Or what?

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You wake up from your nap and hurried to fix your hair & get your robe back on. You had to run since u slept in. You frantically looked around for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class room. Finally you found it right before class began. You sat in the back because it was the closest seat open.

Looking up at the new classroom you get to see who was in the class. No one heard you come in because you were really quiet incase the professor was teaching. You see some of the people that were in your potions class, including Draco. He was talking to his friends and didn't know you were sitting two rows behind him. 'Alright class we are going to be practicing disarming spells in pairs. After I read off the pairs we are going to go outside and use them on each other. Rules! We are going for nothing more than stunning spells. We don't want anyone getting seriously hurt! Okay so we have'- You didn't really pay attention because you didn't know who they were, ' and finally Draco and (Y/N). Now everyone grab their stuff & let's go outside.' Draco looked up and around the room when he heard your name. He turned around and saw you. You smiled at him and he blushed and grabbed his stuff. 'I didn't know you were in this class love'
'Yeah i walked in a little late and sat in the back. But just so you,' you got on your tippy toes & got close to Dracos ear, 'Im going to kick your ass when we get outside.' Then you kissed under his ear making him exhale deeply. You looked at him while we was staring at you, you doing that made him loose all his thoughts. You smiled and hurried outside. You ended up running to get out there before Draco. You could hear Draco running after you & calling your name which made you run faster.

'Alright class remember the rules. Wand out & have fun!'

You looked at Draco with a grin. 'C'mon love, what could you actually do to me.' He was teasing you trying to see how you would react, ' Gotta think? Should we just go inside if you really feel like you can't'-
' Impedimenta!' You casted and Draco fell onto his back. He grunted and you chuckled while he was getting up. He looked at you with a smirk, surprised you actually did it. ' Go ahead lover boy, take your best shot,' you said while putting your arms up. 'Expelliarmus!' Draco yelled, but you quickly casted, 'Protego!' and the spell Draco casted did nothing since you blocked it. You grinned and said 'Incendio!' a huge beam of fire escaped your wand & wrapped around Draco. You made sure to do it so Draco wouldn't get hurt. It wrapped around him & swirled around you, you did that so u could show the control you have over your magic. You stopped & Draco had a shocked look on his face and then the biggest smile you've ever seen.
'(Y/N) What did you not understand but no more than stunning spells! Your lucky no one was hurt! 5 points from Slytherin!' You looked down regretting nothing but had to show you "felt bad". 'But that was very impressive. Especially for your 3rd year. Where you learned that i do not know, but i am 100% impressed. 25 points to Slytherin!'.  You looked up & smiled at Draco who was smiling too. 'Class Dismissed Early!'

'(Y/N) wait up!' You turned around and saw draco and smiled. 'Hey pretty boy!'
'That was amazing what you did. Everyone is talking about it. And i mean everyone, even if they weren't in the class.'
'It's no big deal just with practice. But thank you' You gave him a kiss on the cheek. You both didn't have anymore classes for the day so you were walking back to your room. 'Are you coming in or going back to your own room?'
'Oh please love i'm coming in.'He said laughing.
You both walk in & set your stuff down. You went to the bathroom & walked out yawning.
'Yeah I didn't get to nap for as long as i wanted to.'
Draco stood up & walked to the bathroom. You started unbuttoning your shirt to change since he was locked up in there. You changed into a cropped tanktop and shorts. Draco walks out and sees you with wide eyes, ' What are you wearing?'
' I think i'm going to go get something to eat' you said with a chuckle. He walked closer to you, 'You're not going anywhere dressed like that without me.'
'Or what?' 

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