Hospital Wing

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'What are you smiling at?' Draco said sleepily.
'Just thinking,' you said still playing with his hair. He smiled widely and kissed you again. 'I love you,' he said looking into your eyes. 'I love you too Draco.' He pulled you closer to his chest and started rubbing your back. 'Cmon Draco we can't be late on the first day,' you said sitting up but then quickly getting pulled back down and Draco laying on top of you. 'No we don't even have classes together until after lunch,' He said pouting.
'It's okay Draco. I'll miss you too but i'll see you in Dark Arts okay?'
'Fine' he said getting up and going to the bathroom to get ready. You jumped on the counter and started to brush your teeth while Draco was doing his hair. You walked out and got dressed wearing the old skirts you haven't yet to replace. Draco walked out adjusting his tie and stopped and looked at you while you were zipping up your skirt. 'Those damn skirts,' Draco said slapping your ass. 'Ow draco!'
'Sorry i've wanted to do that ever since yesterday. I really like them, but i don't know if i'm liking everyone else looking at you in them too.'
'Don't worry Draco, nothing would ever happen,' you said leaning in and kissing him. 'Cmon let's go,' He nodded and walked you to your first class.

Draco walked you to herbology and that was so boring since you didn't know anyone. Then you made your way to potions. You got there before everyone else and you left the seat next to you open because you were determined to talk to more people this year. You were writing your name on your notebooks and then over heard the conversation going on with the Griffindor boys even from outside of the hall way.

'I heard she's in this class Ronny, can you not droll this time?' Harry said to Fred, George, and Ron.
'Shut up Harry! And me not drool? At least I can talk to her.'
Fred & George cut in and said, 'Well actually I'm going to be the one to sit next to her in this class!' They both looked at each other since they said it at the same time. They ended up getting into a little argument since only one of them could fill the seat.

You looked back and saw the 4 of them standing at the door frame and turned fully looking at all them, them completely clueless of you hearing the conversation. Then all of sudden they all all pushed each other to get to you and that caused George to be the only one who fell. All the boys stopped and looked. You stood up and pushed through the 3. 'Are you okay?' you asked laughing holding your hand out. He took it and stood up. 'Yeah i'm fine,' he said smiling. 'You can come sit next to me if you want. I know most of the stuff he's going to be talking about and i need someone to talk to, unlike last year.'
'Yeah of course.' He bent over to grab his bag and winked at the 3 boys, signaling that he fell on purpose to get your attention. 'Damn George, that should have been me,' Ron said to himself. Harry, Ron, and Fred all stared the entire class. George showed you all this little charm spells and how to make them. It was pretty fun. The class was over and George said goodbye walking back over to the 3. 'Told you boys that it would be me. 1 point for me.'
'Oh yeah? Watch this.' Ron said walking up to you.
'Hello (y/n)!'
'Hi Ron. Come to try and insult me?' You said grinning and putting your books away, getting ready to leave for lunch.
'Well no actually I just came to say hello.'
'Oh okay well hello then,' You said laughing and walking out making your way to the great hall.
'I just came to say hello?' Harry said laughing.
'Well that was'-
'-pathetic'  The twins said together.
'Shut up all of you!'

You walked into the great hall and saw Draco. He saw you and waved you over. You began to walk over to him when two boys from the visiting school came up trying to talk to you. 'I'm sorry but i should be going right now,' you said not trying to make it known you were uncomfortable.
'No no don't go,' one of them said.
'We just started talking,' the other one said touching your leg. You took a step back and Draco came rushing over. Just before Draco could shove everyone out of the way to get to you , you swung your elbow back and punched the guy who touched your leg square in the nose. The guy took a step back holding his nose. 'Holy shit holy shit! My hand oh my god my fucking hand!' You looked up Draco, 'I think it's broken!' He had to hide his giggle from your reaction to say, 'It's okay we'll take u to the hospital wing.'
'YOU CRAZY BITCH!'  the stranger said holding his nose, that was pouring out blood. He started walking closer to you when Draco stepped in front of you with his wand out putting it on the guys throat. 'Don't you dare take another step,' Draco hissed, 'Or you'll regret it.'

'What is going on here,' Snape said walking up to us 4.
'I was just trying to walk to the Slytherin table for lunch and these two numbskulls came up to me. Gropped my leg not letting me go, so it ended in the bloody nose. But in my defense I tried to leave and they wouldn't let me!'
'I see,' Snape said taking a pause he continued, 'We are settling this as a warning. Draco take Miss. (y/L/n) to the hospital wing. And you two go find something else to do.' He turned and rushed away. Draco put his arm over you, 'You couldn't really wait until I got there?' He said laughing, 'Have you ever even punched anyone before?'
'No,' You said laughing, 'And I had to do it, just once.' He laughed and lead you to the hospital wing.

'Remind me to never touch her,' Harry said to Ron, who almost choked on his pumpkin juice while watching you punch the guy.
'Well think it of this way Ron'- Fred started.
' -You'll have more to say to her than just hello next time!' George finished. Harry and everyone started laughing loudly as Ron was embarrassed.

Draco explained to Madam Pomfery what had happened and laughed, 'Oh to be young and in school. Good for you though.' You nodded as she inspected your hand. "So your pinky is shattered, i hate to say. I want you to stay here while i watch over your hand. You see here?' She said pointing to your pinky, drawing lines all over your hand to show you and Draco, 'While your pinky is shattered it's doing damage with the nerves because of the splinting bones sticking out onto them. I want you to stay here over night so I can watch your hand. You know make sure it doesn't fall off,' She said laughing but you just looked at Draco, kind of scared. 'Don't worry though, it's just one night. I'll pore some potion to makes sure it heals fine and you be good as new in the morning.'
'Okay,' You said looking at your hand which was turning purple. Madam left to go get her supplies and Draco sat on the bed. 'I'm sorry, i should have been there sooner, now your hand is messed up.'
'Don't worry Draco in fine, doesn't even hurt that much. And plus he deserved it.' You leaned over and kissed him. 'I love you, now will you please go to class. I'll be right in here when you get done.'
He leaned over and kissed you gently, 'I love you so much. And you better not leave for any reason without me okay?'
'Got it! Now go!'

He ran out of there realizing how late he was to class. You laughed & looked at madam who was walking back with you with something to drink and wrappings for your hand. You took a drink and it tasted absolutely horrible, you couldn't hide your facial expressions and she let out a chuckle. She wrapped your hand and left you alone You pulled out your books and started reading them. You were so bored already and it's been only 10 minutes, but you weren't aloud to leave. Suddenly the door opened and you could hear the 4 idiots talking about who was going to talk to you first...again.

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