Proving Yourself

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A/N- Read the whole chapter before making any assumptions;) this was my favorite to write so far

Draco led you down the stairs, both of you looking very formal. 'Do not speak when you are not spoken to, do not do anything when you are not asked to you. You are to sit there quietly until told other wise to,' Lucius hissed to us before we even got completely down the stairs. He hit your arm off of Dracos with his cane as he saw it, making you shoot him a dirty look. 'Show your strength as individuals first, then I don't care how else,' He said looking a head as you were all walking. Your parents walked besides you but you didn't look at them. You walked in with your head high and your chest out, Draco tried his best but you could tell he was still nervous. You just pictured it as meeting one of your parents work friends, because that was the only way to get through this right now.

Walking into the hall you saw many people sitting around the table. Then some standing. The people standing looked absolutely disgusting. You couldn't hide the look of disgusted you had on your face, which caused them to get angry. You sat down at the table next to Draco and Your Father. You sat straightforward with your best posture and a blank face. You glanced at Draco reminding him that you both were going to be alright. Suddenly a huge snake made its way onto a table. You didn't know what to do since you've never seen a snake in person before. You stood really still until it stopped and looked at you dead in the eye. You stare at it and all of a sudden it started talking. 'Your the one Voldemort is so curious to see?' it hissed. You knew what Lucius said but he could make an exception to this huge ass snake talking to you. What are you supposed to do, not say anything and it kills you? 'Yes I am, I don't know why though. I haven't killed anyone or anything like that to take his interest.' you whispered back.
' Its your power. It's going to be very useful,' the snake whispered back and slide off the table. You didn't really know what happened but you looked up at Lucius and saw he was sitting there mouth open and eyes wide. Draco too. 'What?' you said whispering to Draco. You felt a hand brush your hair to the side. You stayed still not know what was going on. 'She even speaks parseltongue,' the voice behind you said, 'How much she reminds me of a younger me.' The man sat down and that's when it hit you. The man with skin as white as snow, no hair, and eyes that could freeze you into stone was Voldemort. The man who personally took an interest on you. 'So (y/f/n), did you know about this?' he asked with a hint of annoyance that he didn't find out till tonight.
'No my lord,' your father shakily said, 'She's never been around snakes until now.'
'How interesting,' he now shifted his attention to Lucius, 'As hosting all of my followers in your house, I would expect you not to have your arm chairs blown up into bits!' he yelled.
'Im sorry my lord, it happened as soon as company arrived,' Lucius said looking at you and Draco.
'Well well well,' he began with a grin on his face facing the two of you, 'Who was it!'
'It was me,' you said not looking at Draco, but you could see the worry on his face.
'And why would you do that in house that does not belong to you?'
'I was having an argument with my Father my lord', you only added because everyone else was saying it, 'I just got out of control with a spell and it caused the mess before everyone arrived. I'm greatly sorry,' you stopped talking but you didn't take your eyes off of him. 'Well (y/n), if you think it's alright to cast those types of spells whenever you want, let's see it now!' he said laughing causing everyone else to laugh. You held your breath as you stood up and exact casted the spell to a string of hanging lights causing them all to break at an ear piercing sound. He laughed even harder and so did everyone. Bellatrix spoke up, 'Its amazing isn't it my lord? How she could do so much damage with one spell?'
'Well of course she can! It's my spell!' he said getting up and walking towards you. He pulled out your chair causing you to jump up facing him. Draco watched completely terrified something was going to happen to you. 'Let's take a look on where you learned it,' He said putting his hands on your forehead, leading him to dig in your thoughts. 'Impossible,' he said stepping closer to you, 'You were the one my Nagini was whispering to long ago, she definitely chose the right witch.' He laughed in your face, you trying your hardest not to move. He then grabbed Draco's chair causing him to stand next to you. Voldemort turned around taking a few steps back. 'Tonight, you both shall pledge your allegiance with me. If broken Death with be brought, without compliance comes death,' He said looking at you, 'Draco Malfoy, you shall be marked first.' He grabbed Dracos arm and Draco shot you a look. You nodded your head as Voldemort was starting to brand Draco with his mark. Draco started wincing in pain as he continued. Turning into him screaming and Voldemort laughing, causing everyone to laugh. He finished and Draco was on the ground and everyone continued laughing. 'Stop laughing!' you yelled and then instantly regretted it. Bellatrix came up behind you and played with your hair. 'Well I wish to talk to (Y/n) alone before I mark her with loyalty.' You turned and looked to Draco mouthing I love you before Voldemort grabbed your arm and Bellatrix grabbed your shoulders. You shifted and morphed into one big mess and then you fell on the grass in the woods behind Draco's house. You looked up and saw Voldemort standing above you.

