Throwing Knifes

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'Draco the floor is so cold,' you said laying on the floor in the middle of the hall.
'(Y/n) get up, you've been laying there for 5 minutes,' Draco said laughing.
' Its hot, but the floor is cold, how does that make sense?'
' I don't know but cmon let's get up,' he said reaching for your hands. He pulled you up and you stumbled and fell back again on the floor. 'I guess the floor missed me,' you said smiling now face down on the ground. Draco bursted out laughing. 'Oh no, how much did you drink?'
'Not a lot, 11.'
'11 what?'
'Shots,' you started bursting out laughing over nothing, 'But i won, whoop whoop,' you said fist bumping the air. Draco shook his head laughing. He grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder. 'Are we going back to the lake?' you said looking around. 'No we are not, we are going to bed. You're too drunk,' he said with a chuckle. 'Oh that's too bad...for you!' With saying that you jumped out of his arms and started running, but mostly running into some of the walls. You didn't even know where you were going. 'Come catch me!' you said still running. 'I shouldn't have let her drink this much,' Draco said shaking his head starting to run after you.  But he lost you, now he would have to search around before you got yourself in trouble, since you didn't even know everywhere in the castle and you were pretty much naked.

You ran for what felt like years. You stopped out of breath. You looked around and didn't know where you were. You spun around laughing at yourself. You went to the window and saw that you were 3 stories up. You got onto the window seal, standing to get a better view. You were scared to get down, but you continued to walk up and down the window seal, stumbling a bit. You almost fell, causing yourself to laugh, since you were so focused on the stars. All of a sudden two around wrapped around you pulling you back. You turned around expecting to see Draco, but you were surprised to see the boy who got you down.

'Ron?' you said surprisingly but then smiled, 'What are you doing?'
'What am I doing? What are you doing?! You almost fell!' he said sternly, causing you to be surprised, since he was always so shy.
'I knew what I was doing,' you began to say, but started to get dizzy. You started to stumble back causing Ron to notice. 'Hey hey what's wrong,' he asked full of worry. All you managed to say was, 'Get Draco,' before you collapsed in his arms, fully passing out.

Ron was full of concern and fear. He didn't know what just happened. He scooped you in his arms bridal style and ran around with your fragile body, trying to find Draco. Draco was starting to get really worried since you were missing for a while. He turned a corner and was bumped into. 'Watch it'- he began to say, but saw it was Ron. He looked down and saw that you were in his arms, completely passed out. 'I was walking back to the common room and she was on a window ledge trying to look at the stars so I pulled her down before she could fall and then she started feeling dizzy and said to get you before she passed out,' Ron managed to say in one breath. 'Thank you,' Draco said taking you out of his arms. This shook Ron, since Draco has never been nice to him. 'Is she going to be okay?' Ron said walking with Draco back to your room, just to make sure you were okay. 'She took 11 shots, and she doesn't drink. She'll be okay, but tomorrow is going to be hell for her,' Draco said with a slight chuckle. 'Yeah they made a bet, Im guessing she doesn't like to loose,' Ron said laughing looking at you in Draco's arms. 'No she is the most stubborn person i've ever met,' Draco said laughing back. The two walked to your room continuing talking about you. Draco and Ron both knew they each fancied you by the end of the conversation. Draco stood in front of your door, turning to Ron. 'Thank you again,' Draco said. Ron nodded his head turning to walk back to his dorms.

Draco placed you on the bed, laying down next to you. He played with your hair and you started to wait up a little. Your eyes barley opened, but you smiled. 'Draco,' you said placing your hand on his face. He smiled looking at you, overjoyed you were okay. 'You are the most beautiful in the whole world,' you said in a whisper and fell back into sleep. Draco just chuckled and pulled you closer to him. He soon fell asleep too.

