Lake Party

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You went to the Great Hall and ate dinner with your friends. All the same type of speeches were made, so you didn't really pay attention to them. You were walking out with Draco when two arms pulled you away quickly with Draco left still talking, thinking you were right there. You looked up at saw Fred and George smiling down at you. 'So...' you said trying to get to the point. 'There is a bonfire tonight,' Fred said and then George added, 'With all the houses. Everyone is going to be there, so come.'
'Oh I don't know guys, do i have to wear a swimsuit or is that not a thing happening?' you asked. You wanted to go, but at the same time not really since it was late.
'Hm I guess you leave us with no choice now,' George said while dramatically throwing his arms in the air. 'We know you pulled those little pranks last year, and with interest, they adds up to a whole lot of pay back,' Fred said with a devilish grin. You looked up and laughed. 'Okay okay fine I'll go,' you said starting to walk away. '11 o clock sharp by the black lake! And yes bring a swimsuit since it's still warm!' the boys added as you walked away laughing.

You walked into the common room and saw Draco sitting. 'Where did you go?!' Draco said running up to you. 'I got an invite for us,' you said smiling and grabbing his hand, 'Cmon.' You lead him to your room and he sat down on the bed while you were digging through your truck of clothes. 'So a bonfire? Why would I want to go to that?' Draco said annoyed. 'Well actually i'm not forcing you to go, but you should if you want to.' You held up your swimsuit and went into the bathroom to change. Draco talking to you through the door, 'Yeah well what are they even going to be doing?'
'I don't know Draco that's why you go and find out. Probably swimming, drinking, talking. Stuff like that.'
'Yeah but you can't swim,' he said confused.
'Yeah I know,' you said adding a laugh, 'So if I do go in the water I won't go anywhere I can't touch, or I'll just do other stuff.'
You could hear Draco go and fall on the bed. You finished putting your hair in a french braid and went out in your swimsuit.

Draco looked up at you and widen his eyes

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Draco looked up at you and widen his eyes. You spun around smiling, 'Does it look okay?'
'Yeah it looks fantastic,' Draco said walking towards you. He put his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him. He started kissing your neck. You held up your wrist like there was a watch on it, 'Draco I've got to go, I'll see you when I get back?'
'Bloody hell, do you really think i'm going to let you go out there WITHOUT ME,' he said shaking his head and mumbled, ' stupid bloody swimsuit.' You started laughing and sat on the bed. Draco walked out in green swim trunks and you choked on the water you took a drink of. 'Those are a little tight,' you said looking him up and down. 'I know okay! I don't swim so i've had this for a while,' he said gesturing to his outfit. You grabbed his hand laughing and started dragging him down to the lake.

You two made your way down the stairs out towards the lake. Draco was watching you the entire time, already getting jealous because other guys would see you. 'Y/n!' the twins yelled from the huge crowd of people, all in swimsuits. You looked around and realized yours was the most revealing. 'Glad you could come,' Fred said as the two walked up to you and Draco. Since you've been marked, you and Draco had to use a charm to cover your new branding in your arms. 'Yeah it's going to be really fun,' George added. They both looked you up and down causing Draco to get annoyed. 'Yeah thanks for inviting both of us,' you said smiling and looked at Draco. 'Cmon let's take shots!' George yelled, motioning you to follow them. You looked at Draco, 'Go I'm going to talk to Blaise,' he said smiling, but he leaned down to your ear and whispered to where you could only hear, 'No one better fucking touch you, but we are gonna have to deal with that swimsuit when we go to to our room.' He leaned back smirking, causing you to blush. He winked and then walked to Blaise. 'I'll make a bet,' Fred said to you, '5 gallions that you can't out drink me.' You smiled looking up at him, 'You're on.'

