Without Compliance Comes Death

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'Oh great my parents are going to be pissed,' you said at the dinning hall throwing the newspaper on the table. Draco picked it up and saw you on the front cover in the water with Cedric. 'I mean they couldn't be that mad at you, you really didn't have a choice,' Draco said trying to comfort you. 'Yeah well me being on the cover almost drowning is not good either.' Draco laughed and put his arm around you. You rolled your eyes and laughed grabbing more toast off the table. You noticed Draco rolling his eyes and getting pissed. You looked to see what he was looking at and you saw Cedric walking towards you. 'Can we talk?' he said trying to get you away from the other slytherins, mostly Draco. 'Just say what you have to say right here,' you said but you didn't look up at him. 'Well you left before i could talk to you after the challenge.'
'Well i was freezing and wanted to leave.'
'Yeah but I didn't get a chance to talk to you.'
'Yeah well i didn't want to be your stupid 'prize' in that dumb challenge so why would I stay any longer?' you snapped and Draco had to hold in his laughter. Cedric just looked at you and scoffed walking away annoyed. Draco kissed your cheek and had a prideful look on his face. 'That was hilarious! Did you see the look on his face?' Blaise said laughing. You just giggled and continued talking for the rest of breakfast.

It was potions and you hadn't talked to any of the boys in a while. You decided to play a little prank on Fred and George to see what would happen. You ran to potions to make sure you were there before anyone could get there. You ran to the seats they always sit in put a charm on the seats that if the person who sat down in them, their pants would blow up like balloons and they would be stuck to the seat. Kind of lame but it was the first time you pulled a prank. You ran back to your seat and sat down waiting for them to walk in. Harry, Ron, and the twins walked in. 'Ron!' you yelled and waved him over. Harry rolled his eyes and Ron lit up and walked over to you. You put your hand over your mouth to hide the smile you had. Ron looked at you confused but then turned around quickly to his brothers who just had cued the charm you put. You bursted out laughing and put your head on the desk. 'It was you wasn't it?' Ron said laughing. You shrugged and continued laughing. Snape walked in and reversed the spell, making everyone be quiet.

Ron ran up to the twins and whispered, 'It was (y/n),' trying to contain is laugher. The twins both turned and looked at you. You smiled with a wink waving and then walked towards Draco. 'Bloody Brilliant,' they both said the same time. Now thinking of a way to get you in on their next prank.

'Hey sexy,' you said in Dracos ear as you walked past him. He ran up to you and put his arm around you. 'How was class?' he asked smiling. 'It was good, I messed with the Wesley twins.'
'What do you mean?' You then had to explain to Draco what you did. He started laughing. 'No offense but that was kind of lame.' You playful punched his arm rolling your eyes. 'Relax there love we wouldn't want you breaking your hand again,' he said causing you to laugh along with him.

The rest of the day flew by pretty fast and so did the next few days. You spent your time with Draco and your friends like you always do. But you would casually do more pranks against the twins. Like make their quills explode with ink and little things like that. They knew it was you but they didn't want to stop you, seeing how much it excited you, even though most of them were pretty lame. The final event came and you Draco sat next to each other in the stands. They would have to go through a maze to get to the Goblet and whoever touched it first won. You were excited and hoped Cedric won. Just because you didn't want Harry to. You and Draco were screaming with the crowd as everyone was getting started. They entered and now you all would have to sit and wait. Draco held you close to him as you were waiting to keep you warm. You talked the whole time making bets with each other about who would win.

Music started playing as you saw Cedric and Harry come out of the maze. Everyone started cheering but Harry was on top of Cedric crying. Cedric wasn't moving. Cedrics father came down screaming as you all knew what happened. Cedric was dead. 'Let's go,' Draco said pulling you out of there as you were in shock. You've never seen someone dead before, but that was intense. You didn't start crying like everyone but you just couldn't believe it. You didn't want him to die but you weren't close. He was so sweet to you, and all you were to him was a bitch most of the time. You felt regret come over yourself. The last thing you heard before you couldn't hear anything else was Harry yell, 'He's back! Voldemort is back!' You quickly ran out with Draco who was pulling you out.

You stopped in the tunnel that connected the event to the forrest. 'He's dead,' you said blank faced to Draco who looked up at you. He pulled you into a hug saying 'I'm sorry.'
'I mean we weren't close but I didn't want him dead you know, but i'm fine I just feel bad for his Father.'
'Yeah me too,' he said to you and began leading you back to your dorm. Suddenly a huge pounding in your head overwhelmed you. 'D-Draco,' you said faintly holding yourself up by leaning up against the wall. 'Are you okay what's wrong,' he said placing his hand on your shoulder. You started screaming as the pain only grew in your head feeling like your skull was being turned inside out. You fell to the ground holding your head not knowing what was going on. Draco quickly went next to you not knowing what to do. The pain released only a little bit so you could hear the whisper in your head, you looked up at Draco and you could tell he could hear it too by the way he was looking around, but no pain coming over him. The pain grew more until you focused onto the voice. 'Oh (y/n),' the mysterious voice began to whisper in both of your heads, 'Ive heard so much about you already from your Father. How much power you posses with be useful to me personally. You will be meeting me soon and without compliance comes death. Remember that always. I do not spare traitors. We will be seeing each other soon my young (y/n).' The voice stopped the pain began to fade. You quickly looked up at Draco who was staring at you. Sweat was bearing on your forehead from the pain and he grabbed you and you both ran to your room.

You shut the door behind you and locked it. Draco was pacing back and forth. 'What was that?' you said to Draco trying not to freak out. 'He's back,' Draco said in a whisper looking up at you terrified. Shock. That's all you were feeling right now. Then fear and anger came. 'Why does he want me?! Why has my Father told him about me?! Why fucking me!' you began to shout. Draco put his hands through his hair trying to take it all in at once. 'I knew my parents used to serve him but why is he back again! Why does this involve me in anyway?!' a light burst as you were yelling. Draco walked over to you and pulled you closer. Knowing that both of your parents served him before terrified you both, especially know that both of you are already involve in some way. He held you tightly as you were holding back tears. 'I don't know. I honestly don't. But everything is going to be okay, okay?' he said looking at you with all seriousness on his face. A single tear rolled down your cheek as you put both of your hands on his face, 'I am not going to loose you. No matter what happens, you and I are going to get through this.' He kissed you with the same passion as if it was going to be your last one. 'I love you.' he said still having you close to him.
'I love you more.' you said holding him as tightly as you could.

You both laid it bed holding each other but not either of you could fall asleep. You knew you would be leaving tomorrow to go to Draco's house, but you never knew why. But now it all makes sense on why you were. The hurt you felt from your parents for not telling you anything, quickly changed to anger. You laid with Draco as he was going through his own thoughts. You laid there taking as much of him as you could before tomorrow, not knowing what it would bring.

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