The Trap

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

The Trap

A very obvious idea is never the best plan


5L 21/21/19/21

"I assume our troops are ready to do the dirty job?"

Marcus was taking a stroll in the magnificently landscaped gardens of his Grand Palace with Michael.

"Yes, Your Highness. They have been trained exactly as you had ordered."

"They must be trained to kill on any little provocation. Even without any provocation. You understand that they are not going to do any humanitarian work over there. They must be ready to go to any lengths to establish our complete authority in that world."

"Yes, Queen-Mother's idea of spiritual sessions was quite a success. Your preachers have brainwashed our troops to see every breathing thing on that planet as their enemies. Their subconscious has been instilled with the fear of the unknown."

"Do you think they will be able to pull off this mission for us?"

"A weapon, no matter how deadly, is only as lethal as the person who wields it. How these troops fare depends on who commands them and I am sure that I am not the one chosen to do that." Michael did little to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"I know how much you want to lead these troops, but I cannot risk going against the Council and lose everything, just like Samuel. The effects of all those theatrics at the Celebration of Unity are gradually dissipating and people have started to see what lies behind the curtains. However, no one has the guts to openly oppose me and I want to keep it that way. And that idiot Paul Andrews is always at my throat. He will stir a storm if I suggest your name for this mission and I don't want to give him that chance."

"You have given him too much freedom. His growing stature is a clear threat to your throne. All he needs is one slip up from you and he will turn the whole of Aden against you. Why don't you do something to silence him."

"Some people call him the common man's king. There will be an Aden-wide rebellion if I even try to pluck a hair out of his head."

"You don't necessarily have to execute him. He can meet an accident or even die in his sleep. After all, he is an old man and you know a thing or two about old men dying in their sleep." Michael's jibe was pretty obvious and it didn't go down too well with his king.

"You are listening to too many rumors."

"Your Highness, let us drop these pretenses and be frank. I think your father had grown too old and was in no shape to tackle the crisis which we are facing. So, it was appropriate that you took over but your timing was awful. Your father died right in the night when he had called an urgent Council meeting to announce his plans for Tenebra. That left a lot of room for wagging tongues and pointing fingers. You should have done, what you eventually did, a lot earlier."

Marcus didn't tell Michael that it was his mother who had done it in the end. "We are not here to discuss my father's death. Tell me how can you help me with Paul."

"I can remove him in a way that no finger will ever point at you."

"Okay, do it. I promise that I will make you the HighMinister of Tenebra once your troops have won it for us. Handpick some of your fiercest and relentless commanders. Promise them high rewards and a lifetime of luxuries. Train them to be ruthless while leading the mission in your absence. Prepare them in a way that your absence isn't felt in that world."

"But your father had promised to send a delegation of ministers on the mission to rein in the army. Our commanders will be no good if your ministers keep overruling them."

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