Both Just Wanted to Say Hello

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Draco stayed with you as long as he could until Madam P made him leave. He practically begged her for him to be able to stay, but she didn't budge. She just said he could come get you in the morning. 'Tomorrow morning can you bring me a new pair of socks ? Oh and my toothbrush and i'll just get ready in the bathroom here. Oh and my hair brush?'
'Yes i will,' he said kissing you goodbye. 'Don't leave without me tomorrow okay?'
'Okay dad geez,' You said laughing and he rolled his eyes.

Falling asleep was hard to do. It was weird to try and fall asleep in such a big room, the way it was so open and pretty much anyone can walk in. You were almost asleep, when you saw the door open, but no one was there. You made sure to make yourself look like you were asleep. The sound of footsteps got closer to you, but with no one there. You shot up & landed on your feet holding out your wand. 'I know someone is here,' You said kind of shaky, 'Show yourself or i'll start hexing damn near everything in this room.' All off a sudden Harry appeared out of no where. He had an invisibility cloak! 'My god Harry, were you trying to give me a heart attack!?'
'Yeah i'm sorry about that I was going to take it off to wake you up, but I see you are already awake.' You lowered you're wand and took a good look at the boy in front of you. He was a lot shorter than Draco and his features were completely opposite as well. 'Why are you in here?' you said setting your wand down and sitting back on the bed.
'Well I wanted to come talk to you, you know just us.'
'You know we have potions together right?'
'Well yeah but you talk to George.'
'Well it's because George fell and i offered him to sit next to me.'
Harry laughed and said, 'He fell on purpose you know? So he could sit next to you.'
'Yeah i know.' You said laughing, 'If he fell on purpose to just sit next to me, I gotta let him you know.' Harry laughed and looked at you. 'I'm not trying to be rude (y/n), but you seem really mean. That's why us 4 haven't talked to you before.'
'Yeah i get that a lot,' You said looking down, 'I cant help it you know? I don't try to but it just comes out. I really don't have a filter.'
'Yeah but with Hermione'- You stood up and took a few steps always from him and said cutting him off, 'If this is some intervention about how I should treat your group girlfriend, then you can just leave. Im not going to change the way I talk, act, or feel towards and about her. Is that why you came?'
'No no,' he said standing up, 'I just wanted to say hello.'
You started laughing, 'So you and Ron just wanted to say hi?' He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. 'Ron has a whole plan on how he wants to become your friend. How you're different.'
'Well as his best friend I didn't think you would be the one to tell me that Harry. Plus I know he's trying I find it sweet. But i'm not a lost cause or pity case. I'm not going to change how I am based of one friend. Or 4 new friends,' You said looking at him, making him blush. 'Plus I already like Fred and George. They are funny as hell. Ron is sweet and I can see us being close. But you,' You said getting close to him face, 'are a mystery.' You moved his hair and looked at his scar. 'Sorry I had to, at least once,' you said taking a step back, 'I don't know if I like you yet. Based off of what Draco said.' You said smirking.
'Draco is stupid,' He said under his breath. You shot up and gave him a dirty look.
'Dont insult him in front of me. But you should get going I have to get up soon for class. I'll see you in potions.' He smiled and wrapped his cloak around himself and made his way out. He stuck his head out and quickly said, 'Fred and George wanted me to tell you to go to the Goblet of Fire tomorrow during lunch. They are putting their names in, they want you there.'
'I didn't think they were 17.'
'They aren't.' He laughed and left. You laid in bed and soon fell asleep.

'Wake up! Wake up!' You woke up to Draco shaking you, making you almost have a heart attack. ' I'm up i'm up!' You said laying back down. Draco grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, spinning around and then setting you down making you stand up. He pushed your messy hair out of your face & kissed you over and over again. 'Cmon lets get you ready.' He dragged your half asleep self to the bathroom to get ready. He stuck the tooth brush in your mouth making you do it yourself. He brushed your hair for you and then you got dressed. He walked to the bathroom door and locked it. 'What are you doing?
'This' He picked you up and put you on the counter and tangled his hands in your hair while kissing you. He held you so close to him there was no space left between you. You two were interrupted by a knock on the door and Madam P saying she wanted to look at your hand before you left. Draco steppes back as you hopped off and you kissed his cheek before opening the door.

'Alright I see my potion work. It may be sore for a few days but you can leave now.'
'Thank you so much,' you said as you grabbed your bags. Draco walked you to herbology and kissed you goodbye. 'I'll see you at lunch!' you yelled down the hallway to him. He turned around and said, 'Yeah just don't break your hand this time!' You laughed and rolled your eyes and walked into class.

You were the first one to Potions again and sat down in the same seat.While you were sitting there you didn't know that those griffindors were talking about you on the way to class.

'Where were you last night Harry?' Ron asked.
'Um no where, I was in bed,' Harry responded trying to sound as convincing as possible.
'No you weren't I saw you leave,' Ron replied annoyed.
'Well Ron do you really want to know where he was?' Fred asked and George added, 'Because we know exactly where he was.'
Harry shook his head no and the twins laughed. 'He went to see (y/n). In the middle of the night.' Harry shot them a dirty look. 'Why? What did you guys talk about?'
'What do you mean us?!' Ron asked, needing to know. The twins looked at Harry too wanting to know. 'Okay so I walked in there with the cloak on and it scared her so she threatened to hex everything in the room until I showed myself. And then we talked about how sometimes she can be rude sometimes and she told me why. And then I may have said that George fell on purpose to sit next to her,' George looked at Harry and punched him in the arm, 'Ow! She is very intimidating sometimes it sorta of spilled out. And I may have slipped that Ron really wanted to be closer to her,' Ron also then punched harry in the other arm, 'OW! And then we talked more and she said that she's not going to change the way she feels towards Hermione, which sucks. And then she walked up and looked at my scar, which scared the shit out of me because I didn't know what she was going to do. And then she thinks Fred and George are really funny and Ron she thinks youre sweet, but she said she doesn't know if she likes me or not because of Draco,' Harry finally finished and stopped walking because everyone else did.
'Wait she thinks i'm sweet? Is that how she said it?' Ron said smiling.
'Yes Ron, is that all you heard? And she said she would go to the Goblet at lunch,' Harry said turning to the twins. They high fived and started walking again. 'Harry I'm starting to really fancy her,' Ron said in a whisper. 'Yeah I know Ron, but apparently all of us are,' He said to Ron and Ron gave a dirty look back. 'But Ron, I don't want you to be disappointed, because of Draco.'
'Well are they dating dating or like even together or are they friends?'
'I have no idea Ron I would tell you if I did.'
They made there way to the class and saw you sitting alone like yesterday. Fred pushed George out of the way and started rushing to the seat empty next to you. Ron and Harry did the same. Ron tripped Fred and walked up to your desk.

'Do you mind if I sit here?'
You looked up and saw Ron asking kind of shy.
'Yeah go ahead,' You said moving your bag over.
'So how is your hand?'
'It's better now, still kind of sore though. Definitely won't be hitting anybody anytime soon,' You said grinning at Ron and he laughed back. You turned and saw the twins and Harry staring but they turned when you looked at them. 'Are they okay? They keep looking at you.'
'Oh them? I have no idea.' You laughed and waited for Snape to get in the class.

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