A Telling Blow

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Chapter Thirty

A Telling Blow

Great leaders are borne out of sacrifices


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"Isn't this ironical that I am presiding over the Celebrations of Freedom, although this might be my last day as a free man."

Samuel whispered to Desmond, sitting on a large chair that resembled his throne, over an opulent stage built on the Deck of the Nineteen Martyrs. He was presiding over the farewell ceremony that he had aptly named the Celebration of Freedom. Five thousand soldiers were about to depart for Tenebra, to take over the control of that base and relieve the current troops from their duty.

Although Samuel maintained his composure, he was wrecked from within. He knew Olivier, Malcolm and Henry might have already jumped into the whirlpool and they shall be here by tomorrow. That would be the end of his reign and a long-lasting legacy.

His time may be up, but in the last seven years, Samuel had changed the dynamics of Aden by carrying out sweeping reforms. Graham, son of Andrews and a young man with a genius mind just like his father, and Desmond helped him in his mission. Rather than concentrating their efforts solely around Aurae and the neighboring areas, they reached out to far ends of this world in a bid for comprehensive development. Aden was divided into different provinces for better governance and all those provinces were given representation into the Council. Some of the marginalized communities, which always felt left out were pleased by their king's efforts to bring them into the fold. Samuel was labeled the king of the common man.

He further stacked his Council with scientists, scholars, and representatives from different regions to cut down the influence of the nobles, who inherited these seats down the generations. A subsequent law was passed to reserve these seats for only such distinguished people and elected representatives. This move of expanding the Council riled up the elites but delighted the masses. By adding these members Samuel safeguarded the interests of the common people to a certain extent. Now it would be very difficult to pass any laws that could harm the interests of Adeners. This was a tactical move to rein in the new regime from rampant corruption.

To undo some of the damage he had caused to Elisium, Samuel ordered his troops to be trained in humanitarian work and social services. He just hoped that on seeing the ground realities these new troops will reach out to Elisians and try to restore some peace in that world.

Samuel also used these seven years to hide his family. He split them up and sent them to far-off regions, on the pretext of sending them as envoys. He instructed them to keep moving and merge into the commoners till their trail had completely disappeared. Samuel's heart broke into pieces when he had to send away his children, but he knew that it was necessary to save them from his enemies.

Finally, the day he had feared, arrived. When a person knows his looming fate and accepts it, that takes out the sting. On the second morning of the Crossing, Samuel was standing on the balcony when a few guards walked into the room.

"Your Highness, an urgent Council meeting has been called. Everyone is expecting you."

Samuel turned around to face the guards. His mind was clear. His nerves were calm. He was happy for what he had achieved in the last seven years and now he wanted to get done with this Council circus. "I think this may be the last time you will be addressing me as Your Highness. Let us go and face my fate."

Samuel walked into the Great hall of the Council. Large granite statues of his forefathers, who had ruled this world with pride and honor, stared at him. Samuel wondered if he had brought disgrace to his whole family with one foolish decision.

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