A Blazing Wall of Water

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Chapter Forty-Eight

A Blazing Wall of Water

A person who has faced injustice or abuse, will never wish, let alone inflict, it on another person


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"Mother, this is Jennifer."

An hour after arriving in Agar, Shaun took Jennifer inside a tent and introduced her to an old lady. Claudia, who was in the early years of her third cycle, greeted Jennifer with a gracious smile. "Shaun tells me that you are the one who has taken Moses's place. I will tell you an interesting story. You know Moses and Shaun weren't expected to be born on that fateful day. I kept praying to God that I don't deliver on that day."

"But why?" Jennifer asked.

"Because I knew that the Transitioner must be born on the first day of the twenty-first cycle and I wished my child wasn't that. My husband and I had spent all our lives in fear because of the amulet. Hiding from enemies. Shifting from one place to another. I didn't want to pass that misery on to my children. But destiny has its ways. Moses was born prematurely and we knew what he was destined to become. But the Almighty surprised us with a blessing. We got twins. We thought God has given us another son so that one could live a normal life while the other can fulfill the destiny of these worlds."

"So you decided to separate them?"

"Yes, we kept Shaun near his aunt, so that Moses's fate doesn't affect Shaun's future. Their father was banished when they were seven. Moses got captured and banished before I could even explain to him what his destiny was. The Lords of Nature had sent Shaun to help his brother and take his place if required but we messed up that plan by splitting up our two kids. Thankfully they had another backup in you."

Claudia got up from her chair and kissed Jennifer over her glowing forehead. "My child you have to finish this for Moses. To be honest, if I could go back in time, I would have corrected my mistake. Mother's love clouded my thoughts back then, but today I can happily sacrifice all my children for the future of these worlds."

It is not just Elisians who have lost their peace, these people have suffered a lot too.

Jennifer's eyes became moist. "Although Jennifer may never experience the bliss of motherhood, she can surely relate to the grief of losing loved ones to these demons. And Jennifer promises you, very soon we will put an end to this cycle of traumas and miseries."

"And for doing that you have the support of this whole world," John said entering the tent. "For the last few cycles, people of this world have yearned for the rightful heir of Solomon to return to power. Shaun, although not a Transitioner, is an heir of Solomon. Some people even say that he is a copy of him. My father earmarked him as a beacon for this revolution. Adeners have their faith in him and he believes in you."

Claudia held Shaun's hand and looked at Jennifer. "My son inspires confidence in Adeners and they look up to him to bring the change. He will make these people rally behind you. He will stand by you, fight for you, and if required, die by your side."

"We must stop talking about dying. It is time our enemies start worrying about death." Jennifer said snapping her fingers.

If carrying the burden of Elisium wasn't enough, now hopes of two worlds rest on you. Way to go, Jennifer.

"I think it's time for our people to meet their new leader. The Savior, who will lead them out of this dark night into a new dawn," Shaun said leading Jennifer out of the tent.

Shaun took her to the town square and then climbed a raised platform. The weather was unrelenting. There was a steady downpour and people's feet were submerged in water up to their ankles. Nevertheless, thousands of Adeners braved the weather and assembled there to listen to him.

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