter and he gives you more shit, well you know how to punch,' he said teasingly, and kissed your forehead, walking away laughing. You rolled your eyes and walked to your next class. You'd see Harry in the halls and he'd try talking to you but you'd just ignore him. You could feel his eyes staring at you. You had a free period and made your way to the library to look around. You saw the golden freaking trio sitting around talking. You rolled your eyes and walked to a desk setting your stuff down, but walking back down the DADA books to see what you could find that you didn't already know. Suddenly you heard them say your name, which made you tune into their conversation.

'I'm going to go say something to her,' Ron said to Hermione, but not directing to Harry because they weren't talking for some reason. Why even go the library together then? Whatever, you thought to yourself.
'You're joking Ron,' Hermione started, which annoyed you uncontrollably, 'Shes so rude I don't know how you can even talk to her.'
'She's not rude, she just doesn't like you,' Ron said coming to your defense.
'Well didnt you hear what she said to Harry, I mean you were sitting in that class!'
'Yeah well you weren't so how do you even know? And besides Harry insulted her family, she even shed a tear walking out. So don't believe what the chosen one over here has to say all the time,' Ron said getting up and walking towards you.

'Hey (y/n),' Ron said trying to be as nice as possible.
'Yes Ron?' You said pulling your fourth book out of the shelf.
'Im sorry about Harry, that was pretty messed up.'
'Well if anything, you shouldn't be apologizing for something he did,' still not looking at him you continued, 'He chose to say it, not you. Besides, you shouldn't apologize for something you meant to do. If you really thought something was wrong you wouldn't have done it in the first place.'
'Yeah that is a good point. But I just feel bad, you seemed upset.'
'Well of course i was upset!' you said putting the book down and leaning onto the table with both hands looking down letting out a deep exhale, because you didn't want to start crying about it again. You looked up at Ron, 'He does not know me, or my family. He does not know what we've been through. You don't say that type of shit about someone's family, especially when he doesn't even have one of his own.'
Ron looked at you and sighed. He placed his hand on yours, causing you to jump a little. 'I get it, I'm here for you if you'd like. But i'm also saying I'm sorry because no one should hear things like that from someone who doesn't know, whether the family is good or bad.' You let out a small smile.
'Thank you.'
He smiled and nodded and walked back to his friends. You sat down with your books and saw Harry staring at you, making you fully aware that he heard your conversation.

You made your way outside and saw Draco sitting in a tree. You were about to walk over to him when you heard Cedric call your name. You shifted your focus over to him instead and walked over. Knowing Draco was staring. 'What's up Cedric?'
'So there is going to be the Yule ball and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go together. Because you know you mean so much to me.'
You felt really bad. You stood there with a blank face not knowing what to do. Cedric the cutest sweetheart you've ever met standing in front of you asking you to the dance, and your boyfriend who you we're madly in love with was sitting a tree probably getting mad that he's even looking at me for longer than a glance. 'Look Cedric I care about you too and I want us to be close again like last year,' He rubbed his neck obviously nervous, 'but Draco already asked me and I said yes,' you said lying out of your ass. Draco probably didn't even know there was a ball. 'Oh okay. That's cool I hope you have fun.'
''You as well.' you said turning away to go to Draco but Cedric pulled your arm making you face him and whispered in your ear, 'I know he can hear me so i'm only going to say this once. I really really like you. Like more than everyone i've ever met. So if you really wanna be with him go ahead, i want you to be happy. But i'll be here waiting for him to mess up,' He let you go and smirked. He looked up and so that made you turn around. Draco hopped out of the tree and made his way towards you both. 'I'll see you later.' Cedric said leaving before Draco got there. You nodded and turned around meeting Draco halfway. 'What did he want?'
'Relax, he asked me to the ball.'
'What ball?' You laughed because you knew he wouldn't know.
'The yule ball. It's because of the Goblet.'
'Oh,' He said but then suddenly realized what Cedric really did ask, 'Wait what did you say to him?!'
'Are you dumb? I said i was going with you, even though you didn't ask me I sorta assumed.'
He said smiling pridefully and straightening up his posture, 'Good.' You rolled your eyes and made your way back to the tree Draco was at before.

