Slytherin Party

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'Get off Granger, I need to find out why she's upset!' Draco said trying to get away. He stopped when she gave him a saddened look. 'What happened?' he asked full of worry. 'It was Pansy. I didn't know what she was making in Potions until she made you take it, it was a love Potion. She probably made you take it to get back at (y/n).' She said full of empathy. Draco's heart stopped. He looked around as if he would see what to do. 'I didn't mean to do anything! I didn't want to!' he said yelling trying to control his emotions. 'I know Draco, but (y/n) doesn't. She just thinks you were all over her at lunch.' Draco gasped, he almost started crying. 'What do I do?!' he said full of worry of loosing you. 'She's with Ron right now, talk to her when she calms down, tell her everything. Everyone saw her force that potion down your throat.' Draco nodded and went to go be alone, waiting for the time to talk to you.

Ron pulled you to a tree behind the school. You stopped walking and looked at Ron. Compassion and worry filled his eyes, and you couldn't help but to break down in his arms. He held you tightly to his chest as you sobbed. 'It's okay to be okay,' Ron said in a whisper and you continued crying into his shoulder. 'I thought it was getting better, but i'm disappointed like always.' Ron held you tighter after you said that. He didn't know this side of you. He always saw the confidence you radiated and how you would not let anyone bother you. Now here he was holding you tightly on the grass, afraid of letting go incase you fell apart. 'Let me walk you to your room alright? I'll tell the teacher's your sick so you can be in there,' he said holding your cheeks looking you in the eye. You nodded and he lead the way to your room. He made sure no one saw you, he knew you hated showing your vulnerability. You two got to the door. 'Thank you Ron,' you said in a whisper with bloodshot eyes and makeup running down your face. 'If you need anything i'm here,' he said giving you one finial hug. You made your way into your room. You saw Draco's stuff laying around and started crying again.

Draco made his way to your room. He almost was sprinting, not being able to wait any longer. He was about to knock when he heard something come from your room. He put his ear up to your door and could hear you sobbing. He could tell you were trying to be quiet, but it didn't work. His heart broke. Sitting down by the door he put his head into his hands, starting to cry. He couldn't stand the thought of being the cause of you hurting like this. He got up running around the school most of the night to figure out what to do.

It had been a few days without you and Draco talking, and it felt like forever. You missed him, but he didn't try and talk to you at all. Ron and you spent most of your time together the past days because you weren't talking to Draco. Whenever you thought of him, only heartache came. You couldn't sleep without him there. You missed his touch, his smile, his laugh. Everything. But you would not be the first one to say something. 'I have a great idea,' you said to Ron as you were walking in the halls.
' Yeah what is that?'
'I'm throwing a party, tonight. Drinking and dancing in the Slytherin common rooms, brought to you by yours truly,' you said laughing. Ron looked at you like you were crazy but began to agree that was a great idea. He knew you needed the time to have a distraction. 'Great, Harry and the twins can come too so can you tell them? I've invited already a lot of people.' Ron nodded smiling. You were about to walk aways when you added, ' You can tell Hermione she's invited too.' You have a half grin to Ron and walked away to your class. Ron was shocked to hear you say that. He thought you hated her greatly. He ran to his Common room to tell all 3 of them the news.

You quickly got the party ready. Blaise offered to help you, since he knew you and Draco weren't talking. 'Okay so drinks are over there, some snacks in the corner. I'm not ready so i'm going to go do that and i'll come down when more people arrive okay?'
'You're not going to be the first one here for your own party?'
' Nope!' you said laughing. You walked to your room, hoping Draco would show up.

You straighten your hair and put a black smokey look on. You slipped on the dress Draco made you promise you would never wear without him there. Technically if he was there you wouldn't be breaking the promise, and if he wasn't then it didn't matter because he wouldn't know. You slipped it on, noticing how much skin was showing, but you didn't care. You just wanted to get drunk and forget. You adjusted the straps of the dress and put on black heels.

You took on final look in the mirror and smirked, making your made your way down the stairs

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You took on final look in the mirror and smirked, making your made your way down the stairs.

As you stepped down the stairs you felt all eyes on you. You smirked as you saw Draco standing, staring with his jaw dropping immediately remembering the dress. You slowly walked past him, but he didn't say anything. You sighed and walked to the boys. 'You look hot!' the twins yelled and you could feel Draco's eyes staring, full of jealousy. You laughed and picked up a shot taking it quickly. The boys joined you & soon all of you were getting drunk.

***I started listening to 'She knows by Ne-Yo' because this is the song I imagine her dancing to***

You down shot after shot with the boys, not even caring about the after affects that would come tomorrow. You decided to just grab the whole bottle and made your way to dance with the boys. Your favorite song came on and you slowly started to dancing around. You turned and saw Draco staring at you. You didn't break eye contact. You lifted the bottle up to your lips taking a drink. Still holding eye contact, you mouthed the word 'Daddy' to Draco as the song said it as well. He smirked and shook his head causing you to smirk back. You started dancing again leaning your back onto Ron for support. You were having so much fun. You felt Ron put his hands on your hips, but you didn't care because you both were so drunk. You opened your eyes and caught Draco looking at you AGAIN! You just smirked and whispered to Ron that you were going to the bathroom. You walked aways trying not to stumble and Draco's eyes followed you the entire ways before he left to see what you were doing.

You walked into your room and went into the bathroom. You walked into the bathroom and saw Hermione looking nervously in the mirror. You jumped not expecting to see anyone in here. 'I'm so sorry this was the only bathroom open,' she said nervously taking a step back. You walked in the bathroom and turned looking in the mirror as well. 'Don't even trip about it, I get it. Plus it's just you I don't mind.' Hermione's jaw dropped and she looked surprised. ' I thought you hated me though,' she said confused. 'I don't hate you. You sometimes annoy me there's a difference.' You looked at her and smiled. 'Who do you think said it was okay for you to come?' She smiled at you and pulled you into a hug. You would have protested this type of a reaction but you were too drunk to care. 'You need to give Draco another chance,' she said causing you to look at her surprised. 'He hasn't even talked to me, he left.'
'He doesn't want to say something to mess it up, in case he does and he looses you without the chance of coming back.'
'That still doesn't make it okay for him to do what he did!'
'It was a love potion. Everyone in class saw her shove it in his mouth.' You looked at her and you felt relief come over you. All the love he had for you was still there. 'I'm going to go downstairs, i'll see you later.' You nodded and followed out a little later. You walked out but met with the beautiful grey eyes that you've missed so much, staring at you from the door frame.

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