The Dying Flame

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The Dying Flame

When there is a will, when there is hope, a miracle is always around the corner


The Fifth Loop, Year 491, 5th February (5L/491/2/5)

"These were the most gruesome scenes I have ever seen in my life," Commander Simon, the commanding officer of the reinforcement party, said reporting to HighCommander Christopher inside the headquarters of the Tenebra base. "Many bodies were blown to pieces. Others were charred beyond recognition. I am sure they have some dangerous Star-Rock weapons. They killed every single soldier."

"How many men did we lose?" Christopher asked.

"One hundred and twenty,"

"And twelve trucks?"

"Yes sir," Simon confirmed. "Two of the trucks were in an absolute mess. I just can't imagine how they managed to topple them and rip them open."

"Did you bring back the bodies?"

"No. If we had lingered there any longer we would have become easy targets for another ambush. Hence I decided to return to the base as quickly as possible."

Commander Darren slammed his fist on the table. "These insects have suddenly started to sting. Let us ride out and crush them under our feet."

Christopher shook his head. "That is exactly what they want. They want us to come out of our fortified defenses and fight them in territories they know better than us. They want to lure us into a trap."

Darren sneered. "So you want to hide behind our walls, whereas they go on killing our men?"

"Our men won't be killed anymore as no one will now go out of the secured perimeter. Simon, seal the boundaries and increase the number of soldiers patrolling the outposts. If our enemy wants to make a move they must come to us and then we will show them our strength."


There must have been an atmosphere of festivities in the Elisian camp since they had comprehensively won the first battle but there was only gloom and despair because they knew they were on track to lose the war.

The dead bodies of the martyrs were ready for the funeral. They were draped in the gold and white flag of David's army. The funeral procession started from the headquarters of David's army and proceeded towards the House of Almighty. Thousands of people joined the funeral procession despite unseasonal rains. The gloomy weather was in perfect sync with the dampening spirits. Even the elements wept for the lost hero who never realized his destiny.

The coffins were placed on the altar inside the House of Almighty. Everyone in the large hall closed their eyes and started to pray.

Inside a brightly lit room, Jacob was alone with a stately old man wearing lavish silky clothes. The old man was tall, well built, had a radiant face with a long flowing white beard, and a very imposing personality. There were heavy golden chains around his neck and precious rings on all of his fingers.

"You have grown old, Jacob," the old man said.

"Well, I am in my seventies and, although you have maintained yourself very well, I guess you are older than me."

"Yes, I am. I am five Loops old. Let me introduce myself, I am Adam, the first Transitioner, the person who started the line of kings, and of course your great-grandfather."

Jacob narrowed his eyes. "Is this a dream?"

"I will not call it a dream because dreams are fragments of imagination and this is real. We generally call it a conference, but since I am alone here we can call it an urgent meeting happening inside your head."

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