The Dilemma

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Chapter Thirty-One

The Dilemma

Some doors must remain shut and never be opened

My love led me to you, and now I don't want to go anywhere


5L 21/19/5/15

"Put down your guns. I would love to kill each one of you, but I have to follow certain protocols. So don't tempt me into doing something which I so much want to do."

Jennifer and her companions heard the enemy commander shout into the megaphone of his vehicle. They were surrounded by a dozen patrolling vehicles in the middle of the field and there was nowhere to run. A herd of antelopes cornered by a pack of hungry wolves.

Jennifer noticed that the soldiers of David's army had formed a protective ring around her. George, Nathan, and David were busy throwing quizzical looks at each other. If they got killed, the whole top brass of David's army will be gone. If they surrendered, it might be worst.

They are not worried about themselves, they are worried about you. They are thinking about how to get you out of this mess. Now, will you stop fooling around and get to work.

Jennifer took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her lips started to move. Her fingers began snapping.

"I give you worms a minute. Put down your guns or I'll shoot every one of you." The enemy commander repeated his warning.

And then, something extraordinary happened. Out of nowhere, a massive sandstorm engulfed the fields. The blanket of dust was so thick that no one could even see their hands.

"Keep moving in the west direction and try to reach the bushes," Jennifer shouted to her men.

Jennifer was stuck in the same situation as Moses, but the conferences had given her enough training on how to tackle different scenarios. Jennifer made some quick calculations. She knew there was a desert beyond these fields.

Grandpa Solomon, hope your trick works

And it did. Although her sandstorm blind-sighted her men as well, it provided them cover to make it to the bushes. From there reaching the tunnel wouldn't be so hard.

But the enemy commander was smart and he guessed what they might try to do. He barked in his radio, "Troops on the west side, come out of the vehicles and hold your positions. Enemies will be moving towards you. Everyone else, get out of your trucks and move towards the bushes." However, these instructions came a little too late for them.

Jennifer was quite surprised when she realized that the sandstorm didn't affect her.

Grandpa Solomon surely didn't mention this. But no one's complaining here.

She swiftly moved towards the three trucks which came in her troop's way. And then she decided to do a Moses. She almost felt silly doing it, and she wouldn't have been surprised if nothing happened. But she took a chance. She mustered all her strength and kicked one of the armored vehicles. She realized that she had over-exerted herself when the truck lifted off the ground like a giant football, took a few tumbles, and came to a halt several meters away. Before anyone could understand what was happening the two nearby trucks were sent flying as well.

All the members of David's army dashed towards the bushes. Jennifer looked at other looters who had milled out of their vehicles and were moving towards the bushes. They still heavily outnumbered her men.

The sandstorm will be over in a few minutes and your men might not make it back to the tunnel. You must decisively swing this battle in your favor before that happens. Ground your enemies into the dirt while they are handicapped.

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