The Council of The Ruins

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Chapter Twelve

The Council of the Ruins

You lose your paradise when you listen to the Devil's whispers


The Fifth Loop, Year 381, 2nd January (5L/381/1/2)

"Time to conquer a new world."

Andrews didn't exactly have a bloody conquest in mind when he said those but beware of what you say because fate is listening to you.

Andrews took his touring party to the same village from where he had started his journey in Elisium a decade years ago.

"I think you love these Days of Adversity," Hesson said when he saw Andrews. "When people fear coming out of their houses, you enjoy taking a trip downstream. And this time you have brought a group of people with you."

Andrews smiled. "Maybe I just love seeing this world engulfed in chaos." Another statement that he didn't mean, but today destiny was speaking through him.

"I wasn't expecting guests, let me prepare some food for you people."

"Maybe some other day. Right now we are in a hurry. We will collect our things and get going." Andrews had visited this village a few days ago and kept all the essential things for their onward journey near Hesson, including twenty horses. They began their journey towards the Ruins but the lashing rains severely impacted their pace.

They arrived at the Ruins on the fifth day of the Crossing and quietly checked into one of the inns in the city. Andrews asked the members of his touring party to remain indoors. The last thing he wanted was twenty men coming face to face with their doppelgangers and triggering unnecessary panic among Elisians. They must first win the confidence of the Council of the Ruins and only then the common people must know the truth.

The next morning, Andrews and Matthews sat in the chambers inside the office of the Council while five other members of the delegation were waiting outside the room. The Council of Ruins comprised twelve members, descendants of those nobles who had survived the Catastrophe at the turn of the Loop and then helped rebuild the Ruins.

Orlando, the head of the Council presided over the meeting. "Dear Andrews, why did you request an urgent meeting of the Council? Couldn't it have waited till the Days of Adversity are over?"

"I have to return to my home before these days are over."

"I would have never called the meeting if the request would have come from someone else. But your instruments and inventions have helped us a lot in the last few years. And you look like Matthews, who is one of our dearest members, so I couldn't deny you," Orlando added with a warm smile. "Now tell us what you want?"

"My Lord, your esteemed families have helped restore The Ruins to its former glory. It is once again the beating heart of Elisium and now you have a chance to take it to the zenith of its splendor."

Richard, the head of the guards who maintained law and order within the Ruins, asked Andrews, "Will you come to the point and stop beating around the bush?"

A playful smile spread across Andrews's face. "I would rather show than tell."

Andrews requested for the five men waiting outside to be called inside the chamber. Their faces were covered in red traveling veils that people wore to shield them from severe weather. Andrews nodded and all of them removed the veil together. Every member of the council gasped aloud when they saw their faces.

Andrews had specifically selected these men to accompany him on this trip. Olivier, the HighMinister of Aden, and the second most powerful person after King Samuel, was the duplicate of Orlando, the head of the Council of Ruins. William, the chief of Aden's army was the copy of Richard, the head of Guards. Three other ministers of Aden who had accompanied Andrews were doppelgangers of three other members of the Council.

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