Prologue 2: A King's Worries

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Chapter Three

Prologue 2: A King's Worries.

Mighty kings don't waste their time staring at the stars


The Fifth Loop, Year 491, 10th February (5L/491/2/10)

"My sleeping beauty. My precious jewel."

King Julian the Righteous, standing on the expansive balcony of his room, was admiring Aurae, his magnificent capital. The Grand Palace built high up on the Royal Mound in north Aurae, offered magnificent views of this glorious city. Solomon the Conqueror had built Aurae but Julian had dedicated his entire life to turn it into a city of dreams.

Julian had constructed some opulent monuments like the Deck of the Nineteen Martyrs, the Freedom Museum, the Chambers of the Central Council, and the Grand Stadium to name a few. He ensured that all the neighborhoods were upgraded and the new buildings were artistically designed. Julian beautified every part of the city with gorgeous paradisical parks that had sparkling lakes and hundreds of varieties of trees and flowers. Every kind of entertainment and leisure activity was available for Aurae's residents. Julian was sure that Aurae of Aden was the closest thing to the Gardens of Eden, nothing in this universe matched its beauty and its residents were living in heaven. And now some treacherous rebels wanted to steal his paradise, but he won't let that happen.

Recently Julian spent a lot of sleepless nights on this balcony trying to find answers to some nagging questions. Did people love him or do they still call him a usurper? Did they still wish for Solomon's heir to return? Was he truly supposed to rule this world?

Furthermore, Tenebra had become a thorn in his flesh. The cries for freeing that world had become louder. Some activist groups had openly boycotted the Celebrations of Freedom. This was just a stepping stone, the conspiracy ran much deeper, Julian knew these rebels were after his throne.

The turn of the loop also hung over his head like a sword. That wretched amulet was still missing. Insurgents in Tenebra had acquired weapons and had assassinated his spy in front of his army. Could things get any worse? Can he fight this tempest? Wasn't giving up and accepting fate a better option?

Julian felt someone hug him from behind. Miriam had always been a pillar of his support. "You are not getting enough sleep, my love. Mighty kings don't waste their time staring at the stars."

"I prefer checking my roots. A tree with deep strong roots has a better chance of withstanding a storm."

"There will be no storm. And if there is one, I am sure nothing can shake you."

Julian sank into a nearby chair. "I am not sure if I want to withstand the storm. Falling might be a blessing in disguise."

Miriam walked behind his chair and put her arms around him. "If you fall, Aden falls with you. You don't want to fail your people. You don't want them to suffer."

"People want me to suffer. I am the sixth king in our line, but they still call me a usurper. They still pray for Solomon's heir to return and claim what they think is rightfully his."

Miriam started massaging his shoulders. Her fingers worked their magic on Julian and he began to relax. "Don't plague your mind with such venomous thoughts. You must remember that your forebearer didn't kill Solomon's scion to get his crown, he was chosen by the Council."

"Then why my forefathers have spent more time hunting down Solomon's descendants than looking after this world?"

"Because Solomons are rebels and traitors must be punished."

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