The three of you made your way to the drinks, where most people were. Draco made sure to stand so he could still see you and what you were doing. Many people said hello and you returned it politely. Ron was standing with Harry, but was completely lost of words when he saw you with his brothers. 'Oh my god,' Ron said to Harry, who was also staring at you. 'I love that swimsuit now,' Harry said adding, 'I think we need to go see what she's doing.'
'Yes we definitely do,' Ron said as they quickly made their way to you.

'All right they are lined up,' Fred said to you causing you to laugh.
' Don't be shy,' you said picking up the shot and downing it like it was water. George started laughing at Fred as he took his making a face of disgust. You couldn't control you're laugh and it echoed in the crowd, causing everyone to laugh as well. 'Hello Ron, Harry,' George said as you were your 5th shot in and Fred was getting done with his 4th. You could feel yourself getting drunk, but you were having so much fun. You turned around and Ron's and Harry's eyes shot up to look at you. 'Ron! My favorite um favorite!' you said laughing and picking up another shot to drink to make sure you were still ahead of Fred. Ron had the biggest smile on his face as you said that. You turned to Harry, you were so drunk you couldn't even feel anger. 'Look who it is! Harry flipping Potter!' you said laughing as he was blushing, 'Sorry for the whole pushing you to the ground, not really though I don't feel sorry, but oh well.' You picked up another shot, drinking it causing Fred to groan in frustration because you were still ahead. Harry laughed saying it was no big deal and you laughed just enjoying yourself. You didn't drink often but when you did you went all out. You stopped drinking when you hit 11 shots and Fred said he couldn't take it anymore. You cheered and George, Harry, and Ron cheered as well. Draco looked over to you, who was a drunk mess laughing at everything, and smiled. He continued talking to Blaise, but made sure to keep an eye on you. 'Fred I'm sorry i'm just way more skilled,' you said laughing, causing all the boys too as well. 'I do not know how you are not sick right now,' Fred said laughing. You shrugged and turned towards all the boys. You especially made eye contact with Ron. You walked closer to him causing him to blush. You pushed his hair out of his face. He jumped at your touch, but continued to blush even harder. 'You have so many freckles,' you said in awe. You started to count them out loud causing all the boys to laugh. Ron grabbed your hand pushing them down, smiling, ' You can count them at another time,' he said smiling. You were going to say something back but your favorite, kind of seductive, song came on. You grinned as wide as you possibly could, and the boys knew what was happening. 'I love this song,' you said as you turned and walked to where a huge crowd of people were dancing. You danced by yourself, but you didn't care. All the boys, including Draco, and almost everyone there had their eyes on you as you swayed your hips to the song. All of their jaws dropped and could not leave your direction. 'Bloody hell,' Ron said under his breath.
'She doesn't even know what she's doing to everyone,' Harry said after.
'She knows exactly what's she doing,' the twins added at the same time.

Draco was watching and Blaise noticed looking towards the direction his eyes were in. 'Oh my,' Blaise said watching you. Draco shot him a dirty look and returned his eyes to you. 'Don't get mad Draco, everyone is looking too thinking the same thing.' Draco looked around and noticed all the boys staring. He instantly got jealous. He knew you wouldn't cheat or anything, but you didn't like anyone seeing you in such little coverings. The song had ended and Draco walked over to you.

'You look so fucking good,' Draco said whispering in your ear. The alcohol gave you so much more confidence than you already had. 'You would look so much better with those shorts on the floor,' you whispered back into his ear with a playful look on your face. He looked at you and smirked. 'We're leaving right now, go say goodbye,' He said demandingly to you, 'Better hurry though, before you get punished.' You bit your bottom lip and innocently walking to the 4 boys. 'I have to unfortunately leave,' you said making yourself sound disappointed. They all groaned not wanting you to leave. They said goodbye but you walked to Ron and got close to his face. 'I'm counting your freckles tomorrow, so you better have a class with me,' you said causing him to blush and nod. You smiled and ran to Draco, them all watching you leave. You and Draco rushed to your room, laughing the whole way.
'Wow,' Ron said amazed. Still trying to process what happened.

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