I See Red

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Weeks had passed, and Draco had not made a single attempt to talk to you. You could only feel anger in your heart. You couldn't bare to let the sadness in.  In classes you had with him and Pansy, your emotions took over and many things would catch on fire or explode. All the teachers thought it was students playing constant pranks, but Snape and Draco knew it was you. You couldn't control it.

Draco and Snape had been reporting what you were doing to Voldemort every other day. He would dig through their memories to see for himself. ' How spectacular. She can't even control the damage,' he said to the two. 'Have you figured out what was wrong with her eyes, why they looked like snake's?'
'No my lord,' Snape spoke, 'It has not happened since.'
'Still remarkable. Only a few more days Draco, then you can tell her the whole thing. How I needed to know.' Draco nodded and him and Snape returned to Hogwarts.

You spent most of your time in the library or with the twins. They were constantly trying to make you feel better, which is what you really needed. You were sitting in the library when Hermione came rushed towards you. 'Y/n! I finally found you!' she said out of breath. You have gotten closer to her since the whole talent contest. She was very smart and you admired her for that. You also tried to get her to loosen up a bit, because she really needed to. 'Hey what's up?' you said looking up from your book. 'I have what you call a favor. So you know there's the Halloween dance coming up?' You had completely forgotten. 'Oh yeah what about it?'
' So i'm apart of planning it and we need someone to sing, only one song though. The finial song, since the band has to leave early.'
'Yeah I'll do it.'
'And since you can sing'-
'Yeah Hermione I said I'd do it.'
'Plus I did help you that one time'-
'Hermione! I said i'd do it!' you said laughing. 'Oh great then! What song?'
'I'll just surprise you,' you said with a wink. She laughed, ' Seamus asked me to the dance, I wanted to go with Ron but he's bloody stupid.' You laughed. You knew about the crush they both had on each other, but you knew it wasn't your place to tell her. 'I don't know who I'm going with, probably just by myself.' Hermione frowned, 'I know still care for Draco'-
'I don't want to talk about him,' you snapped. You still loved him with all of you, there was nothing you could say to yourself to stop. 'Just maybe try going with someone else to get your mind off him,' she said kindly. You nodded and gave a weak smile back. 'I can't wait to see you preform tomorrow!' she ran out to probably inform everyone i agreed. TOMORROW! you though to yourself. You quickly ran out to get a costume.

Fred and George quickly grabbed you as you were running. 'How lovely to see you two,' you said gathering yourself. 'We are going to be your dates to the dance,' Fred said smiling. 'Yeah because we both wanted to and since we couldn't choose, you get both,' George added. 'You don't have to,' you said, you didn't want them to just because they felt bad. 'Shhhh stop talking. It'll be fun!' Fred said messing your hair. 'Now what is your costume?' George asked. 'I don't have one yet, that's what I was getting right now.' They both looked at each other and each grabbed one of your arms pulling you with them, 'We have the greatest idea then,' They both said at the same time.

The dance came and Fred and George definitely picked out the right costumes. They both wore all white suits and halos over them to represent angels. Which was ironic since they were always causing so much trouble. You had a red dress and horns to represent the devil. You checked yourself out in the mirror, admiring your costume. You hadn't really tried getting ready since that day with Draco, you had no point.

 You hadn't really tried getting ready since that day with Draco, you had no point

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You made your way out of the common room seeing the twins waiting for you. Their jaws dropped as they link their arms with both of yours. ' Looking stunning at always Miss (y/L),' George said blushing. You smiled, ' I'm loving the suits boys,' you said causing them both to blush. You finally made it to the Great Hall, making a grand entrance like you always do, the boys pushed open the doors and all eyes were landed on you.

Draco was the first person to notice you. All his attention was drawn to you and not on Pansy, who he had to bring to make the situation more believable. He couldn't stand Pansy, especially now when she work a skimpy costume and was completely wasted. He looked over and was amazed on how stunning you looked. He couldn't stand the twins even touching you. His jaw tightened as you walked with him. 1 more day he thought to himself.

The three walked up to The golden trio. Harry and Ron were dressed as a Pirates and Hermione was dressed as Bell from Beauty and the Beast. 'You look amazing,' Hermione said to you. 'You look beautiful,' you said back. 'Oh so I guess we're invisible Fred,' George said. 'Oh yeah definitely I guess (y/n) just walked in by herself,' Fred added. Everyone laughed and started dancing. You dancing with the boys and Hermione. You would catch eye contact with Draco, but you quickly would look away. Hours passed when Hermione came up to you, 'You have to go,' she said motioning to the stage. You nodded and made your way there. 'Where is she going?' Ron asked everyone. 'She's singing the last song,' Hermione yelled, Draco heard and quickly looked towards you walking up. He wondered what you would do. All the boys got excited, your friends loved hearing you sing, but they'd only heard it once.

You made your way on the stage. Many people started cheering already. Draco's stare was visible to everyone. It caused you to get goosebumps, knowing the song you were singing was going to be about him. The music started playing when Harry turned to Hermione, 'What is she singing?'
'I don't know, she wrote it though.' Draco heard Hermione and quickly turned back to you, wonder of what it would be filled him. You took a deep breath and began,
'Did you really think I'd just forgive and forget? No
After catching you with her, your blood should run cold, so cold
You, you two-timing, cheap, lying wannabe
You're a fool if you thought that i'd just let this go

Draco knew right away the song was about him. Pain shot into his heart, knowing that it caused you this much pain. He could feel on the hurt coming from the song.

'I see red, red, oh, red
A gun to your head, head, to your head
Now I'll i see is red, red, red

Hermione and all the boys looked at each other. Many people were dancing to the song. Everyone except them and Draco. Ron shot Draco a dirty look but Draco didn't notice he was too busy looking at you.

'Did you really just say, she didn't mean anything, oh?
I'll remember those words when I come for your soul, your soul
Know that you dug your own grave, now lie in it
You're so cruel, but revenge is a dish best severed cold

Draco was starting to get mad. Mad at Voldemort for making him do this. Mad at Pansy for willing to do this. Mad at your friends for looking at you the way they were. But mostly mad at himself for making you feel like this.

'Executioner style and there won't be no trial
Don't you know that your better off dead?
All I see is red, red, oh, red
Now all I see is

Draco could see the tears filling your eyes as you were singing. He hated himself at this moment more than he ever has. He wanted you back. He needed you more. He didn't care about Voldemort anymore. It's like he didn't know how to breath without you. He couldn't take it anymore.

'Run, Hide
Oh you're so done
Better sleep with one eye open tonight
I see red, red, oh, red
Got a gun to your head, your head, to your head
Executioner style and there won't be no trial
Don't you know your better off dead
All I see is red, red, oh, red
Now all I see is red

Cheers filled air and you quickly wiped off a tear. All your friends were giving you hugs when you approached causing you to give a faint smile. 'I'm really tired, I'm going to go to my room,' you said trying to sound tired. 'Do you want someone to walk you back?' Ron asked. 'No I'm okay, thank you though.' They all smiled and said goodbye as you left. You made it a few steps out the door, but were stopped when a tight grasp was around your wrist, pushing you up against the wall.

Song- I see red by Everybody Loves an Outlaw

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