The Leap of Destiny

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Chapter Forty-Six

The Leap of Destiny

When history is being made, even the elements halt in their tracks to bear witness to the spectacle


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"Jennifer told you that they will keep plotting against us till they are alive. Can you see it now or are you still blinded by your compassion?"

A raging fury was burning in Jennifer's eyes. She and David were looking towards the fields to try and gauge the destruction caused by the twin tornadoes, with their backs towards the surrendering soldiers of Aden, when the sounds of few simultaneous gunshots pierced the silence.

Jennifer turned around. Tens of bullets, aimed at her, stopped inches from her body, and limply fell to the ground. Presumably, a unit of Aden's soldiers had acted on its own and decided to take down their biggest enemy. They kept firing but nothing touched her. An invisible divine shield was protecting her from these attacks.

"The last thing Jennifer's dying father told her was to never drop her guard and she heeded to his advice. And now she will make you all pay for your deceit." Jennifer closed her eyes and her fingers started snapping. Her forehead radiated the darkest shade of pink. Whatever was about to come was going to be devastating.

"Jennifer has got bored burning them. Now it's time to bury them."

She opened her eyes and stretched her hands in front of her body. She glared at the ground and it began to shake. There had been constant tremors since the beginning of the loop, but this was something unprecedented. Waves rippled across the ground as if it was a choppy sea. Soldiers of Aden were tossed around as if they were caught in a tsunami. And then the ground caved in. Hundreds of Aden's soldiers and their vehicles were consumed by Elisium.

Jennifer was wild rage personified. She was hell-bent on burying every single one of them alive. This was a desperate moment and David rushed to his sister. He brought his lips near her ear and whispered a chant.

Her brother's voice reached Jennifer. She felt someone pulling her out of her trance. She wanted to stay there and punish the monsters who wanted to destroy her and her world, but her brother's voice kept tucking at her soul. There was a struggle going on within her, between Jennifer and the Super-Transitioner. There was excruciating pain and she thought her body will split in two, but a sudden bliss took over the agony and Jennifer finally passed out into the calm of nothingness.


James was sitting at Jennifer's bedside when she opened her eyes. He kissed her on the forehead. "Welcome back."

Her head was still throbbing. "What happened out there?"

"You were turning this whole world upside down when you suddenly collapsed."

"David chanted something into Jennifer's ears and she felt as if someone was trying to tear her apart." Jennifer had vague memories of what happened before she passed out.

James uncomfortably shuffled in his chair.

"Blurt out what you want to say. You look terrible when you try to hold back your thoughts." Jennifer teased her husband.

"To be honest, I think you went a little too far with your powers there. I don't know how David managed to do that, but if he hadn't reigned you in, only God knows what you would have done."

"Was Jennifer that bad?"

"You almost turned half of the Elisium upside down."

"Jennifer used those tornadoes to save our soldiers. And she buried those men, only after they tried to attack us after pretending to surrender. So, tell me where did she go wrong?"

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