Crab and Goyle were standing there waiting for him to get back. Draco climbed up the tree again talking on and on with them. You would laugh at his jokes but would casually zone out thinking about Cedric. About how he was just praying on the downfall on your relationship, which annoyed you. All of a sudden Draco yelled Potters name. Great. Potter walked over and that's when you realized Draco had a pin on his robe that said Potter stinks on it. You laughed when you saw it and Draco smiled at you and then looked back to Harry. 'Like the badges Potter?' Draco said laughing. 'You see my father and I have a bet, i think you won't last 10 minutes in the tournament'- You interrupted and walked next to Draco. 'But me and Lucius think other wise. We don't think you're going to last 5,' you said with a prideful grin, causing all the boys to laugh.
'I don't give a damn what your father thinks! He's cruel and vile. And you're a coward,' Harry scolded to Draco. He walked away and Draco pulled out his wand. All of a sudden psycho Mad Eye Moody came out of no where and turned Draco into a ferret! How could a teacher do this?! You pulled out your wand when he was throwing the ferret version of Draco around like a toy. You pointed it to Harry and said, 'Change him back or i'll do much worse,' with the most stern voice you could have made. He looked at you and then to Harry who looked absolutely terrified . 'Oh I see (y/L/n) has gotten into the mix. What can I say like father, like daughter eh?' That pissed you off and you pushed Harry to the ground still having your wand on him. 'Don't test me, I'll do something to hurt your precious Potter,' you hissed still making eye contact with Moody. All of a sudden professor McGonagall came running to you and Moody and everyone around. '(y/n)! What are you doing? Let him up this instant!'
'Not until Moody changes him back,' still not breaking eye contact with Moody. She looked at Moody with the ferret he was holding in the air with his wand. 'Oh my is that a student! Change him back this instant!' she screamed. Moody did and she said more stuff to him but you walked up to Draco brushing off his robes. 'My father will hear about this!'
'Is that a threat?!' Moody screamed. You were about to walk away with Draco but Professor McGonagall stopped you. 'You are coming with me this instant. Same with you Potter.' You groaned and Draco gave you a look making it known to not get yourself into too much trouble. You grabbed your bag and made your way following far behind to keep your distances away from Harry.

She lead you two into a room and Snape was already in there, because he was your head of Slytherin. 'Care to explain yourself?' She snapped. 'Me? You should have your psycho teacher under control! Do you really let your teachers do that with no repercussions?' You hissed.
'That is still not excuse to do that to Potter!' she said looking pissed off.
'Well i had to get some way to get him to change him back. The worst I did was push him, I wasn't going to hex him or anything.Your only saying that because he's the 'chosen one' or just because he's in your house,' You said crossing your arms.
'If i may,' Snape said cutting in, 'Since (y/n) is in my house and I am head master I will decide what happens. As she does have a point no teacher should do that,' He turned and looked at you, 'But what she did was probably was not thought through entirely.'
'It worked didn't it?' you said blurting out. Snape nodded and looked at you to follow him out of the room. 'That was careless, idiotic, and showed how much of a child you are acting like!'
'Well actually i don't think it made me look like a child, i thought i looked pretty tough.'
'Enough! What if you did accidentally hurt him? You know how much trouble you would have been? And i don't think I don't know what happened last year with Pansy, I'm the only teacher that does. I know the level of magic you can do.'
'I pushed him and just held my wand out! I was looking at Moody the whole time! I wasn't going to do anything so why are acting like i'm some MONSTER?'
He looked at you, not realizing you were going to have that response. 'This is your one warning. Don't make me regret it,' then he walked away quickly.
You turned and made your way to find Draco.

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