Meeting the Parents

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Draco looked down at you when you said that and then straight back up to your parents. '(Y/N) darling you look fantastic. I see you got the dress and jewelry,' your mom said while touching your face with the backs of your hands to not mess up your makeup. She grabs your hands but then looks down at your wrist. 'I didn't get you this.'
'I know Mother. Draco did.' You said hinting to the boy standing next to you that they didn't care to pay attention to before.
'Oh well of course.' Keep in mind your mom didn't understand what other's peoples personal space was but she did not like being touched. She grabbed dracos tie and adjusted it a little. She was so fixated on perfection.
'Draco what is your last name?' your father asked.
Both of your parents looked at him and then you and then at each other. They let out a laugh at the same time. 'Your kidding.' Your father yelled, 'Lucius! Narcissa!' Your eyes shot up at Draco who looked obviously nervous and annoyed. What was going on?

Then you saw it a tall man with a snake cane wearing an all black suit with a women who was wearing a long green dress. You grabbed back onto Draco's arm and he looked down and grinned at you.
'(Your fathers Name)! It's so great to see you! It's been such a long time old friend!' Lucius said to your father.
'Yes it has!'  Your father said pulling him into a quick hug. 'It seems that our kids know each other haha'. Those were Dracos parents! I mean the long blonde hair identical to the color of dracos should have been a give away. You straightened up your posture and held out your hand. 'Lucius, Narcissa, I'm (y/n), pleasure to meet you.' Draco smiled and tried to hide his laugh. He loved your confidence and not many people offer a hand to his dad a lot. You had your right hand out and your left arm hooked with Dracos. Lucius looked at Draco and then smiled, 'Well hello (y/n), it's good to finally meet you, i've heard so much from Draco,' You looked and Draco was blushing and looked at the ground, 'So the pleasure is all mine' while taking your hand. You gave him a smile.

'Y/N) can you come meet some people & then we won't bother you for the rest of the night?' your mother asked.
'Of course,' you turned to Draco, 'Wait for me here i'll be like 5 minutes.' He nodded and kissed your cheek. You smiled and walked away. While your mom was introducing you to people you could overhear Dracos and his parents conversation. You looked forward making sure they couldn't tell u were listening.

'See Draco you need to be with a girl like that' Lucius said to Draco hitting him on the head, 'She is a pure-blood, confident, witch. Her family is very smart and know where their priorities stand. I can already tell she is going to be a great witch. She seems strong and full of pride. I admire that.'
You saw Draco look at you from the corner of your eye. 'Dad I am with a girl like that. Why do you think i'm with her tonight. She's my date. And she is dad. Her skills dad are amazing, i've never seen anyone like that. She's perfect'
'Yes well Draco, don't loose her. I approve of her. So don't mess it up.' He said putting his hand on Dracos shoulder. 'But what do you mean about her skills? She's a 3rd year just like you. Aren't your skills the same?'
' No dad i've never seen even a great wizard do some of the stuff she can. Like in Dark Arts she made this huge flame spin around me and her without causing any damage to anything. I mean the control you have to have. And that's only one of the things i've seen. It's incredible'
'She can do that? Draco you better not be lying to me.'
'I swear dad. It's incredible. I bet she'll show you if you ask her.'
You walk back to Draco smiling, pretending like you didn't hear their conversation. Draco held out his hand and you took it, turning into you holding onto his arm. 'I'm going to go talk to your parents again' Lucius said, ' It was great to meet you, (Y/N).' He walked away with a smile. Draco turned to you and kissed you. 'What was that for?' you asked smiling. 'You just look so beautiful'
He held out his hand, 'May i have this dance?'
'No one is dancing Draco. & plus this song sucks' you said laughing.
'Leave it to me' he said with his hand still out. You grabbed his hand smiling and he walked you both out to the middle of the hall.

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