An Upward Curve

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

An Upward Curve

Bonds forged during desperate times last forever


The Fifth Loop, Year 497, 7th April (5L/497/4/7)

"How are we going to receive the incoming troops if we are not even able to move out of these boundaries?" Christopher asked Simon. They were standing on the watch tower near Gateway Three. Christopher regularly visited all the outer checkposts to ensure everything was in order.

"Sir, it has been seven years since the ambush that killed our hundred and twenty men," Simon replied, casting a longing glance toward the vast expanses of the world that existed beyond these boundaries. "We can try and test the waters if you allow us."

"No, they have attacked our every scouting party since that day. I am sure they have a strong army and some pretty good weapons. We can't afford any more casualties."

"Sir, our soldiers feel as if they are locked inside a large prison. This is having a serious effect on their physical and mental health."

"Come on, we have a huge area under the secured perimeter," Christopher said with a shake of his head. "I think they just miss plundering."

"Yes, our farms keep them fed but most of the livestock and other delicacies came through these raids. No plundering means no parties and the same boring food."

"I am more worried about keeping them alive than keeping them entertained. I just hope that the Council has taken my last message seriously and is preparing to send a large reinforcement at the turn of the Loop."

"But how will we secure the Demon's Gate this time around when our enemies are ready to blow us up the moment we step out?

Christopher sighed. He knew this was a huge problem. He had to somehow take half of his army at the Tenebra base to Elisium's entry point at least a couple of weeks before the Crossing. They will need to comb that area to clear it of any intruders, erect watchtowers, and make all the necessary arrangements to ensure a safe entry for the new troops. If Christopher failed to secure the Demon's Gate, the incoming troops might get massacred in the river itself..


Things had gone very smoothly for Elisians in the seven years after Jennifer's resurrection. David's Army had kept all enemy exit points under check. They attacked any scouting party that ventured outside and pushed it back into their burrow. The looters lost the guts for looting after a few casualties.

George had thrown a huge party near the shores of Adam's Lake in the Refuge. The savory smell of a delicious barbecue hung in the air.

"What is the occasion?" Jacob asked George, picking up a steak from the grill

"You remember Clovefield?"

Jacob cleared his throat. "How can I forget the village you got our savior killed."

A lump formed in George's throat too but he pushed that memory away. "That village has been back to life for more than a year now. They had bumper crops this year and have sent their surplus supplies to Refuge. They produce some of the best meat in this world."

Jacob took a big bite from his steak. "Thousands have moved out of the Refuge in the last few years but they never forget their time here."

"It is hard to forget when people accommodate you in their house when they don't have enough space for their families. Or when your neighbors share their food with you, even if it means that their stomachs are half empty."

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