The Battle of the Capital

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Chapter Eleven

The Battle of the Capital

Brave men fighting for a wrong cause can bring down a whole world


The Fifth Loop, Year 1, 4th January (5L/1/1/4)

"Believe me, something big is about to happen. It is time for the Transition," One of the residents of the Capital whispered to his friend.

"It is the start of a new Loop. Hope these men teach our tyrant king a lesson, " the other man said, pointing to the small army marching through the streets.

Elisians had never seen a hundred men on horse-backs—covered in armor from head to toe and brandishing naked weapons. A nervous excitement, a sense of anticipation was building amongst the people.

"I can't believe this is the same city I left a decade ago," Solomon said to Aaron, Peter's son, his dearest friend and his most trusted advisor.

Aaron was admiring the city with wide eyes. "I have never seen such humongous palaces ever before."

"During my forefathers' reign, the Capital was one large settlement, with the elites and the commoners living next to each other. Now I can see a distinct divide. That Royal Mound," Solomon said pointing to a hillock, "which houses the Grand palace is now a part of the heavily fortified enclave."

"I assume The Grand Palace isn't the only palace in The Capital anymore. Your Uncle Thomas's corrupt ministers have built some lavish residences for themselves, right beside his palace."

"I heard people were thrown out of the vicinity of the Grand Palace to keep this enclave free of commoners," Solomon said with a sigh. "While the elites enjoy the extravagance, commoners are compressed into small houses, narrow streets, and overcrowded neighborhoods."

Solomon and his men waded their way through the congested streets towards the Royal Mound. A procession of curious onlookers had started walking behind them. Their caravan stopped at the large clearing in front of the magnificent gateway of the Royal Mound. Solomon nodded to Aaron and he turned his horse towards the gateway.

Boris, head of the Royal guards, walked towards Aaron. "May I know who you are and what is the purpose of your visit?"

"I am Aaron, the chief adviser to Solomon the Conqueror, son of King Isaac the Enlightened, the righteous king of this world. King Solomon has come here to claim what is rightfully his. He wants to meet King Thomas and explain to him the terms of his surrender."

Boris broke into a burst of laughter. "Terms of surrender? What cheap booze are you drinking? My friends, better you get lost from here before our king loses his head and gets all your heads on spikes."

Aaron gave a quaint smile. His calm demeanor unnerved Boris. "Your king will certainly lose his head, quite literally, if he doesn't bow it for Solomon the Conqueror. Anyway, I didn't expect a better response from you. But don't you think this matter is way beyond your grade? So, why don't you fetch someone with real power to talk with us."

Although Boris didn't like Aaron's dismissive tone, he knew he had a point. This was an unusual scenario and he must inform his seniors about this situation.


King Thomas was presiding over a meeting in the Great Hall, when Boris informed Geoffrey, the minister of security and commander of the Elisian army, about the situation at the gateway.

Thomas guffawed when he was briefed on the situation. "Solomon? Son of Isaac? This person doesn't know what happened to Isaac, or how Solomon, shivering with fear, committed suicide by jumping into the Abyss. If he had known that he would have chosen someone else to impersonate."

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