Back to School

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Summer had been stringing along slowly. You and Draco wrote to each other everyday, those poor owls were probably so tired. You only saw him once in the beginning of the summer, but Draco had to go on vacation with his parents so you couldn't see him. You were dragged to dinners and events with your parents but mostly stayed home alone. You missed Draco so much. Being able to hold him, to kiss him, make fun of him. School was starting again in 3 days so you were so excited. Your father wanted you to go to the World Cup, but you weren't really feeling up to it, even if you would be able to sit in the Misters Box.

It had been the 3 days and you were so excited. You heard about the Death Eaters at the World Cup but it didn't really scare you. You rushed downstairs with your trunk hitting almost every step in the way down. 'Dad lets go!'
'Honey you know you won't miss the train.'
'I know i know let's just not take the chance.'
You hurried and ran to the car.

Despite what your Father said you were in fact late, and almost missed the train. You hurried on and walked down the train. You passed a group of hufflepuffs and Cedric was sitting with them. '(Y/n)!'
'Oh hey Cedric'
'What are you doing here?'
'I'm on the train to you know go to school?' You said laughing, 'I was running late this was the only door open so now i got to walk all the way to the Slytherins.'
'Oh nice. Well i'll see you around school.'He said smiling at you and sitting back down. You returned it and started walking again. You made your way past some Ravenclaws and they all shot you surprised looks. Next you will have to walk past the Griffindors. The golden freaking trio was what everyone was talking about. They were bloody annoying you thought to yourself. Then you saw the Weasly twins. They didn't bother you that much. In fact you found their jokes and pranks really funny. You looked into their carriage and saw them working on something that looked like a firecracker that wasn't working. You slid open their compartment and shut it quickly. 'Um hello?' Fred said looking at george.
'May we help you?' George said smiling.
'Actually I may be able to help you.' You walked over and took the firecracker out of Fred's hands. You looked at it and smiled realizing the problem. You snapped and it twirled around in the air, landing back in your hand & then stopped. You smiled and handed it back. 'Okay now try it.' George lit it and a whole mini firework show started and you were amazed. 'That was bloody brilliant!' Fred said.
'Thank you so much!' George said.
'Yeah of course.' You walked away and they both popped their heads out of the carriage. 'Wait was is your name?'
'(y/n) (y/L/n)'
You thought to yourself, ' How can they really not know me, i came last year but I didn't really talk to anyone. That's going to change this year,' They said thank you again and you walked away. You saw the golden trio and rolled your eyes and Ron shot you a dirty look and stood up to say something to you. 'What are you doing here?'
'I'm walking to the Slytherin section Wesley, if it's really your concern.'
'Oh i thought you were on your way to call someone foul names and hex them.'
'Oh wow please stop Ron, I'm going to start crying,' You said then laughed, 'Please what are you going to do if I was? I heard you made yourself vomit slugs when Draco called Hermione,' You made sure to look Hermione right in the eye, 'a mudblood' You scoffed and laughed looking back to Ron. Ron looked up and looked back to you. 'Geez i guess you two really are the perfect match.' He walked back into his carriage and shut the door. As you turned around and saw Draco standing there smiling trying not to laugh. You ran up to him and jumped into his arms. He kissed you and pulled you into an empty carriage. 'I have missed you so much,' he said then continued to kiss you. 'I've missed you more,' you said out of breath.
'Where were you i saved a seat in the carriage?'
'My dad was late taking me and I had to walk from the front of the train to here and stupid Griffindors don't know how to move out of the way.' He laughed and cupped your face. 'You are so beautiful.' You blushed and kissed him. The train stopped & you were finally here. 'Oh shit i have to change into my robes. Don't wait up if i don't see you out there just save a seat for me at dinner okay?'
'Okay' he said and kissed you again deeply before running off. You changed and realization hit you in the face. You totally forgot to tell your Mother to buy you new skirts! You looked in the mirror and noticed how a lot of your legs were being shown. And that means a lot more than last year. Fuck it. You threw on your shirt too and ran out of the train, making sure the skirt didn't come up. You made your way to meet Draco and stood in the door frame to look for Draco. You met his eyes and his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

