Im Going to Kill Potter

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You and Draco both fell asleep, but he woke up first. He started pushing the hair out of your face just taking you in. He wanted to tell you how much he really did love you, but he couldn't even put it into words. He starting thinking to himself how all these guys wanted to be with you.It made him instantly jealous because he knew how much he wanted you, so why wouldn't these guys want you as well? He was so nervous that you would leave, even though you never would. You loved him. He was snapped out of thoughts when he heard you mumbling in your sleep. He covered his mouth to hide his laugh to try to keep you from not waking up. That's when he heard it. 'D-draco?' She's dreaming of me? He thought to himself. He just laid there waiting to see if you would say something else unknowingly. 'Don't leave me,' came out in a whisper. He was completely shocked. She really think i'll leave her? No no never. I'll always be here, he thought to himself. He pulled you closer onto his chest, needing to wake you up for dinner. '(Y/n),' he said in a whisper rubbing your back, 'Come on we need to go to dinner.'
'I don't wanna go,' you said muffled into his chest. He laughed and directed your chin to look at him. 'Then let's just take a plate and bring it up here okay?' You nodded your head and groggily got out of bed getting dressed. Draco stood up and did the same. You walked up to him and put your head on his chest. He pulled you into a hug and whispered, 'I love you so much.'
'I love you more than that,' you said holding him tighter. You not realizing how much that had meant to him.

You both made your way to dinner and just decided to stay because they were determining the Tri-Wizard Champions tonight. You were half asleep during Dumbledor's speech and had to catch yourself from falling. You rested your head on Dracos shoulder listening to the Champions being called. Fleur, Victor, and Cedric. You weren't super close with Cedric, but you didn't want him to be in a life or death situation like that. All of a sudden another piece of paper came out of the Goblet. Dumbledor shouted Harry Potter and he never stood. He yelled it louder and he finally stood up and left. 'He probably got someone to put his name in for him,' Draco said annoyed.
'Yeah your right. I guess being the 'chosen one' wasn't enough,' You said replying to Draco and he laughed. You made your way back to your room and went back to sleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.

You woke Draco up in a rush because you both slept in, making you miss your first class. 'Relax, just say your hand was hurting.' Draco said not hurrying to get ready. You were practically running back and forth trying to get ready. 'Draco I don't want detention, especially with Snape if i'm late to his class too.'
'Isn't he like friends with your dad though?'
'Yeah but you never know.' You ran up to Draco and kissed him. You looked at him and pulled his collar down revealing 3 hickeys. 'Um sorry about that,' you said kissing him again and running out trying to get to Snapes class on time.

You walked in late, great. 'Well Miss.(Y/L/N) glad to see you could spare your time and make it to class. Sit down before I give you detention.' You nodded and looked for a seat. The only two seats open were next to Ron or next to Harry because apparently they weren't talking. You just hurried and sat next to Harry. He didn't even look at you when you sat down but Ron was staring. You waved at him and he blushed and looked away. 'So Potter how'd you do it?' you said joking around.
'I didn't put my name into that bloody Goblet!' he whispered but he was trying not to yell.
'Okay you need to relax,' you said annoyed.
'I know it has something to do with Voldemort. Wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with Dracos filthy dad. Or even your filthy father'- He said but stopped, looking at you when he realized what he said. He was looking at you but when you looked up at him tears filled your eyes, but anger started taking over again. 'Draco was right about you, I thought maybe he just didn't like you for some reason but no, I was wrong. When I was starting to consider letting down my walls, you showed me a reason not do. To think I could be friends with someone like you. Do not ever disrespect Draco, Draco's family or my FAMILY again or I will make sure the tournament is the last thing you need to be worried about.' Everyone heard what he said and what you said responding. Even Snape. You got up and handed your fully finished paper and notebook, that you finished last night, to Snape. 'May I leave?' Snape nodded his head and you made your way out of the classroom. Harry tried to stop you but you ignored him and left. Ron and Harry were the only ones seeing a single tear running on your cheek.

You step out of the classroom into the empty hallway and fully broke down. Everyone had the same opinion about your father, but they didn't know the man you did. You walked to your room, still fully sobbing trying to stop so you could try and calm down. But all you wanted was to find Draco. You turned around started running to find Draco, tears filling your eyes, blurring your vision. It felt like you were running forever until you saw him walking out of Transfiguration, making his way to the bathrooms. You stopped running and he looked up at you with your mascara running down your face and your eyes bloodshot from the tears. '(Y/n),' he said running over to you. He wrapped his arms around you and you started crying even harder, until you couldn't even stand. He just held you close to him trying to calm you down. 'Cmon lets go somewhere, classes will be over soon.' He led you outside to the border of the Dark Forest. 'Tell me what happened.' You pulled him into another hug, 'Potter said that our families were filthy. And i don't know why that made me so upset, almost everyone I've ever talked to has stopped eventually because they are so wrong about their opinion on my dad. And i couldn't take it anymore so i pushed them away. But I'm sorry for freaking out,' You said pulling away wiping your face. He grabbed your face and made you look at him. 'Never feel sorry for something like that,' He said wiping your face with his thumb, 'You should never and I mean never let anyone's opinion about your family affect you, you know how it truly is so why care what anyone says?' You smiled and another tear rolled on your face. 'I'm going to kill Potter.'
'Don't Draco don't give him the satisfaction. Plus he probably won't even last in the first task,' You laughed causing Draco to laugh too. Draco pulled you close again and you held onto him tightly. 'Please don't leave,' You whispered.
'Ill never leave you. You and I are endgame. Always.'

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