The Bridge of Betrayal

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Chapter Fifteen

The Bridge of Betrayal

All the great empires, good or evil, are built on sacrifices


The Fifth Loop, Year 381, 7th January (5L/381/1/7)

"What the hell have you done? Have you gone nuts?" Andrews shouted at Olivier.

In the ensuing confusion, William's military instincts kicked in. He quickly sprung into action and grabbed the guns they had surrendered while others were still in shock. "This meeting is done and dusted. We must run if we want to stay alive."

However, the guards had already blocked the exits. "We don't want any more bloodshed. Let us leave peacefully and this all ends here," William said, trying to be as polite as a person could be while pointing his gun at someone.

Orlando slammed his fist on the table. "None of you is leaving. You cannot just walk away after committing a murder."

The guards were closing in on them but William held his ground. "We have weapons to defend ourselves. We will not surrender."

"And we have hundreds of guards. You will not leave this place alive."

Andrews was still quivering. His stomach was lurching while his throat had gone dry. Everyone around him had simultaneously lost their minds. "Just stop this insanity. Why do you want to spill more blood?"

"You spilled blood," Orlando snarled, gesturing towards Richard's dead body. "We won't spare a murderer."

"So, to catch a murderer you will kill other innocents?"

"If you try to protect this criminal you are partners in his crime."

This whole situation was like a barrel of gunpowder waiting for a spark to blow up. "Just calm down everybody. Please lower your weapons and we can try to reach an amicable solution." Andrews tried to lower the levels of hostility.

An eerie silence engulfed the room. People glared at each other. Tongues didn't move but the minds were racing. Orlando, at last, broke the deadlock. "Andrews, I have a solution. My guards will transfer you and your men to the Abyss and you can jump back into your cursed world. Tell your people that they are not welcome in this world. From now on, any intruder from Inferna will be killed at the entry point itself. Matthews, hope you will help the world of your birth and show us where the entry point is."

Matthews, who was frozen like a statue watching this nightmare unfold, meekly nodded.

Andrews understood that this meeting was ruined and this was the best offer they could hope for. Andrews's dreams of uniting two worlds were blown into a million pieces. "Okay, we accept your proposal. We go to the inn, take the other fourteen members of our delegation with us, and return to our world."

"So it's not just you six, there are more of you hiding in our world," Orlando said furrowing his brow. "Anyway, this deal comes with a clause. My look-alike stays here and receives his punishment for the murder of Richard."

Andrews had a hunch that Orlando was going to make such a demand. Before he could weigh his options, William rejected the proposal. "Every member of the delegation is my responsibility and I will leave no one behind. I assure you Olivier will be punished for his crime, but in Aden, not here."

"Either he stays or none of you will ever leave," Orlando spoke through a clenched jaw. "Life of a murderer or nineteen other lives. You decide."

Andrews didn't reply instead he was trying to think of a way to wriggle their way out, and that is when he heard someone snigger. It was Olivier. Orlando flinched. "What makes you laugh you monster?"

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