A Twist in the Tale

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Part Two

Love is a strength and not a weakness. Love is a miracle that can perform miracles

Chapter Thirty-Five

A Twist in the Tale

An ally to a tyrant, whether he likes it or not, becomes a tyrant himself


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"I just can't understand why it is so difficult for people to understand a simple thing? How many times I have to repeat to you that you must stay out of harm's way till your time comes?"

Adam, as everyone had already expected, was furious.

"Jennifer is following all your instructions. What more do you want me to do?"

"Just tell me, when did I instruct you to walk right into enemy's territory with just ten soldiers to protect you?"

"That was supposed to be a safe trip. Our men have been mining Star-Rocks from those fields for the last couple of cycles without any incident. How the hell enemies got tipped off about our movement on that particular day is anyone's guess. It could just be sheer bad luck. And for your information, Jennifer can't see the future. I had no way of knowing what was about to happen there."

"That is the exact reason I want you to stay away from trouble. You must not hop onto anything filled with uncertainties. That was a narrow escape."

Noah, as usual, cut off a rampaging Adam. "I think we should applaud the girl for the courage and skills she showed that day. She single-handedly took out a whole enemy company."

Jennifer gave a sheepish smile. "Grandpa Solomon's sandstorm tactic was a great help.".

Noah put out his chest. "Ask Solomon who taught him that trick."

It was hard to please David but he was also impressed. "That air shield you conjured was some sharp thinking on the feet. I thought your boyfriend was gone for all money before you suddenly came up with that shield."

Jennifer's cheeks turned a shade of pink. "He is not Jennifer's boyfriend." She quickly fired a question to divert everyone from that topic. "By the looks of it, you all seem to know everything about the fight. Were you all present there when this fight was happening?"

Adam narrowed his eyes. "I don't believe that you are still asking us this question? How can you forget we reside inside your brain and are attached to your soul. We see through your eyes and listen through your ears."

"And also get a taste of your food." Noah crinkled his nose. "And the food in the Refuge is horrible."

Everyone stared at Noah. "That was a joke. Just spare me those glares."

Abraham also boarded the praise wagon. "We all have to admit that Jennifer excelled under pressure. Training is a completely different thing, but to be able to execute her skills under such circumstances is truly commendable. In hindsight, I think we all should be happy that this incident happened because it gave us a good idea about Jennifer's capabilities."

Adam brought that wagon to a screeching halt. "We shouldn't get carried away. She did well, but if she has to win this war she will have to further develop her skills, as she might be facing thousands of enemies"

"You can never please our grandpa, no matter what you do." Noah was at his annoying best.

Adam just ignored him "Jennifer, I am telling you this because there is an interesting twist in the tale. Your enemy number one, whom you were getting ready to fight, has suddenly been replaced."

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