The Game of Destiny

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Chapter Fourteen

The Game of Destiny

We don't choose our destinies, but our destinies choose us


The Fifth Loop, Year 491, 10th January (5L/491/1/10)

"From the grandeur of the Grand Palace to this tiny pigeon-hole. Your choice of venues is going down the drain," Noah expressed his displeasure over the arrangements.

Adam rolled his eyes. "The conference happens inside the mind of the Transitioner. Moses has never been inside the Grand Palace so he can't project what he hasn't seen."

"But you could have at least selected a better location."

"Yes, I was thinking about the cage of Drowning. After all, you love drownings."

Noah opened his mouth to say something but Solomon intervened. "Sires, can we leave this for some other day? We don't want to present ourselves as some bickering old men to Moses in his first conference."

Solomon walked near Moses, who was snapping his fingers, looking from one person to another with wide eyes. "Let me introduce everyone. The gentleman at the head of the table is Adam the First, to his right, is Noah, then Abraham, David, I am Solomon, and here is Samuel the last king from our lineage. As you might have already guessed we all are Transitioners from the earlier Loops. We generally invite the last king before the Transition to these conferences, but unfortunately in this Loop, the situation went out of control earlier than required. Hence we have invited Samuel to update us on the current situation."

Samuel audibly cleared his throat. "I'm afraid, my current updates might be a hundred years old."

"Yes, but that is the best we have right now."

Great. As if George and Jacob weren't enough, you're holed up with some more old men now.

But they all look filled with wisdom.

That's the last thing you need. Will you open your mouth and ask what's exactly happening here?

"Sorry to interrupt you, but can I know, what's this all about?"

Solomon apologetically put up his hand. "Oh sorry, I just forgot to mention the purpose of our visit. We are here to share our experiences and help you decide your future course of action. You have to make your own decisions on the field, but we can give you a pretty good idea about how to use the amulet for transforming these worlds."

"And destroying them as well if you don't handle it properly," Adam reminded Solomon, with a clear edge in his tone.

Solomon frowned. "Okay, I was going to add that."

"I am so relieved. Finally, Sire Adam has someone else to take a dig at. I was kind of bored being the only punching bag here." Noah didn't miss his chance to needle Adam.

Solomon quickly got back to the topic before Adam could have a go at Noah. "These conferences are your training sessions. We will invade your mind now and then to provide you with information. And whenever you need some advice, you can always call upon us."

"And how can I do that?" Moses asked.

"We all are here, within you," Solomon said tapping his temple with his two fingers. "You are us and we are you—all different faces of one single identity. People call you my reincarnation, that is one way of explaining things, but in reality, you, me, and everyone else in this room are all parts of the One. Just close your eyes and remember us whenever you need and we will be there for you."

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