The Final Party

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Hermione was not really please on your choice of getting back with Draco. Especially the Twins and Ron. Definitely Ron. But they didn't know the whole story, they couldn't know. You would snap when they brought their opinion up saying it's not their choice at all, so they should just butt out. After 2 days they stopped, but would still give Draco dirty looks.

'This is so fucking boringgggg,' you complained to Draco as you both were sitting in the common room. 'You barely even looked at the first page of the book,' Draco said rolling his eyes. 'Yeah well this still so boringggg,' you yelled throwing your head back dramatically. He just chuckled and shook his head. You suddenly got a grin on your face and turned to look at Draco. 'Oh no what now,' he said setting his book down to look at you. You let out a slight laugh and got up, standing on the table now. 'Everyone come out! Hello?! I'm not askingggg,' you yelled to all the people in their dorms. It was mid day and most people were just with their friends, doing who knows what. Boys came a lot faster then the girls, rushing to the stair rail to listen to what you had to say. Most of the girls came out and just stood there waiting. 'Yours truly is hosting a party in the Room of Requirements. And we all know how great the last party I threw was, so I better see more Slytherins there then every other house,' you announced to everyone. The girls giggled away to go find an outfit and the boys were  yelling and high-fiving. You got down from the table and sat next to Draco again. 'What?' you said him smiling. 'You're throwing a party?' he asked shaking his head smiling. 'Well yeah better than studying. Thought of it right now, so i better see your hot ass there,' you finished and saw a slight blush on Draco's cheeks. 'Why are you throwing it though?' he asked curiously. 'HE told me we would have to do something soon for him, thought it would be a good idea to have one more night of fun you know?' You said looking back at him. He smiled slightly, but you could see the sadness hiding behind it. 'Yeah you're right,' he said grabbing his book again. You moved his arm and laid your head on his chest. He pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. 'Of course I'm right,' you said causing Draco to smile widely.

Even though you told everyone about your party tonight, not even 4 hours ago, word about it got around fast. You wanted everyone to be there. You wanted to have one more night of bliss, before Voldemort told you what the task was. Because what you didn't tell Draco, is Voldemort would be telling both of you tomorrow. You didn't tell Draco because you didn't want it ruining anything. You didn't even know what it was so why bother getting him worked up over nothing you needed to be worried about yet? You were digging through your closet to try and find something to wear. You sent Blaise, Crab, and Goyle to go set it up because you didn't want to. Draco was waiting on the bed in black jeans and a tight black shirt that showed every outline of muscle he had on him. You couldn't help but stare when you saw him, so you kicked him out of the closet so you could focus. 'Oh my Merlin (y/n)! The party started 5 minutes ago. You know YOURE party,' Draco complain from on the bed. 'Yeah I know just shhh so I can focus,' you said still digging through clothes. Finally you found the outfit you were looking for.

You slipped on the tight black skirt and the very exposing top. You look in the mirror one more time before tying up black heels. You made your way out to show Draco.

'So do you like it?' you spun around after saying that to show Draco the entire outfit

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'So do you like it?' you spun around after saying that to show Draco the entire outfit. He didn't say anything he just look at you with wide eyes. 'Say something before I think it looks bad,' you said rolling your eyes. He got up and walked towards you. He got inches away from your faces and gently placed his hand on your neck. 'I swear to god that if anyone touches you, I'll kill them. And you WILL tell me if someone does,' he whispered in your ear. Goosebumps spread across your body. You just nodded your head, being as flustered as you were. 'That's not an answer,' he said with a smirk, but tightened his grip on your throat a little bit. 'Ill tell you if someone does,' you said looking in Draco's eyes. He smirked again and kissed you. 'Let's go,' he said while letting go and then grabbed your hand. He lead you down the stairs to the Room.

You opened the doors and it was set up the exact way you told them to. There was strobe lights going and green neon lights, since you were in Slytherin. Almost the whole school was there. You looked around and saw all the different types of house. You had them play mostly rave music so most of the songs didn't have words, but you could feel the beat in your chest. Some people had glow sticks or neon paint on them, since there was a black light. Draco placed his hand on your lower back and walked with you to get a drink. You looked and saw Semus playing a game. You dragged Draco along to see what it was. 'What is this?' you asked Semus and he looked at you with some other boys. '(Y/N)! I hope you don't mind, it's called beer pong. You have to throw the ball in the other person's cup. If you make it the other person has to drink. If you get all their cups, you win.' he finished explaining. You looked over to the other boys who we're staring at your outfit. Draco cleared his throat, and you assumed he gave them a dirty look by how fast their eyes went the other way. 'Okay,' you said walking to the other end of the table, ' Lets play Semus.' He looked at you and grinned. Draco motioned he was going to go talk to Blaise and you just nodded, wanting to play the game. 'Oh and a final rule,' Semus added before grabbing the balls he was using, ' You can't use magic.' You scoffed. 'Please i'll still win without magic,' you said smirking ready to play.

You were in fact right. You beat Semus and almost anyone that challenged you on playing. You didn't care it was a Muggle game, you just wanted to win. Ron came up behind you to see what you were doing. 'I wanna play next,' Ron said trying to nudge you over. 'Hell no Ron,' you said after making the last one in the cup, 'The winner gets to stay, the loser leaves.' Ron smirked and walked over to the other side, ' Okay well you better be ready to leave after this.' A hand was placed on Ron's shoulder. You looked up and saw Draco standing there smirking. 'Actually Wesley, it's my turn,' Draco said taking Ron's place. You smirked at him raising an eyebrow. He grabbed the balls in his hand ready to start. 'Don't be mad princess when I win, I'll make it up to you tonight,' he said with a wink. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the balls you were using. 'Yeah you wish.'

The game was actually a little difficult for you. Draco was naturally good at this too. Many people came to watch since you both were trying so hard. You only had to get one cup left and Draco had two. You were super careful throwing it. Suddenly a splash came and the crowd roared with cheers for you. You threw up your hands and cheered along with them. 'What can I say? The master never looses,' you said then started mouthing the words Thank you Thank you to the group of people. Draco rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand, pulling you away.

You were still smiling about your win when Draco pulled you on the dance floor. You instinctively put your arms on his shoulders swaying your hips. He grabbed your hips tightly and pulled you closer. He started kissing up your neck and onto your jaw. He pulled away and rest his forehead against yours. Both of you still consumed by the huge crowd and the music. You both swayed with the music. 'I fucking love you,' he whispered in your ear. 'I love you so much it drives me crazy,' you whispered back in his ear. You pulled away and he slammed his lips against yours.

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