Hi Ron

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You were kind of getting annoyed that you could only just hear whispers coming from behind the door so you yell, 'Who's there?' More whispers were said and then Ron got pushed into view from behind the door. 'Um hello (Y/N)!'
'Hi Ron?' you said confused as he just stood there. 'You know you don't have to stand across the room to talk to me. I don't bite...hard.' Ron blushed and looked at behind the door, making you assume it was the twins and harry, due to the muffled laughs from behind. You laughed and started to try and move your hand, causing you to gasp in pain. 'Are you okay?' Ron said rushing up to you. You looked up to him with your big, blue eyes and looked away. 'Yeah i'm fine, i'm always fine.'
'Well you did punch a brick of a guy for no reason.' You looked at him your facial expressions changing. You could hear an 'Oh no' coming from Harry from behind the door. 'No reason?,' You said getting closer to Ron, making him not know what to do, 'He was feeling me up right in front of everyone! Is that something you think is okay Ron?' Ron just shook his head no. 'Good at least you know something. I don't just hit people. I've never even punch anyone before. So you can leave now,' You said looking down, getting sad that now you realized that's just what people think of you now. 'i don't think that'- Ron started to say, but you cut him off and faced the other way because you were getting upset. 'Please just go,' you said with your voice cracking, and you on the verge of tears, 'and you can tell Fred, George, and Harry to leave with you. I know they're behind the door.' You let out a slight chuckle while Ron just looked at you. 'Before I go, can I ask you something?' Ron asked before getting to the door.
'Yeah i suppose.'
'How do you know all of us? I mean like our names. I know you came last year, but you didn't really talk to anyone,' Ron asked while looking you in the eye.
'How could I not know about Harry Potter, Ron?' You said sarcastically which lead to a laugh from both of you. 'But really id just hear stories and picked up on your names from there. Fred and George I knew because of the pranks they do all the time. And you,' you said while meeting his eyes again, 'I saw that Granger girl always around you. So i asked around about you, I knew there was no way you weren't the twins and brother and then just figured it out from there. And I didn't talk to anyone because I didn't know if I would be staying. My family moves a lot, i've never spent more than a year somewhere so.' Ron looked at you & walked closer. He gave you a hug and walked out. Before fully leaving he said, 'I'm glad you stayed.' You gave him a smile and sat back on the bed. Since the hall was so quiet you could hear their conversation while leaving.

'Ronny, Ronny,' Fred and George said, 'I really thought she was going to hit you too for your dumb response. And she almost started crying you imbecile.'
'Shut up you two! I was pretty sure she was going to make me start crying when she came up to me! Bloody terrifying. And besides I gave her a hug so that's a start'-
'Well Ron you did almost make her cry,' Harry cut in and said.
'Please can i just finish a sentence! I said it's a start. And if you 3 were really listening she asked around about me, not about any of you!'
'Yeah well I don't know Ron,' Harry said, 'I just don't know how I feel about her yet, she's very rude sometimes.'
'Yeah well we are all rude sometimes, no one is perfect.' Ron said coming to your defense. 'I just don't think you should talk to her while she's with Draco though, Harry. They seem very close and i wouldn't want her to say something to you that would change your whole opinion. Because me just talking to her right now, made me amazed in so many different ways.'

They walked too far away so you couldn't hear them anymore. You didn't care if the famous Harry Potter thought you were rude. And you started to feel bad for Ron because apparently he hasn't believed the fact that you and Draco are together, even though you literally kiss each other all the time. Speaking of Draco you really started to get bored without him. You looked at the clock, and saw that DADA was over. You snuck up and made your way to the door, that had been pulled mostly shut. Draco said not to leave, but that doesn't mean you can't sneak a peak of the hall right? You snuck up to the door so Madam P wouldn't hear you and tell you to go back to bed. You were right behind the door and we're about to look out when suddenly it swung open and hit you right in the head. You fell making sure to hold your wrapped hand to not hurt it anymore. '(Y/n)?! Why are you on the ground?'
'Cause you just hit me with the damn door Draco!' You said while putting your hand on to your forehead. He picked you up and put you over his shoulder. 'Cmon you're not supposed to be out of the bed.' He said placing you back down sitting on the bed with you.
'Please Draco i'm so bored here! Let's just sneak off and go to my room!'
'No you have to stay here so she can watch your hand.'
'Please we could have a lot of fun in my room.' You whispered into his ear, kissing down his neck causing him to deeply exhale. You put your hand on his thigh when the doors swung open. Draco shot up and almost fell, covering his lap with his bag. Snape walked over to you, while you were laughing at Dracos little freak out because he thought we were going to be a lone for a while. 'Mr, Malfoy, why don't you leave and get something for Miss.(Y/l/n) from dinner and bring it back?'
'Oh yeah sure definitely,' He said super flustered.
You yelled, 'We'll finish that conversation later!'
'Yup yup we definitely will!' He said yelling and holding a thumbs up while hurrying out of the room.

You laughed and then Snape looked at you. 'How is your hand?'
'It's okay i guess, hurts though. I have to stay over night to make sure the nerves aren't damaged and that the potion is working. The swelling has gone down and the color is going back to normal so it's working.'
'Very well. How is your parents?'
'They are okay, why do you ask?'
'Me and your Father are friends. Have been since my time here at this school. We write all the time, just thought i'd get a different perspective though.' What the hell? When were your parents going to tell u that? 'Oh well that's great to hear.'
'Yeah. I must be going so i'll see you in potions tomorrow.'
You nodded and Snape walked out. As he was Draco was walking in with so many plates of food. Pretty much one of everything. You started bursting laughing as he smiled just asking, 'Hungry?'.

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