The Twins

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Chapter Forty-Seven

The Twins

We, humans, are hellbent on wasting the blessings of destiny, but it always somehow finds a way to bless us back


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"What? Visitors? Here? Who?"

David asked Arnold when he told him that some people wanted to meet him. He was busy getting his troops ready to move towards Aurae. Thankfully Aden's army had done decent preparations to receive their returning troops. There was more than enough food, clothing, weapons, and vehicles to help David's men in their further journey.

"You ought to have a look at them yourself." Arnold shrugged.

"Okay, bring them."

Arnold brought them near David, but it was James, who gasped and brought his hand to his mouth. James pinched himself when he saw John standing in front of him. "Well, well, well. We surprised our enemies by using their duplicates and now it's time for us to get surprised. I think you must be the great-grandson of Andrews the Explorer."

"Yes. I am John Paul Andrews. And you must be a descendant of Matthews." John replied extending his hand towards James.

James shook his hand. "I am James. Although I have seen a lot of such incidents in the last few days, still it's absolutely mind-boggling to be standing face to face with someone who looks exactly like me."

Jennifer got a chance to pull her husband's leg. "Jennifer is having goosebumps as well. As if enduring one James wasn't enough, she is now being told that God created two such samples." Everyone had a hearty chuckle.

And then Jennifer's mouth fell open when she saw someone in that group. "Moses!"

"Not Moses, he is Shaun. Moses's twin brother." John explained.

"Twin brother? How is that possible? If Moses had a twin brother why wasn't he banished to Elisium with Moses?" Jennifer still couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"His parents never told anyone that they had twins. They knew that one of them might become the Transitioner and their lives might be in danger. So they separated the twins in the hope that if something happens to one of them, the other survives. Shaun was kept with her aunt, and it was only after Moses was banished, that his Aunt told him the truth."

Jacob slowly clapped his hands. "The Lords of Nature, seeing the utterly chaotic situation in this loop, had a backup plan right from the beginning. They had sent two prospective Transitioners, two heirs to Solomon, but it was us humans who messed up their plans."

"If Moses had a brother who was born on the same day, why didn't he become the Transitioner after Moses?" Jennifer asked shaking her head.

"Well, because Shaun wasn't in the required world at the time of Moses's death. You know if Moses's parents hadn't split up their kids, Shaun would have been banished with Moses as well, and he would have been present in Elisium to take over from Moses. Destiny already had a backup that we couldn't see. We, humans, are hellbent on wasting the blessings of destiny, but it always somehow finds a way to bless us back. Just like the way it blessed us by turning Jennifer into the Transitioner when everything seemed lost. Maybe it is a way for the Supremes to show us their supremacy and our fallibility. "

Shaun narrowed his eyes. "What happened to Moses?"

Jennifer put a comforting hand on Shaun's shoulder. "It is a long story which Jennifer will tell you in detail, but first meet Jennifer, your distant cousin, and supposedly a triplet to you twins," she added with a quaint smile.

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