The Conference of Transitioners

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Chapter Eight

The Conference of Transitioners

A moment of madness turns an angel into a demon


The Fourth Loop, Year 496, 10th October. (4L/496/10/10)

"Arise to a new dawn of prosperity."

Solomon's slogan spread across a world that was sleeping in the lap of Mother Nature like a sick child and refused to come out of its slumber.

"How long do we have to survive on these dried berries?" Solomon asked Peter on the outskirts of Koshe, a town where he had been manhandled by an angry mob a couple of days ago. Solomon was visiting different settlements trying to unite the people of this fragmented fractured civilization.

Peter was always there with him to provide counsel and support. "You should thank me that I at least picked these berries. Last time we were without food for three days."

"Thankfully there was a fire in that village and I got a chance to show them a miracle by conjuring rain or else we would have to starve for many more days."

"The human race is obsessed with miracles. They won't trust a savior until he shows them a few." Peter paused for a moment and then audibly cleared his throat. "You didn't start that fire. Did you?"

"You know I wouldn't harm anyone."

"Solomon, I can see the volcanic rage inside you. I fear your anger. People of that village had insulted us, literally thrown us out, and even slapped us. I thought maybe you just lost your head."

Solomon came near Peter. He put his hand on Peter's and looked into his eyes. "I swear on your life, and you know you are like a father to me, I had nothing to do with that fire. Now will you tell me why this town filled with the most inhospitable people is so important to us?"

"The plains around Koshe are the most fertile in Aden. This town has tonnes of grain rotting in their storehouses."

"What?" Solomon gasped. "They are wasting food when the villages below the Gabala Mountains are going through a famine."

"Exactly. Also, healers in this town don't get enough patients whereas people in other villages are dying of petty ailments. We have to break the barriers between all these settlements and turn Aden into One World."

Solomon stifled a yawn. "What is our next plan of action? I am getting a little bored. And this persistent rain isn't helping my mood either."

"Mel overflows and floods this town during this season every other year."

Solomon looked at his mentor with wide eyes. "Don't tell me we are waiting for a flood which may or may never arrive. Even if it does it could take weeks or months."

"Did you think being a Messiah was an easy job?" Peter asked flashing his mysterious smile. "You have to be patient and wait for the right opportunity. Don't worry we have enough dried food. By the way, you can divert a flood, right?"

Solomon shrugged. "I remember one of the Transitioners mentioning a flood during one of our conferences. Should at least be less painful than the lightning I absorbed."

"You told me that stopping that earthquake was more difficult."

"Yes, but lightning was painful. It was like eating fire, I felt my food pipe burn. Can't we gain people's trust without miracles?"

Peter smiled, like one of the saints from the painting in the House of Almighty. "Your pure heart and compassionate soul will win over people once you have their attention. These miracles are just a way to make people listen to you."

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