In matter of fact most peoples did. You could hear guys whistling as you walked by. You over heard a conversation from the Griffindor table.
'Bloody hell what is she wearing?' Ron said looking at you.
'I think'- Fred started.
'she looks hot.' George finished.
'I mean Ron, she does look hot,' Harry said looking at Ron.
'I know she looks bloody fantastic, but she gets on my nerves.' He said not taking his eyes off of you.
'Oh Ronny i think you've got a bit of drool coming down' Harry said trying to wipe Rons mouth making everyone laugh.
'Shut up Harry! Plus she's with Draco I think or maybe theyre friends? I don't know and i've never talked to her except on the train. But did you know she knew my name!'
'Ron not trying to burst your bubble,' Harry said putting his hand on Rons shoulder, 'but she brought up the time you made yourself eat slugs.' Fred, George, and Harry were all laughing. 'Shove off Harry! It's not like she's ever talked to either of you. So i have got the one up on all 3 you!' Ron said prideful.
'Well actually she talked to George and I before you' Fred said laughing. 'Yeah she came into our carriage and helped fix our firecracker. So brilliant. She did it with hands free magic too,' George added and Ron rolled his eyes.
'Trust me guys,' Ron said, 'Ill become closer too her more than any of you by the end of the term.'
'Eh good luck with that!' Harry said, 'I bet i will before any of you.'
Fred and George looked at each other and said at the same time, 'Well i guess we'll have to see who wins this race, winner gets to ask her on a date.'
'You're on!' Ron and Harry said at the same time.

You smiled while listening to that and made your way to Draco sitting down. He placed his hand on your overly exposed thigh. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, 'That skirt is a little too short to be wearing around without me.'
'Good thing you'll be the one taking it off.' You said whispering back in his ear this time causing him to blush. All of a sudden Dumbledor made a speech but you weren't really listening until he mentioned how there was people coming to stay with us at Hogwarts. You looked at the door when he introduced the school of Beauxbatons. Beautiful girls came in elegantly and blew butterflies at everyone. Then a giant women walked in taller than even Hargrid! Then he introduced Durmstrang Institute. Older guys came in with a intimidating presence. They were holding staffs there were welding fire. All of a sudden Victor Krum walked in and glanced over and held eye contact with you and smiled. Draco noticed and pulled you closer to him. They talked about how they were hosting the Goblet of Fire this year at Hogwarts, but no one under 17 was aloud to enter. That caused many people to boo and scream but it didn't really bother you. The Durmstrang students sat with Slytherin and the Beauxbaton girls sat with Ravenclaw. Victor walked passed you & was staring at you but you just looked down. 'Dumb numb skull. Can't he tell your not interested or has he had to many falls off the damn broom stick.'
'Relax Draco it's okay. If you can handle me you can handle the stares. Plus I thought you liked attention.'
'Well i like attention from you.' He said kissing your cheek quickly and started to eat.

Your Father made sure to get you a single room again because of how much you liked it. Draco put his arm around your shoulder and you both made your way up to your room. 'I've missed you so much!' he said pulling you closer and putting his hand on the back of your neck. He pushed you against the wall and started kissing your neck and you placed your fingers in his hair not wanting him to stop. You pushed him on the bed climbing on top of him taking off your shirt. You started kissing his neck and he unbuttoned his shirt. He let out a deep exhale and he flipped you onto your back. He kissed your neck and made his way kissing all the way down leaving goosebumps. He then slipped off your skirt and he unbuttoned his dress pants.

You woke up facing Draco with his messy hair that you missed so much. You brushed it out of his face to take in the beauty of this man that you love so much. He woke up smiling and then kissed you.

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