'You are very powerful (y/n),' Voldemort began to say, 'I wonder how.'
'I don't know it's always been like this, i've always been able to do it, my lord.'
'Well I want to be able to test it to see what you truly are capable of.' All of a sudden chains came from the ground wrapping around your hands and neck holding you on your knees. 'Are you really the strong little girl daddy has made you out to be,' Bellatrix began to speak and then cut you on your cheek with a blade she had, 'Or is daddy LYING!?' She began to laugh at you. Anger arose again. 'Oh no is daddy's girl going to do something?' she got really close to your face. You looked up at spit in her face and began laughing. She looked fuming and Voldemort was just watching. 'How dare you!' she yelled. 'How dare YOU!' you yelled, 'You do not know me. But I know you. The dumb bitch who go herself locked up because she didn't know how to not get caught. Pathetic.' She looked at you fuming. Voldemort had a slight grin on his face. She came up to you and placed her hand on your head reading your thoughts. She finally stopped. 'I see she fancy's the Malfoy boy very much my lord.' Voldemort nodded at her and she began talking again, ' Lets just put that up to the test shall we?' She waved her wand and Draco suddenly appeared. '(y/n)?' he whispered and started walking towards you. All of a sudden Bellatrix tricks casted 'Avada Kedavra!' and Draco dropped in front of you. His eyes wide with not the same glimmer in them like they used to when he would see you. All of the memories came rushing in of the two of you, and now he was dead in front of you. You were uncontrollably shaking in the chains they put you in. 'no, no, no,' you whispered to yourself. 'NO, NO, NO! DRACO!' you said tears running down your face. 'Oh no, did daddy's little princess not be able to save him?' Bellatrix began to whisper in your ear. Voldemort was still just standing there watching. You just kneeled there looking at Draco's lifeless body. 'What are you going to tell his father? Or my dear sister? What are you going to do now that the boy you promised to protect, is dead!' She began laughing and walked over his body like it was nothing. You looked at her with anger in your eyes. You couldn't feel anything but anger towards this woman. She just took your world away from you. 'he's dead (y/n), what are you going to do about it? oh right nothing, now he just died and it's all your fault,' She said whispering in your ear. 'NO! HES DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU KILLED HIM. Y-YOU KILLED HIM!'- Suddenly a burst of came out of your hands causing the who night sky to be lit up. Everyone in a miles radius could hear you screaming for the boy you loved. The light you created had burned every tree around you to ash. You got out the chains and walked over to Bellatrix who was laying on the ground due to the blast. 'You killed him. You took him away,' you said not breaking eye contact with her. You grabbed her by the throat causing your hand print to burn into her neck, 'I will make you beg for death,' you said whispering in her ear, 'And even then it won't be enough to make you pay.'

Dracos Pov:
Y/N left with Voldemort and Bellatrix, so Narcissa ran out to Draco making sure he was okay. He brushed her off saying he was fine. He walked up to Lucius. 'Where did they go?'
'He's taking her to prove herself,' he lead him to the window looking to the forest, 'They should not be gone long, depending on (y/n). But they are out there. You can wait here till they come back.'
'Is she doing to die?'
'Voldemort does not wish to kill her, he wants her to join him but he just wants to see what her magic can do.' Draco looked out the window with Lucius for what felt like forever. Suddenly Draco and Lucius jumped back when seeing a light coming from the forest causing the trees to turn to ash. Followed by a scream. 'That was (y/n)!' Draco said to his father, pleading for answers.
'She will be back soon, just stay here.' They both turned back to look out the window. But Draco had to leave to go to the bathroom to splash water onto his face to calm him down.

Back to Your Pov:
' Enough!' Voldemort yelled and you just looked at him, not letting go of Bellatrix's throat, wanting to make her pay. Voldemort whipped his hand across Draco's body making him disappear. You dropped your hand, 'It wasn't real?'
'No child it wasn't,' he said putting his hands on your face, 'I just had to see what your anger really led you too.'
'Yeah almost KILLING ME!' Bellatrix added.
'Enough Bellatrix!' he yelled and looked at you.
'Ill join you,' you said just because you needed to see Draco right now. Voldemort smiled, 'And how welcomed you are, you shall help me very usefully. I will make sure no harm comes to Draco, as long as you are only loyal to me.'
'My loyalty is only to you. Please make sure he is safe,' you said holding out your left arm. He did the spell but it didn't even faze you because all you were thinking about is how Draco is alive. Bellatrix walked over with your perfectly burned handprint was on her throat. Voldemort grabbed you two and you were suddenly back into the Manor.

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