'See clearly in a blind of rage!'

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Dracos eye lit up as you walked down the stairs. You blushed and looked down, also trying not to fall in these huge heels Narcissa wanted you to wear. 'Mr.Malfoy' you said looking at him smiling.
'Miss. (Y/L/n)' he held out his hand and you took it smiling. You two hooked arms and you made your way to the gathering of people. Draco introduced you to some people as his girlfriend and that made you feel butterflies every time he said it. You ate dinner with all these strangers. Draco made sure to keep you in sight the entire night so he wouldn't loose you in the sea of people. Leaning over to Draco you whispered, 'I'm going to go to the restroom don't stray too far.'
'Okay love.' he said kissing your cheek. You walked through so many people and finally made your way to the bathroom in Dracos room. You had to catch your breath because that was the only room without people in it. It had been a little under 10 minutes and you decided to go back downstairs. '(Y/n)!' You turned around shocked by the voice you heard. It was your father! Your mother not more than 6 steps away talking to a woman. You rushed over to your father and gave him a hug. You've always liked your father more than your mother because he was always more expressive of his love & care for you. 'Wow you look stunning!' He said cupping you're face.
'Stop dad i'm blushing,' you said joking around. 'I'm going to go back to Draco. He's probably with Lucius and Narcissa, do you want me to take you to them?'
'Yes please darling. (y/m/n)! Come love we are going to see The Malfoys.' She walked over and smiled at you kissing your cheek. You then guided your Parents back over to where you were.

'Love you've been gone for a while i was started to get worried,' Draco said as he slipped his arm around your waist.
'Sorry someone caught my attention.' you said turned showing your Father and Mother. Draco greeted your father with a handshake and your mother with a polite quick hug. 'My parents are right over there if you are looking for them sir.'
'Ah yes Draco thank you.' He turned to you, 'We'll be sure to goodbye before leaving you kids have fun!'
You then watched the two walk away in the sea of people. Draco kissed you and dragged you outside to the middle of the dance floor they set up in their backyard.

Lucius looked up and saw your Father, who caught his attention by his laughter that could fill a room. '(Y/F/N)! How wonderful i thought you couldn't come! Have you seen (y/n) yet? I bet she's somewhere around here with Draco.'
'Yes I did I saw her when I first walked in and said hello to Draco as well. That boy is growing to look so much like you and Narcissa! and Yes i didn't think we were going to make it but I asked for the night off as soon as I got your letter.' Your fathers facial expression changed and so did Lucius's. 'Well yes I feel like it was important to tell you, but let's enjoy the night and talk about it when everybody has left?'
'Sounds good to me!' Your father said wrapping his arm around Lucius's shoulder and leading into a different conversation, leaving your mother and Narcissa to chat.

Draco and you were dancing for what felt like hours. Draco hijacked the DJ set and played all of your guy's favorite songs. From slow songs to upbeat songs. You weren't the best dancer when it came to anything but slow songs but Draco found it very amusing the whole night. Draco grabbed you pulling you closer and then spinning you out and pulling you closer with your back against him. He would sneak a kiss on your neck and that sent shivers down your spine. You would put your hand on his head when he did this not wanting him to stop, but turned back around to not draw too much attention. You were having the best time ever. You had never felt this happy with someone before. His personality matches yours perfectly, like you were made for each other. Like how if one of you were to do something, the other would know how exactly how to react. Like how one of you would tell a joke and the other had no choice but to laugh because you couldn't contain yourselves. Like how every touch you two shared was electric. Like how you two would sneak in the middle of the night to get snacks for your 2am movie nights. Like how your family values were the same. Like how you would do anything to protect the person in front of each other right now.

Many people were leaving, turning into just your parents the only guests left to not have left. They made their way into Lucius's office so you Draco just left them alone. You both were exhausted from dancing. 'Wanna see something cool?' Draco whispered in your ear as you were standing in the kitchen. 'Depends, are you gonna throw snow in my face?' He laughed and led you up the stairs in a hall you've never been in before. He opened the door at the end of the hall and saw an empty room. Draco whispered some enchantment and a window appeared. You smiled as he opened it and said 'Lady's first.' You rushed to take off your heels and hurried to the window and climbed out onto the roof. Getting your balance you grabbed the ends of your dress and walked to the middle of the roof. Draco quickly followed and sat down watching you take in the scene. 'This is amazing,' you said putting your arms up feeling the cool breeze hitting your face. You could see trees for miles and the twinkiling stars clear as day. 'Yeah I had a feeling you would like it. Come sit next to me.' You turned and sat next to him resting your head on his shoulder. 'I love you,' you said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear you. 'I love you more,' he said after kissing your forehead. You both sat there taking in the amazing view.

'Are you calling me a liar, (y/f/n)?' Lucius hissed, 'I saw it with my own eyes. Hell i asked her to show me and she did it with ease. Actually I asked her only to do one spell and she got so caught up in the excitement of it all. Damn I mean it was impressive spells some I have to admit I cannot do myself but for her age? That shouldn't even be possible. But it is. So now what do we do because don't even get me started about how she lost her temper at school and Draco had to write me because he was scared she was going to loose herself & he was going to loose her.'
' I am not calling you a liar Lucius.' Your father said taking a deep exhale and rubbing his head. 'I don't even know if I wanna know what happened at her school, but if the school didn't contact me I can assume no one was hurt.'
'No one was hurt because of the love your daughter has for my son! He is the only one she can see clearly in a blind of rage!'
'What do you want me to about that? Please tell me your ideas because I don't see how any of that is relevant to what we are really talking about!' Narcissa spoke while holding onto to Lucius's shoulder to keep him from speaking, 'I don't think we should do anything about it. When it comes down to it all she has more power than imaginable. And she will protect Draco. Let her.'
'Narcissa is right,' Your mother added, 'But Lucius what spells did she show you?' Lucius then explained in details on what you showed him. Everyone looked at him with full surprise, not being able to believe him if he didn't see it for himself. 'Where the hell did she learn that last spell? I've never heard that before?'
'Thats exactly what i said (y/f/n). She said she thought she made it up, which I highly doubt, but then she said she heard it in her head? Like she heard it somewhere and then just repeated it.'
'Where could she have possibly heard it?'
'I have no idea. But (y/f/n), (y/m/n), you need to tell Him. He has to know before another person dies. Imagine the praise we would get, imagine the death that would be avoided in our families if he knew we didn't keep secrets!'
'You're right Lucius, I'm going to bring it up at the next meeting.'

You and Draco we're so tired you almost feel asleep on the roof. He shook you to wake you up. You both made your way downstairs to make your way to Lucius's office. You could hear muffling but no words. You looked at Draco and shrugged. You knocked on the door & your mother answered. 'It's getting really late i'm really tired, so I came to say goodbye before going to bed.'
'We were just leaving as well, we have work early in the morning. You are going to stay here the rest of break too, okay?' Your mother said as you nodded giving her a hug goodbye. You walked to your Father and gave him a hug, 'Goodbye Darling' you smiled at him and made your way upstairs with Draco.

He helped you with the zipper and grabbed you a shirt of his to wear. You hopped into bed watching him change. He put on sweats and as he was about to put on a shirt you quickly stopped him, 'No leave it off,' He looked at you and laughed putting the shirt back into the drawer. He climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around you while you were on your side, place his head on the crook of your neck. You closed your eyes and Draco whispered something to you thinking you were fully asleep.
'Ill love you forever, no matter what. Just please don't leave me, I know i'm not very nice & i don't really like people, but I need you. I will always need you. We will get through anything together, just please don't leave.' He then kissed your forehead and fell asleep with you.

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