'You need to wake up, you've slept passed breakfast,' Draco said gently nudging your shoulder. When you opened your eyes, pain instantly shot to your head. You rolled and put your face into the pillow groaning, 'Oh my god, kill me now,' you said with the massive hangover. Draco hid his laugh the best he could but you still noticed it. 'It's not funny,' you snapped. 'Well it was funny when you were laying in the middle of the hall for 5 minutes,' He said with a smirk snapping back. You looked at him and blushed. You stood up but stopped. 'I don't feel good,' you said throwing yourself back into bed. The pain in your head was taking over. 'Cmon love i'll help you get ready,' Draco said picking you up as you rested your head on his shoulder. Draco put your hair in a messy bun and helped slip on your robes. He was smiling the entire time at your grumpiness. He forced your mouth open and brushed your teeth for you, even though you said you could do it yourself. 'See all better,' Draco said giving you gentle kiss. You blushed, not wanting to admit you did feel a little better after. 'Let's go,' Draco added and grabbed your hand leading you down to your classes.

You two had your first two classes but spilt before the class you had before lunch. You had Transfiguration and Draco had potions. 'I'll just meet you in the Great Hall okay?' you said planting a kiss on him. He nodded and kissed you again. You walked in not being in the mood at all to listen to a lecture. Suddenly you felt the chair next to you pull out quickly and Ron swiftly sat down. 'Are you okay?' Ron said eagerly needing an answer. You let out a chuckle, 'Yes Ron i'm okay, sorry for scaring you Draco told me.' Ron gave you a slight smile, knowing Draco probably didn't tell you everything, just because he knew Ron liked you. 'Ron?' you said snapping him out of his thoughts. 'Oh sorry what?'
'I said I'm sorry if I weirded you out, I remember counting your freckles in front of everyone. Sorry if that was embarrassing.'
'Oh no I didn't mind at all,' Ron said with a smirk causing you to laugh.

Draco's Potions Class:
Draco walked in and Snape had already given them a seating chart. He rolled his eyes and sat next to the annoying Pansy. She would not shut up. Snape gave the instructions to make a peace potion. 'Don't worry about it, I'll do it.' She said smiling but Draco just sat back. He caught Hermione looking at the potion with a confused and angrily look on her face, like Pansy was going something so wrong. He was about to get her attention to ask what was going on what Pansy shoved a spoonful of the potion into Draco's mouth. He coughed and all of his thoughts went black. Hermione was watching the whole thing go down, and knew exactly what Pansy just made Draco take.

Back to you:
Ron offered to walk with you to the Great Hall. You really liked Ron, you always thought he deserved to be friends with someone better. You didn't deserve him. You were laughing and in the middle of saying something when you were stopped when you felt all the air leave your chest. Ron looked confused but saw it two. Draco had his arm around Pansy, holding her close. He would whisper things in her ear, making them both laugh. '(Y/n) come on let's go,' Ron said trying to pull you back, but anger come over you. How dare he use you like that? You almost killed someone over this boy! You could fell your eyes go red with anger. You shrugged out of Ron's hold and walked over to Draco and Pansy. Many people saw you and how mad you looked and continued to stare. You walked past two first year Slytherins and grabbed their two glasses of juice. You walked behind the two, then still not noticing. You lifted up the glasses and poured it onto both of their heads. Pansy screamed but Draco looked around confused, not knowing what happened. Like a spell was finally broken, allowing him to have his own thoughts back. 'How dare you!' Pansy began to yell. You grabbed her by the throat and sat her ass back down. 'If you come closer than 30 feet from me, I swear on my mother's grave that I will kill you myself,' you spat into her face. Draco looked at you so confused. You couldn't stand to look at him, you felt tears filling your eyes and you quickly walked aways, trying to get away from them. You made your way to the door way when you heard, 'Whatever she's all bark no bite anyway,' coming from Pansy. You reached down the knife your father gave you, that you tucked into your shoe just in case of emergency. You tossed it in your hand and threw it towards Pansy. It landed into the wall, right next to Pansy's face. Everyone was staring. Ron was impressed and grabbed your arm pulling you out. Pansy was full of shock and didn't move. Draco was still so confused and got up to run after you. He got right outside of the door, but he was stopped by someone grabbing his arm. Hermione.

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