The Minefield

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Chapter Forty-Five

The Minefield

When angels or demons fight the wars of men, it only leads to destruction


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"Freeze. All vehicles freeze."

Alfred grabbed the radio and shouted as his driver pressed hard on the brakes and their truck came to a screeching halt. Alfred was in the front seat of the third vehicle at the head of the convoy. He had been awake the whole last day because he knew that during any crisis, his troops' safety might depend on his prompt actions. Once his vehicle entered the secured perimeter, he dropped his guard and dozed off.

A loud blast shook him up. He opened his eyes to see one of the two vehicles in front of him go up in flames. Before he could react, the second vehicle blew up as well.

"What the hell? Did those morons drove over our mines?" Alfred asked his driver.

The driver pointed to the map in front of him. "No sir. We are strictly following the map. There shouldn't have been any mines in this area at all."

Alfred had a long hard look at the map. "I told Commander Christopher that laying down mines inside our fortress is idiotic. I knew we will end up shooting ourselves in the foot. It seems our mapping department forgot to mark these mines. Tell everyone to stay put till I sort this out." Alfred then shouted on his radio. "Units Alpha four and Alpha five, get down and check on the damaged vehicles."

Soldiers from two trucks jumped out of their vehicles and moved towards the corner of the road. The moment they stepped sideways, there were simultaneous explosions on both sides of the convoy. Tens of soldiers were blown away.

These blasts made it loud and clear to Alfred that this was no blunder from their side, rather the enemies had somehow breached their fortress and tampered with their maze. Before Alfred could think of some plan of action, the vehicle adjacent to his truck blew up. There was another explosion behind him. And another. Alfred helplessly looked around to see vehicles around him go up in flames. His feet grew cold when he realized that their convoy was stuck on a road in the center of a large field and their enemies, hiding in these fields, were targeting Aden's vehicles with their very own anti-vehicle guns.

And then Alfred's eyes fell on someone and a chill went down his spine. He had heard about the mysterious girl from the soldiers who had survived the storehouse ambush. That girl was now standing on a small hillock on the left side of the road, merrily shooting lightning bolts at his convoy. Alfred rubbed his eyes and his mouth fell wide open. The thing that shocked him wasn't the thunderbolts, but rather the utter ease from which she was able to shoot them. It all looked like a child's play for her. She was calm, composed, and didn't even break a sweat while annihilating his troops.

The armored trucks, and most of their interiors, were made of solid metal to make them sturdy. She used this fact to her advantage and electrocuted his soldiers right inside their vehicles. The ominous thunderstorms were making her job easy. A tremendous amount of energy was present in the atmosphere and all she had to do was to direct it at specific targets. And there were abundant targets in front of her.

Alfred had to think on his feet and try something out of the box. If his men remain hidden behind the trucks this girl was going to fry them all inside their vehicles. Alfred grabbed his radio. "Attention, all the units inside the security perimeter. Our enemies are hiding in the fields on either side of the road. Charge at them and finish them off."

At that precise moment, the girl's gaze fell on Alfred's truck that was still standing amidst the burning debris. Their eyes probably met for a split second before Alfred opened the door and jumped out of his truck. On cue, a lightning bolt hit the vehicle and his driver was electrocuted in front of his eyes.

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